Mercy will get her own patch

How is killing Mercy while she’s casting Rez not a counter? In fact, it’s exactly the counterplay people have been wanting ever since Mercy got that invulnerability on Rez.

If Mercy dies after casting Rez, she shouldn’t have used it in the first place. I honestly don’t get why most Mercy players can’t accept the fact that Huge Rez means huge risk.

No thanks. Since it would entail Mass res returning in some way, I would prefer to call it a revert + tweaks. Thanks for the suggestion though! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I just hope it’s a cool rework or something.

We don’t need a revert, we don’t need to go backwards👌

Let’s move forward and improve on both of the flaws on both mercy iterations.:upside_down_face:

That’s my opinion on it🤗

Mercy is fine, she will not be reverted or changed, its done. Move on.

Damage reduction. There have been numerous threads on this. Rez can work, heck it almost worked. Then they did the rework. Also to be fair the really good mercy mains were pulling off rezs with success before the invulnerability buff. The main thing to go for is tempo rez. You can even max it at 3 people but the system was able to work back then. Invulnerability made it too much, and the rework was a tidal wave. I’m for kit changes, but rez is iconic to mercy. Imagine if Sym loss her tele or torb lost his turret.

@MissAstrid Mercy isnt fine by developer design. Her intended design and her current numbers dont add up. (best heals over the course of a match) She will see a change but it will probably be something minor. These fine claims are silly at this point.

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Not a fan of mass res. Just wanted to share this.

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No one ever said it was Mercy’s game. I understand she is a popular subject, but if you want to discuss a different topic regarding Overwatch or the characters in the forums then go to a different one. Because this is a Mercy discussion about the state she’s in, not about who’s the weakest support in the game or who’s turn it is to be the weakest support.

I disagree with you, the current state of her now feels unimpactful and boring to play. Her mechanics feel like a terrible healing bot and Valkyrie barely does anything. A single rez feels slow, sluggish and too risky if you want to keep your team alive. And Valkyrie? What a boring useless ultimate to have! It’s not rewarding to use in the slightest. The only useful thing in her kit right now is her pistol.

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