Mercy's bullet hitbox

Is anyone going to realise how big her bullet hitbox is? I don’t know why it’s so big you can aim over people’s health bar and still hit them.


Yes it is big but how often are Mercy player whipping out their pistols.


I don’t think it’s that bad.

Depends if there’s a Widow that needs Valkying on.


Well that’s during her ultimate which means over the course of a match not often.

In exchange, unlike other supports, she doesn’t have any offense abilities nor abilities that increases her own damage.

Ana: Anti-nade, Sleep Dart, Nano Boost (Deathmatches only)
Baptiste: Amp Matrix
Brig: Shield Bash, Whip Shot
Moira: Damage Orb, Coalescence
Lucio: Soundwave
Zen: Orb of Discord

Mercy has none (Her ult only increases her projectile speed and gives infinite ammo).


Mercy should be able to use her beams to heal herself.

And should be able to dual-wield when in Valk.

And GA to enemies

that pesky widow all alone up there won’t stand a chance


Widow: is on the enemy team sniping away
Mercy: Helden sterben nicht intensifies


As you mentioned, Valkyrie kinda makes up for this with the no-reload part.

FWIW, this is normal for Supports to have larger than average (at least for the damage-role) projectiles than other roles. It’s intentional.

Damage-role heroes were meant to be much more popular and much weaker than the average support or tank. If you want to think of it in Chess-terms. Supports are like Bishops to the Offense-role’s Pawns.

The projectiles are big because they don’t do that much damage and they’re pretty slow in terms of projectiles.

Zenyatta projectiles move 90m/s, Mercy’s move at 50m/s. Pharah’s move at 35m/s and her’s are humongous, Genji’s shurikens at 60m/s. Symm has the slowest projectile at 25m/s.

Valkyrie increases her gun projectile speed to 100m/s.


Widowmaker also has a very large bullet hitbox. In fact, most heroes do. This isn’t exclusive to Mercy.

Mercy used to shot green balls (similar to baby
They changed the visual but not hitbox.

a mercy tried that in my plat game didnt know that i one trick hanzo hilarious to see her complain that my storm arrows are op

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I am now aiming for enemies’ health bars to deplete them. If I shoot the bar off, maybe it’ll be an insta-kill.

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Considering hanzo logs are half the size it kinda matters

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There was some data a while back that showed hanzo has one of the smallest projectile size in the game. Mercy is primarily healing, damage boosting or rezing. I don’t see how large projectile from her gun which is rarely used is a problem. Is mercy getting more kills than hanzo, I don’t think so.

Nah, those droids are just very, very large.

I feel some context is needed here.

Widows “bullets” have no hitbox.

The reason you can click so far above the training dummy is because the dummys hit boxes are so large.

Player models in general in this game have some ridiculous hit boxes.

I don’t understand about such a BIG hitbox than it looks. More bullet speed or even damage(her dps is already good as a support though) seems far better.

most blaster kills i had in one competitive game was 20. all the stars were aligned that game if i remember i think even had potg in that game :grinning:

but yea seriously how many mercys are looking for blaster kills…

It’s only slightly larger than sleepdart’s hitbox, and people call that skillfull.

Supports are built to be forgiving to play, but Mercy’s pistol isn’t particularly special.

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