Mercy's Situation is NOT fair!

welcome to life. jeff is just going to touch characters here and there from now on but I do hope mercy gets back her reses cd decreased.

Clearly not talking about the same thing.

Then how exactly is Mass Resurrect’s fun coming at the expense of her team if Mercy isn’t trolling?

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Not being healed, dying for no reason other than just get ressurected, which is still a viable tactic to win games.

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To be fair, no hero is meant to be fun to play against. Also, Mercy isn’t the only hero to receive this treatment. Roadhog and are both perfect examples of being changed because they were “unfun to play against”.

Hog lost his ability to reliably one-shot because it was unfun. lost her 6s DM because it was unfun when she could eat entire ults with it.

Does that make the changes reasonable? Not at all. But they happen. Should they? Nope… but again, sadly, they do.

That is one thing people do have to get a grip on. NOBODY is supposed to be fun to play against otherwise their hero design is massively flawed. They’re abilities and ults are meant to empower THEIR team, not the enemy.

When a hero is showing as over-performing (which none of the 3 heroes were), then yes, nerfs are obviously warranted, such as Mercy 2.0 who desperately needed a ton of nerfs for being way too overtuned.

It isn’t fair to anybody when a hero is changed when they’re not even over-performing, but it happens because they’re “unfun” to play against.

No see… abandoning your team IS trolling. Only exception is if they get caught in a Grav Destruct combo or something that 60 HPS isn’t saving anyone from ever.

Most Mercy players who weren’t using the SR exploit knew that and didn’t do that.

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So there are exceptions, see? Exactly like you said:

Which can be:

Or hiding and rezzing, which could be used as a viable strategy, so in the interest of the team.

You can stun/shield any of those ults. What am I supposed to do for Mercy? Turn on my aimbot?

If mass rez had gotten a cast time and a LoS restriction like it SHOULD have, you could have stunned or killed her during the cast. Blimey knows that we have enough cc characters to take care of something like that these days.

lol tac visor SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS and its one of the reasons why S76 is trash atm

Tac Visor literally decreases your dps

It prevents you from using your rocket for a few seconds, but it gives you perfect accuracy.

it takes your ability to hit headshots and is a literal garbage ultimate

Ah. Okay then. I don’t play Soldier very often, so I’ll take your word for it. I can see how “no headshots” would make tacvisor less good in ranks where people can actually aim properly.

But it didn’t, and that doesn’t relate to my comment, so what’s the point?

Get a stun from McCree, Mei, Brig or have a Zar bubble his target and his becomes more or less worthless lol.

I assumed you were complaining about how Mass Rez didn’t have enough proactive counterplay?

Inb4 you are already replying. Did you even read the quote?

Junkrat’s ult can be destroyed fairly easily.
Genji’s ult easy? What?
With mccree you’re lucky if u get 2kills or even onea
Dva is really slow and mainly used for zoning.
Pharah becomes the easiest target to hit
Reinhardt’s ult hits u 50% of thethe time cause it’s bugged

I was talking about Valkyrie