Mercy's Current State

Why have 5 man Resurrect at all if you’re going to make it impossible?

Current 2.0, not the unnerfed versions. She gets on average 7 Resurrects per 10m and she used to get 12.(1.0)

GA Bounce was a massive buff.

That said, I think it should stay.

It’s not like they gave her free flight with her ultimate and GA Bounce…

Yeah, they did. They made 5 man Resurrect viable. It didn’t work. They already tried making it unviable. Neither way worked.

All adding a cast time would do is make Resurrect function like it did before invuln.

No it doesn’t, Mercy is no longer OP.

Mass Resurrect was unbalanced for over a year. It never would have been fixed.

I would rather have a single target ultimate, but it’s obvious now that Mercy is no longer OP.

Worst support winrate and a collapsing pickrate, btw.


Mass Resurrect couldn’t have been fixed. Single Target Resurrect can actually work.

Your subjective opinion of the two Mercys doesn’t change the fact that Mass Resurrect never could have worked.

It’s only impossible if you use Resurrect by the means of hiding and intentionally letting your team die. Otherwise, it’s a sinch.

Because 5 man was not something common at all. And people who played back then remember that. 5 man Res was a hard achievement to get. Normally, the most common use of Res were 2 man rezzes. Tempo rezzes. So ressing in the middle of the battle (of course analysing your positionment) with a cast time would be possible. As I said, a cast time would make ressing after the battle harder, because the enemies would notice you easier since there is nobody but you around them.

Current 2.0 has less rezzes because of how destroyed she was. 11 nerfs clearly shows that is not a good option for the character. Emphasis on the Res part. It feels clunky to use, and you don’t feel like you’re actually being impactful at all.

I read it to see if there’s a hint of something interesting and there isn’t.

What kind of team is going to kill 5 people and then let a Mercy get off a 1s cast 1v6?

Even if you get it off you’ll die right after and your team will just feed because you’re dead.

You’re right. Even with no cast time, no LoS and invuln, 5 man Resurrects were rare.

And you seriously think they’ll still exist with a 1s cast time, an LoS requirement and no invuln?

Let’s not ignore the second worst win rate for the entire roster (48.42%). Ye.

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Effective in low ranks. Hard in high ranks. That’s kinda what Mercy is after all…

You can get 150 burst heals :slight_smile:

Where are you getting it from? I see her as being fourth.

Anyways it’s not great but it’s not crazy low, it’s right around McCree and Roadhog.

I guess if you want to sabotage your own hero, have fun.

I don’t even think a Gold team would be that bad, but maybe I just haven’t witnessed how bad people can be.

And that’s somehow going to keep you alive 1v6? Wrecking Ball gets 1300 health 1v6 and he can still die.

I can’t deduce anything without actually seeing how it will play out ig.

You’d be shocked shister.

How about I ask Titanium if she can get damage reduction as well?

She’s overplayed right now. If Hanzo was being played 7% of the time, he’d have a bad winrate too.

Actually you can considering you’re advocating for a worse version of a D-Tier hero.

You’re basically just asking for Mercy to be a noob stomper who is a trashcan in reality.

And people wonder why they trashed Mass Resurrect.

Yes, my bad she is 4th now. She was second yesterday. Point still stands, she is being one of the weakest heroes now. Doesn’t deliver much dmg, her healeing is outperformed by almost all other supports (AMP is better than valk by numbers, really) in both healing and utility (mobility, yet again lucio).
There is no point in picking her when other supports are way better and are fun

That just further proves my point. If it was just some people being bad ok, but a lot of people are losing, lmfao

Hmm, I see her as particularly balanced with this rework suggestion. Guess it is just opinion after all. We won’t truly know unless we get to try it out. If she needs buff, they can just give her buffs when necessary.

I honestly don’t see it as a problem…

”disheartening to play against”.

”Hide n Res”.

That’s my point. If it annoyed people so much, then they should be more rare. Harder to execute. We saw with the last seasons that tempo rezzes could be the most powerful use of Mercy 1.0’s res. Because it was turned into a regular skill. It would continue the fight. This as an ultimate was pretty good, because you’d need to gain your ult and use it in a way which would help your team in the fight, restarting one could not be the best option. But as a regular skill, you don’t have the effort to obtain Res. It’s not great to use either.

My point is to make Res part of Mercy’s ultimate again. This could be 5 men rezzes with cast time, LOS and stuff (I actually thought of removing invulnerability. Instead, her HP would be restored)? Yes, because it would incentivate ressing in the middle of the fight. But if we keep with Valkyrie, we could balance it. Valkyrie has potential to be a good ult in terms of value and fun. I think the most important change Mercy 2.0 needs is to remove Res on cooldown. But incorporate Res in Valkyrie. Like the old Valkyrie, but not as OP as. Give her 2-3 charges. Remove OP regen. Instead of AoE healing, make her heal or boost a single target 10% more (single target healer). And make it like 10-12 seconds. These are changes that could fix her Res and Valk problem, IMO.

Res being given to the player is just a horrible idea.

Yeah, because they’re playing Mercy at the wrong times. She isn’t OP anymore. You can’t play her all the time.

I guess this is all pointless then considering they said they won’t do it.

You literally just asked for her to be a noob stomper. Sounds pretty disheartening to me.

And if anything, that kind of design will just boost players. Gold players couldn’t deal with her so all the Mercy mains will move up to Platinum even if they’re not actually good enough at any other hero to be Platinum.

Somebody’s got to be the weakest. If her winrate is not meaningfully lower than others (realistically more than 50% of the roster is within 2 percentage points) I think it’s ok. I also expect her winrate to rebound a little when people stop treating her as a must pick and only play her into situations she’s good at.

That being said I am starting to consider that she might have been over-nerfed. If she falls off the roster entirely I will support buffing her back up to 55 hp/s.

Insanely OP. Old Resurrect could only be used on people who died in the same area within 10s of each other. That would literally just be a better version of Mass Resurrect with the added bonus of being invuln for 15s with better beams.

Going to need a citation here.

Anything is disheartening for a noob tbh… Something like Hack could be devastating for a noob.

Highly doubt this… There are other things you need to be good at as Mercy to climb and it isn’t all about res.