my favorite part of this rework is despite their best effort to nerf rez and take its power and put into other parts of her kit, has paradoxically only made it stronger by diluting it into its most powerful of tempo rezzing one or two character every now and then
mercy now is EASIER to play then before
its why the mercy meta has been going on for months now
the rework made her OP
old mercy you really needed to play well to get value out of her
now you get rez for free every 30 seconds,so it doesnt matter as much when mercy dies now.
Battle mercy is not what her ult is meant to be. But it made her a stronger healer…
Which is why you have to actually play mercy now to get to high ranks, instead of just mass rezzing your team to carry you there.
But I’m trying to appeal to the people who think she needs a buff, with a reasonable suggestion that won’t break the game, and makes her just a little bit stronger.
mass rez is good design because its not NECESSARILY mass rez
it was a choice between tempo rez or massrez.
usually 3 ;sometimes 2 or 1,and rarely 4 or 5
Decision making was key and made her ult challenging (tho LOS was needed and maybe a slight cast time,invurnerability was too much and should have been damage reduction at most)
Now with current rez its literally just a matter of
is it safe to rez?
No? -> dont rez
yes?-> rez and get the counter going again
if you die you have it again anyway in 30 seconds,rez is never earned.
Sometimes you can get a risky rez of but usually its just a matter of hiding a bit and rezzing.
And that is why mass res was more like a Jackpot.
Decision making sounds smart but it just means you are making a bet about the situation. Because there isnt any consistency in the ult. it is sometime 1,2,3,4,5 and even when you are pretty sure you got it , you can get suddenly killed and lose that bet.
That is kinda close to Riptire. You sometimes get a massive kill, But sometimes you dont get any. And riptire is also a bad ult because it is too powerful at lower tiers while it gets erased so much in GM by snipers.
Bringing mass res back is like the nerf making riptire SLOW again(mass res again) because it was too good even in GM(Valkrie and res). But the nerf just made it situational in higher tiers and failed to be really balanced.
the most extreme example is dva where she often has no kills,but if she’s more careful ,she can have 3-4 kills or even a treamwipe.
same for soldier if there is a shield around and other ults like phara’s etc…
its all a jackpot if you think like that
I think mercy WOULD have been balanced by giving her a skillfull E ability
somethin harder to do that would be of use midfight. ,maybe even an offensive move on a good cooldown. Just something so massrez could be nerfed with LOS,damage reduction, cast time.
Dva self destruct is consistant. It cant get cancelled. Even if you block it shields take damage. We dont call something like that a Gamble. Valkrie is also very consistant.
But “IF” mass res was consistant, there wouldnt be any counting lives. It would be always maximum or minimum
it can damage shields sure but its literally almost useless if you cant kill the persons behind the shield.
Unless you only used it for zoning it was a gamble that didnt pay of
Dva ult is consistant but ALL depends on location and timing
same for mass rez
it all depends on location and timing.
That I already explained. This is same as when Riptire was too powerful it was consistant. But nerfing isnt equal to making it unconsistant. Many ults have that same problem which is blizzard fault
Honestly whenever I play competitive everyone just screams at me to play Mercy because “Mercy wins games she’s op”.
I heal them 24/7, but then they fail to protect me from flankers and I die so we still lose.
They blame the Mercy of course.
This attitude needs to stop harder than a Charge hitting a Rocket Punch, and I think the best way of doing that is by making Mercy’s rez an ultimate ability again.
Make it either an instant solorez, or bring back the mass rez but give it a one second channel time for each hero she’s rezzing (so going for a 5 man rez is basically suicide).
Uh, than you maybe like that.
I was a Master player with MMR which matched me most of the time with GM’s as well and I only saw Mercy player in master+ which did that, fail laughably.
So you have to believe me now because i obviously had a far better strategy with Mercy than hide and res.
Riptires are getting destroyed even in high silver and low gold with decent regularity as of late. It’s barely better than before it was buffed and pre buff it was constantly getting destroyed across the ladder.
Right now you pretty much have to drop it from above to get any value out of it. Give it about 6 more months and as people aim gets better they will probably have to buff its speed or boost it’s health.
Junkrat is borderline f tier. I think Mei is God tier comparing to Junkrat… that is how bad junkrat has become.
true, but it is at the root of the issues of the healer issue atm.
an ult that is too strong should be weakened before the main part of a hero is weakened. I mean they could of reduced the healign done by Valk to full on primary target, but half efefct on the branches.
makes it retain value, but weaken it enoguh that it isnt extremely oppressive while also leaving her non ult heals same (as they have never been an issue)
I was never one to voice my opinions on changes, because they were minor.
This rework was nowhere near minor, and it effected me so negatively I found other games to play shortly after playing her on the PTR (knowing full well it wouldn’t get tweaked and become Mercy in Every Game on live). I wanted to share my frustration. Get it out. I bottle up so much…
I’m glad we’re realizing it was a bad idea.
I’ll come back to OW more once there’s another ultimate ability that has the same impact as old resurrect did.
I think it could have worked if it didn’t rez everyone all at once but rather give her a timer so she could rez individuals over a period of time (with no cooldown like the current version). Mass rez just nullified epic stands by the opposing team and you couldn’t really kill Mercy fast enough to stop it most of the time.
The thing is, it was “uncounterable” because it was instant, it got many buffs before the rework which made it pretty unfair, just to name a few.
At first it stopped Mercy on her tracks while casting it, she was also vulnerable, then they made it faster and allowed Mercy to move around while casting it, players complained because she usually died after doing a mass rez which for all intents and purposes was a fair trade, then they allowed resurrected teammates to regain control faster, and finally they gave her invincibility while casting it (with an almost negligible casting time), so yeah, it was pretty much uncounterable by the end of those days.