Mercy's Rework helped encourage the toxicity problem in an ironic way

‘‘It’s Blizzard’s fault that i’m toxic! It’s not my fault, they’re the bad guys!’’

Mass rez should never have existed.


That’s not what I said at all. They gave in to people being toxic and sprouted the Mercy Meta that still hasn’t really ended. I never said it was the only reason, but it certainly seemed to give players the idea that complaining is the way to go on these forums.


The people who wanted mercy to be completely unviable made her into a complete must pick.

Very ironic indeed.


Blizzard unintentionally promoted toxicity as they clearly displayed that the best way to get something you want is by screaming for it in a toxic manner.


Truth. It just proved that complaints, and lies work. Reminds me of a certain Grand Old group of people in the US. That video that woman made was a real eye opener to just how hypocritical Jeff, and the devs are. Anyone remember the RH nerf? The one where Jeff swore hook+shoot was unbalanced, and they would work harder on removing OSK combos? Yeah, that lasted for 1 month before it was buffapalooza, and right back to Hook+shoot OSK.


Toxicity has nothing to do with the Mercy rework, and it wasn’t done with the intention to reduce toxicity, this is the first time i read something like that.

And here you go, for your ‘‘Hide&Seek’’ story. So you can see it’s not this myth you try to make it seem.

But hey, keep screaming for a revert while whining about toxicity too, the irony is beautiful.


Players: This character is unfun to play against because _____
OW Team: ya know what would be funny? If we took this character that everybody is complaining about and make them so powerful they’re a must pick. Maybe that will teach them to stop complaining.
Players: that’s not what we wanted! REEEEEEE!


I never saw Mercy hide n rez. It was made up to justify her nerf. It’s not a valid tactic. You’re giving up on all healing for a mass rez that requires perfect timing, and Mercy running face first into a group of enemies? Please. Maybe noobs did this, but not real Mercy players.


hide and res was a real thing for sure but it wasn’t the most efficient way to play her. It is true that only the worst Mercy’s played her that way. Someone told me that they did a study back then and asked the players whether they did hide and res (idk the validity of this but i’ve heard it multiple times) and the results came up that 80+% of Mercy’s did. Which explains why the average number of revives back then was only 7 in comp, and I, a player who picked her up and only played her for a couple months before she was reworked, was getting an average of 10-15 revives in a QP match. So yes, only the worst Mercy’s were playing hide and res.


A lot of numbers with no proof, i love it. The reality is, most Mercy’s did it, in ANY rank. You can keep telling yourself over and over only the ‘‘noobs’’ did that, but you would be lying.

It is a myth that was spread by pros who disliked the idea of Mercy having a powerful ultimate. It’s ironic how this was what they were complaining about but end up getting a worse version of Mercy that’s even more powerful than old Mercy.



All you’ve provided was a link to a bunch of uninformed opinions, so why do you believe you have room to talk?


This is the important bit. And you are right. That reworked opened whole can of worms that can’t be put back. Now people are asking entire heroes to be removed, pretty much on daily basis.

The way they handled all the Mercy feedback increased toxicity even more, with megathread, they showed lot of people that it’s simply not okay to talk about Mercy, while simultaneously they showed that they are ignoring all feedback. This is not entirely true, because i have seen them listen feedback, but now people have idea that they wont listen. So they are angry about that now.

And do i even need to mention what they caused by nerfing Sombra quickly on march? They are handing people all the reasons to be angry and frustrated. No wonder people are like that.

Also, when Hanzo rework was announced, and i heard scatter was going to be removed, i immediately knew people were going to hate new Hanzo. Just wanted to mention this again somewhere.


Complaint: Hanzo’s scatter is unfair!

Blizzards response: OKeY leTs GIve hIm aN abILitY tHats EvEn worSe.


I provided a link with guides and tips from Masters playing Mercy the way she had to be played. But it’s good to know the only informed opinions are on this forum, from Mercy mains asking for a revert.

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Laughs Hysterically. Imma just quote this from Titanium and let you figure out how dumb you sound:


Those are called “opinions”. I can type whatever I want on the forums too. Does that make it true if I call myself a pro?

It’s an uphill battle arguing with people who take their emotional opinion as fact and everything else as lies and myths, friendo.

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Ironic how you linked the post made by the guy who got in trouble for toxicity.


Lol, he tried to spew false information and got called out for doing so. He dug his own grave.