Mercy's Current State

I must say. I’m kind of tired of current mercy as well. 5 months of this failed rework with her being OP and then nerfed into oblivion? No thanks. It’s time for them to roll it back.


Her heal was then buffed to 60 in September I think. Resurrect actually felt impactful when it was an ultimate. All she needed was another ability.

Right now she hides more than she used to before resurrect. Their goal was to reduce the amount of people who hide and rez and currently, to me, it looks like they failed. Regardless, even if the stats show Mercy is better, they want Mercy to be essentially nerfed, which is what most people want. I don’t get what the problem is with a revert. You can’t say it’s unfun to justify because every ultimate is unfun for the enemy but FUN for the person using it. Valkyrie doesn’t even feel fun or unfun for anybody because focus fire out damages it.


Current Mercy feels dead to play. Really, what’s the difference?

It is paired up with Resurrect. Why are you treating it as a separate ultimate?

Current Mercy has a cast time. Titanium’s suggestion would make the cast time better because you have more space to Resurrect.

Weirdly, some people are saying it will make her OP. :joy:

Do you not understand that the 150 burst heals will make it so you don’t need to let your team die?


I dont think she needs a rework either tho. I think a few QOL things might help like adjusting her on fire rate (inb4 “but on fire” we both know everyone smiles a little when they see those flames around their icon mercy deserves that feeling too) so she can actually be appreciated in game maybe make rez instant in valk. But shes solid overall right now

It’s funny I kinda covered that before I seen this but like I said her on fire rate is garbage and leaves little to excited for in game. Everyone likes that on fire sound and look after they had a big play and mercy needs the same.

Mercy 1.0 was a troll pick, Mercy 1.5 with the invulnerability on Rez, that wasn’t asked for by anyone, made her a must pick. Then Blizzard didn’t even try to nerf or tweak the ultimate before fully reworking it. Even if resurrect was removed, I still despise their balancing process and the developers themselves for not even trying anything before completely changing her playstyle.

Also, hide and rez was only ever a thing when Blizzard made it so the only way Mercy could climb was to get 3+man rezzes. The SR variance she gained depended on the amount of people you resurrected in a game.

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People will complain that there is no counterplay. You can’t please them. :man_shrugging:t2:

If your teammate is dead, they don’t get the 150hp heal. If they’re alive, they get a joke of an ult.

Look at it this way, why use Resurrect on a low hp tank when you could just wait form them to die and get them to fill hp?

Old Mercy had no cast. This suggestion is working off of 1.0, not 2.0. Don’t use 2.0 as a base because it’s totally different.

And those people probably thought Mercy 1.0 was good as well.

Do you understand that a 150 heal is a joke of an ultimate? Why would anyone ever use that when they could wait for their teammates to die and use Resurrect?

I don’t care about being on fire. It’s the fact that everything about her kit is tedious and annoying.

  • Cast time - boring and tedious

  • movement speed nerf -annoying and boring.

  • 50HP - boring, tedious and annoying.

  • Valkyrie -glorified spectator mode - incredibly boring and not engaging.

Almost every aspect of current Mercy is boring.


Hmm? Interesting hypothesis.

Because tempo ressing is better than letting your team die, then res de masse.

Can you suggest something that will make it so people won’t complain about there being no counterplay?


Because it has a higher success rate than letting your team just die? A cast time will only be rubbish if your intention is to let your team die.


I’m not claiming I’m a mercy expert but i have 45 hours on her and shes my favorite healer to use and 3rd most played. And through all that play time the only thing i didnt like was that i could be carrying a team with massive amounts of healing and boosting every person’s ult charge with damage boost and not once get of fire for it. I’m not sure how she is currently cause I’m focusing my rein game atm but I enjoy valk I enjoy damage boosting my entire team and watching them go crazy on the enemy and I like her swing all over the map playstyle. Should my enjoyment be taken away at the expense of yours because you dont like it? That isnt fair at all and reworking her solid kit is pointless whe several other heros could use those resources more.

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cast time with damage reduction would have been best

not invincibility that lead to the rework .

800 hours on her. My most played hero.

Weird, I actually felt like I was doing something even when I wasn’t on fire.

Smart move.

I don’t enjoy spectating my time dying because my heals are rubbish.

Unfortunately, I don’t enjoy always hiding behind something when in Valkyrie.

Should my enjoyment have been taken away at the expense of others finding my hero’s ultimate disheartening to play against?

The rework wasn’t fair.



No, I can’t. Mass Resurrect is not a workable ability. Move on.

If you want Resurrect, it needs to be single target, cooldown, ultimate, whatever.


And here we find the hilarious problem with this suggestion.

Don’t let your teammates die? You get the joke that is a 150hp heal after a 1.0s cast.

Let your teammates die? You die before you get your ability off.

Yes? Lol I even said that in my original comment. So the latest nerf was a revert to the old healing.

People want old Mercy back, but old Mercy was less mobile, slower, and had less healing per second (50), which is the healing we just got again.

Do we want a rework or a revert? If we get any major form of old Mercy back it’s not a rework, it’s a reversion at that point. Even if we tweaked Mass Resurrect to be fair, it’s still a revert. And Jeff said a revert isn’t going to happen.

So that leaves the only option of a rework on the table, which also won’t happen because Blizzard stated they like the way she looks right now.

Does that mean she will never be touched again? Absolutely not. She most likely will be looked at again (maybe). But the asking for a revert of any kind is out the door, unfortunately.

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Because letting them die and then using Resurrect:

  • Loses momentum.
  • Gives the enemy a positioning advantage.
  • Gives the enemy a first-shot advantage.
  • Greatly increases the chance that Mercy will die during or right after casting Resurrect, giving the enemy a numbers advantage at best, and failing to use Resurrect at worst.

In contrast, using the ability as a burst heal while reviving only 2 players:

  • Maintains momentum.
  • Keeps your team largely in formation and in combat, removing the 2.25 second grace period the enemy has to reposition themselves.
  • Does not grant the enemy a first-shot advantage.
  • Provides more insurance that Mercy will survive while casting and after casting Resurrect.

That is why you would use it as a burst heal rather than only a mass-rez.


Honey, I have list for you of examples to fix her old ult
-Get rid of vulnerability while ulting. (At least most of it)
-Give line of sight, (can’t rez trough walls etc)
-Maybe mark on the map area when she has ult and teammates are down what she can rez.
-Limit the number of tagrets what she can rez based around her healing.
-Her healing should be at least 55 per sec. NEVER. LESS. 60 per sec is best even it out heals Winston.
-Hammond counters mass rez very well
-Give valk as reqular ability?? Maybe then needs to be nerfs into heal.
-Tier system? Based on how much you heal that much you can rez for example.

Seen that post and laughed. What prove was it again? Oh yeah! Some random Mercy players claiming to know how to play Mercy. What else? Oh yeah, random tutorials of hiding spots…

If you can’t suggest anything, I’d suggest you take the counterplay or leave it rather than complaining about it.

Can we rip her wings off while we’re at it?

They claimed that she was OP before…

Pretty decent.

Thankfully, most do not let their teammates die.

That’s impressive AF my most played is tracer with 194

I did too I was just saying alot ov the mercy bashing and stuff would go away if mercy players had something to show their team in game and shut them up. Something to brag about like everyone else. It really helps the mood more than you think, for me at least it’s like the game is telling me.good job and nice play when I hit fire.

I know. Hes loads of fun and became meta right after I picked him up

Is there always a soldier or mcree ulting? Cause the only time I hide in valk.

Nope. And maybe not. But jeff has said several times it isnt coming back. Might as well adjust or move onto a different hero is all I’m saying cause I dont think its likely they are going to smash a kit with the kind of power potential hers has. It’s not a sym situation Where shes weak. It was a number tweak to make her fall in the right place that was needed.

nerf for her healing was wrong. Mercy is pure healer and literally uses her primary fire to heal. Rez is the probelm, it doesn’t belong to be a reqular ability and is the reason why she will remain must pick. I absolutly hate that and just want to bliz realise what they have done wrong, fix her and make her fun again.
No one wants op Mercy

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It’s almost as if we just want mass Resurrect back. :thinking:

Rework. Specifically, Titanium’s suggestion.

Thankfully, this is not true.

Tweaked Resurrect and a new e ability is not what you’d call a revert.


They also said they won’t implement Deathmatch into Overwatch.

I most certainly did not ask for a revert (a mont ago, I did but then I changed my mind).