Mercy's Rework helped encourage the toxicity problem in an ironic way

Lol, he tried to spew false information and got called out for doing so. He dug his own grave.


I didn’t say noobs, I said bad Mercy’s. There are bad players at every rank, and Mercy enabled that with her SR glitch (mass ressing gave massive amounts of SR on a win and decreased the SR lost on a loss so that it would take 2 or 3 losses for a win).

As for the “numbers with no proof” I shouldn’t have to prove how bad the numbers were for mass res because they are presented (with proof) in every post about mass res. If you don’t believe that statistic then you must not have read very many posts about mass res. The only statistic I didn’t have proof for was about how many people used mass res, and just judging by how people talk about it on forums, 80-85% sounds about accurate. I know that I never once used that tactic and I had pretty good res stats. Unfortunately, the res nerf (as I like to call it) tanked those numbers so I can’t prove it anymore. I do know that I had res up for every team fight and only got a 4 or 5 man res maybe 4 times in a 2 month period. I didn’t hold on to res when I could save 2 or 3 teammates and turn the fight around.


Yeah I dont think I ever even got a 5 person rez. It was usually 2-3, like the tanks that would dive in first or whoever. It was nice because you could make the call that you knew a person was going to die , stop healing them and boost the guy beside you, get the kill and then rez the dead bait. It was SO hard to get a 5 man rez or even 4 man. Theyd all have to be bronze and looking at a health pack somewhere. Now all you do is fly around and alternate between damage and healing and then when almost everyone is dead take out your gun and help clean up. Meh, it’s alright either way.


You would have to bank pretty hard on them getting wiped in a Grav to be sure to get the sick x5… if the enemies didn’t have Grav the deaths would often be staggered or physically too far apart.


best res I ever had, and I only managed this one time. I got killed first on Hollywood attack first point (way to go enemy team, you were smart, but too slow) and when I got back all 5 of my teammates were dead and within close range of the small room hiding behind the car between spawn and the point. I got the res off just in time to get all 5 of them, my teammates went nuts. I don’t think I could pull that off a second time, the timing was just too perfect. If the enemy team had killed me just 2 seconds later or been 2 seconds faster at killing my team I would have missed it.

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Oh, now an opinion is valid when it goes your way, funny how things work, huh?

Yeah, in these thread when you’re against the revert they try to eat you, came here assuming it. But it’s still funny watching this echo chamber.

I did a total of three x5 rezzes. Two were the result of Graviton, one was just a general ult-spam. The Grav was expected in both cases, so I stayed back out of reach (in one of the cases there was a Genji who actually stopped attacking me so he could get in on the “killing every sitting duck” instead of making sure I couldn’t rez them again). The other one was me healing from cover, waiting out the Dragon that cut me off from my team, and then virtually flying into a Rocket Barrage to secure the x5.

I had a decent amount of x4 rezzes, but most were in general 2-3.


Exactly. It would literally require perfect timing, not just from Mercy, but the enemy killing everyone inside a small window of time. It was a statistical improbability that this would not only work, but work more than once.

Maybe because your opinion was backed up with BS videos of “mercy mains” dictating how to play a specific hero because that’s the play style they use.


mmmhmm, and let me guess, you typically got around 10-15 revives per QP match? getting cards for reviving a percentage of deaths in the upper teens?

My average back then was 6, my average now is almost 9. :joy:

I only got the rez card twice before the rework, was shocked because I didn’t know it existed back then. :rofl:

I was getting res card at least once every 3 or 4 matches.

EDIT: you’re not the first to tell me you get more revives now than you did before, I find it odd because I was getting a lot of revives back then, like… a lot.

I actually know for sure because I have an old account I switched from a few months before the rework, so my stats are “preserved”. I was more likely, then as well as now, to get the X amount of damage healed-card.

In fact, it’s either that or defensive assists… such boring cards.

First of all, having an opinion is not inherently toxic, it is how you share it. Furthermore, I am really not sure how it gave players the impression that complaining is the way to go when they have literally set a precedent for ignoring complaining Mercy mains. They are definitely not using reality to come to that conclusion.

blizzard is avoiding the nerf that should of been done right away. And that is moving rez from a stupidly broken e ability to valk. That would fix mostly why MERcy is always picked.

She is also way too consistent and is pretty hard to kill due to how mobile she is and her anorexic hitbot

Move rez to valk and either add 1 second to guardian angel or make her hit box a little bigger and she is fixed.

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This post couldn’t have been more accurate.
What I find even funnier is that the same people who were whining and complaining about getting rid of Mass res, are NOW whining and complaining about getting rid of Res altogether. Using the same overused and tired excuse of “Wah! This ability breaks the game! Res too OP! Wahh!” It’s getting pretty pathetic.

You give a child a molehill, and they’ll demand a mountain out of it…


I literally experienced a completely different game than you…EVERY SINGLE MERCY USED HIDE AND REZ and if you didnt then there was always someone in teamchat screaming for you to go hide

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If I had the rep to I would post the Palpatine Ironic meme. But unfortunately my forum level isn’t high enough.

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I never used hide and res and I got nothing but appreciation for not hiding. It was a stupid strategy that was more likely to fail than to succeed


Fun fact: During the “hide-n-rez” debacle, Ana was the primary healer. Then Lucio and Zen. Meaning if you wanted to win, you played meta. If you wanted to abuse the SR bug on the other hand…

If you check my S3 play times, I got zero minutes on Mercy thanks to Ana being god-tier. But you can’t check that because I’m to /removed/ to change the default setting on my profile. That’s not to say more dedicated mains and one tricks didn’t stick with Mercy though. Anyway, skilled Mercy mains during that time would’ve being aiming for tempo over mass rez if they weren’t abusing that bug.

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