Mercy would be balanced with 60hps now

Ana has been given a multitude of buffs since Mercy’s healing nerf, and so Mercy is always outclassed by Ana in the higher ranks.

Even with 60 hps, Ana would be a better pick over Mercy due to Ana’s higher skill ceiling, but Mercy could still be picked as a main healer.

In the lower ranks, Mercy and Moira would be on an equal skill level. Moira has aoe healing that fits with bunker comps.

With 60 hps, Mercy would finally be picked as a main healer with damage heavy comps. Right now, Mercy can’t be a main healer and consistently damage boosting damage heroes due to the lack of healing that follows.

Mercy needs higher healing to be considered an effective main healer again.


She would outclass all other supports at healing due to consistency. Mercy’s healing is available at all times.


This was the intention of her design.


Considering there were only 2 other supports at the time Overwatch launched, Zenyatta and Lúcio, you’re technically right.

Times have changed.


Not really. The number of new supports has not altered her intended design. She’s been reworked multiple times to update her for the new roster, strong solo healing has never been altered.

Any other thoughts? Or is your thing just to disagree with any pro-Mercy sentiment on principle?


I think you’re just jealous that Ana is cooler than Mercy. :sunglasses:

But I don’t think raw healing is what she could use. Maybe something else.


It’s not really the number, it’s rather their power. Also, it doesn’t make sense for heroes that require high mechanics in order to be effective to be outclassed by a hero that requires way less mechanics.

I say this as a currently top500 Mercy player, in case you get the feeling that I’m completely anti-Mercy.


I think when you consider that many of those other heroes both have AOE healing ability and much more utility to their teams, it makes sense.

That said i do enjoy Ana a lot and think she should, ultimately, outheal mercy in the hands of a capable player.

I don’t do the rank shame thing. If you have a good argument your SR is irrelevant to me, but good on you for repping the brand up top :slight_smile:


60 hps

It’s too oppressive against sustain heroes.


Mercy would be an absolute must-pick with 60 HPS. She’d be unmatched in healing output, regardless of team comp. She needs to stay at 50.


Times have very much changed. There have been several high-healing-output supports added to the game and Mercy is no longer the go-to for heavy heals. She’s the go-to for consistency and flexibility, which none of the other supports excel at.

Also, it’s possible to be “pro Mercy” without wanting buffs for her. She’s my favorite hero and I love her current state. That’s why I don’t want her kit wrecked with unnecessary buffs that’ll eventually be balanced out and make her a low-skill-ceiling tank healer again.


What if her role changed? What if she is now situational and she is the nice middle between DMG boost and healing? But… They called her a main healer 2 years ago… Things can’t change…

She would be just way to strong because she can pump out healing without limitation like missing shots or running out of healing.
She is balanced right now, especially now with almost every single other healer being nerfed as well.

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Stop just no. These posts that demand so much are why people can’t take reasonable requests from mercy mains seriously.

55hps would be a perfectly reasonable ask but frankly asking for 60hps especially while they’ve nerfed the other supports and are probably going to do so in the next patch aswell is just excessive.

If you want 60hps so bad play someone who dishes out around that like moira but mercy doesn’t need to do that much. It’s just greed at this point to be honest and I’m not here for it at all :expressionless:


Not possible with Valkyrie. Off healers need a defensive ult. Mercy’s kit is built for a main healer.

If her role is going to change, they need to rework her. Otherwise, she will keep being an extremely niche hero at higher levels of play.


I feel like there’s other things they can do. I don’t really see her healing as something keeping her back, well not just regular healing.

Like Ana Moira and Baptiste all have some kind of burst heal ability, which lets them keep things alive like tanks that are low hp. that’s where I feel most people don’t like Mercy, she can’t keep a player alive if they’re feeding. It just feels out of your control.

If I was to change anything about Mercy’s healing I’d add a way to get more healing out using a cool down or a resource. Maybe a 8 second cool down and 2 second duration for a 70 healing per second. Or make her healing ramp up to 60 (maybe more? Idk.) with damage amplified, and go down like. Zarya’s charge goes down.

the reason I think this is good is because it let’s Mercy players have
Some kind of control over players that feed, like all the other supports do. But I don’t want it to be free value, like just clicking a button and winning the game like Mass res was, that was just bullsh*t. Free value 0 effort put in, but maybe with a resource there’s skill variability in her kit, lets her do more with good execution.

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I use it defensively as often as offensively. I looooove her current ult.

agreed, I would not want her buffed to 60

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I’m not sure you realise the difference between a defensive and offensive ultimate.

Defensive: Beat Drop and Transcendence.

These ultimates can outheal/block strong ultimates, such as: Tactical Visor, Dragon Blade, Dragon Strike etc.
Valkyrie is not capable of out healing these ultimates consistently.

Offensive: Valkyrie, Nano Boost, Amplification Matrix, Coalescence, Rally.

These ultimates apply pressure on the enemy team. Most of these ultimates rely on your team to be competent enough to get value.

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At least 55 would be nice at this point to be honest. I also wouldn’t mind seeing some buffs to Valkyrie. I actually love it as an ultimate but I think it could use some buffs.

Mercy could have 60 HP/s tomorrow and that wouldn’t make a lick of difference in her status whatsoever. She would still be mainly picked and second banana to Pharah alongside Ana/Bap for actual main heal.

Anyone telling themselves she would be even remotely overturned is delusional.