Mercy will ALWAYS be popular

Hopefully you know the saying about the word “Assume.” Id liked playing my hero because she had a niche to her. She was a great single target healer she was bad at group healing and an ultimate to save her team if things hit the fan. I don’t want my hero being a must pick. But this rework is contradicting EVERY single thing it was intended to do.

Mercy doesn’t have an interactive kit. Her E ability isn’t fun and exciting to use. Her ultimate isn’t fun and exciting to use either.

So what’s left? We can’t nerf her healing because 50HPS isn’t enough for a main healer? We can’t nerf Resurrect because it feels bad enough to use it’s on the longest CD in the game. She already has a long enough cast time and a huge movement speed penalty. We can nerf Valkyrie even further to 10 seconds but what is that really going to do? Absolutely nothing. So what’s left? DMB? It’s already been nerfed from 50 down to 30? What do you propose 15%? Certainly that won’t stop her from being picked. So I’m curious what you would nerf from her?

If Ana weren’t so weak, she could just grenade the grav and negate trans entirely. I still think the other healers need buffs rather than Mercy needing nerfs.

Ideally id want to rework mercy to get rid of rez from the game entirely, or at the very least have it as part of an ult again. But if I had to just give her nerfs to the current kit, id drop healing down to 55, and prob add another 10-15 sec cd on rez. It wont solve her issues, but it would make her worse. Or instead of nerfing rez I would add another 0.5-1 sec cd on GA. Keep in mind, id ideally rework instead of just nerfing.

Perhaps, yeah. It would at least cause other healers to shine for once :laughing: But that could possibly create a support powercreep which would in turn cause fights to last veeery long :confused:

The devs are walking a veeery fine line when it comes to healing output. If they make the game’s net healing too powerful, fights can last forever, prompting the use of high burst-damage heroes like snipers. Too little, and you’d be better off switching to a tank or DPS.

I personally don’t fall into either the “Nerf Mercy” or “Buff other healers” camps. Rather, I believe they should both fall somewhere in the middle. But that’s just me :woman_shrugging:

So buff the underperforming supports while nerfing the over performing ones.

Exactly! Not just one or the other. :slight_smile:

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Not happening. If other games can incorporate a Resurrect mechanic Overwatch can too. Not difficult. Needs to function differently instead of being a cast time into the Resurrect itself.

Still won’t change anything. Why would I give up a Resurrect on a 40 to 45 second cooldown for an antinade or Moira Orb? I’d rather have a mobile Mercy pocket pumping DMB into me and healing whenever I need it.

Still won’t do much. Reworking is the only thing that will ever change Mercy. Mercy needs to be a single target healer again and not stealing the niche of every other support healer in the game.

Here is my idea.

I’m not saying buff their healing output, except for maybe Lucio. Ana needs access to high ground and a bit better self sustain, and Moira needs either some small utility or for her heals to last a bit longer and maybe the return of fade jumping. All nerfing will do is make even less people want to heal. If they do touch Mercy, it should be a rework, not just more nerfs. Just stripping things away from the failed first rework until people forget about it is such a terrible approach.

So heroes with lack of mobility need to learn they will always be at the bottom. Really it is Blizzard fault for having to many characters to build true balance. Really this game is reminding me way to much of WoW arena. It only took them what 7 seasons to admit Resto Druids were OP? Yet, a weak two hand hammer was nerf before the end of the first season? Playing a Resto Shaman I had to bust my hump to hit that 2k mark compared to ez mode Resto Druid.

Mobility is OP in this game of UltWars that is all.

Sure, 60 hps doesn’t sound like a lot. Moira and Ana can pull off more. The big difference however is that Mercy is way, way more consistent and reliable, which is exactly what makes that 60 hps stronger and better compared to the others.

So is but she still got nerfed to the ground.

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I can’t emphasize how much I agree with this right now :smile:

I used to be a huge proponent of Mercy’s rework, but then she was hit with nerf after nerf after nerf, and now even though she feels less fun to play…she’s still at the top of the tier list! :open_mouth:

Symmetra taught me that heroes can be reworked twice though, so there’s still hope for our favorite angel.

But alas, we’ve said all the magic words. “Mercy,” “rework,” “nerf.” The Megathread will swallow us all soon enough

Mobility will always rein supreme in a game like this.

To people suggesting nerfing her GA - so, she will just play safer and hug her team more and be even more tedious to play without in any way affecting her power.

You would nerf her again without effectively changing anything about her power, only her playstyle.

high mobility and high heals

I could get behind that

If she didnt have a damage boost, Or a rezzurect

Or chainhealing

Or the option to fly.

:spider_web: She’s fine rn in the sense that another nerf will kill her, another buff will really overtune her. Either they need to step it up and buff some of the other supports (cough Ana) and tune up some of the DPS meant to counter such a mobile healer (cough soldier) OR they need to suck it up and admit this rework was a failure (like they were warned before and long after it dropped) and either rework her again without rez or rework her with rez on a resource ult meter with heavy adjustments.

A nerf won’t fix anyone’s issues, not the Mercy mains’ and not the Nerf Mercy Brigade’s either. It’s a re-do rework or deal with how she is now.

So just because Mercy is popular the other supports shall not leave the bench?

If I’m playing healer, I’ll usually start on Mercy and if I’m getting flanked like crazy I instantly swap Moira or Brigitte

Mercy has consistent healing. Wow. What else does she have? Mobility and damage boosting? Well Tamar, Zen has a much better damage boost, and her mobility relies entirely on her allies. How OP.

It’s not hard to be better than trash. Especially when there’s a barrier meta, and Moira got dumpstered by that dumb nerf. Mercy’s only picked because the other healers are trash. Facts are facts America.

most people just play her cause shes the pretty barbie doll.