Mercy was meta for a long time

I was complaining since 1 week after the rework.

but why would i complain if she was meta?


because she was not fun to play.

check my profile i started to move on to other characters after the mercy rework.

I repeat

I do not want her to be op.

I am fine with her being a trollpick again like post-rework.

But i want her to be fun.

That is all…

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but u said let other supports be viable
how to do it bye killing another support lol
you r so stupid dude (im not a mercy main)

I congratulate you for the tenacity to convince the obviousness to those who do not want to see and have no arguments.

P.S. I have not read all the posts, otherwise I get a headache

The fact that she was meta for a long time doesn’t mean that she deserves to be underpowered…

Shouldn’t balance changes be trying to make everything balanced instead of having flavor of the month? “Hey mercy you get to be meta this time ana get ready youre next”

Judging from this, it seems you don’t even play mercy. So your opinion on this doesn’t matter.

Thx for reading

Much of this isn’t true.

Mercy wasn’t always meta. Mercy is not currently fine. The current support balance is worse than it was four months ago and is likely to get worse.

It is however true that you can’t get everything that you want.

yeah that’s sort of my point, she can still be played but she’s not fun and between the lines, not a best pick. :3

i was trying to prove that to them but i guess i was not clear enough

Are people still thinking that mercy mains want their hero to be meta? Most of them didnt even like the rework in the first place. And im not talking about boosted mercy one tricks who abused sr system. No one can abuse sr system anymore cuz the sr gain or loss aint performance based anymore. So a mercy revert wont hurt anyone.
No one wants their main hero to be meta. They just want them to be as viable and fun as other heroes.
If mercy, moira and ana can be all viable picks that are fun at the same time, them im okay with anything they want to do with mercy or literally any main healer


Blizzard says only one healer can be meta at a time

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One character shouldn’t be made useless to allow others to be played. Ana and Lucio got much needed buffs and that should have been enough to balance the class. Instead they nerfed Mercy one too many times and we’re back to having a character that causes you to derank with less than 50% winrate at all ELOs.

So the solution is obviously making Mercy such a dull and boring experience to play that no one wants to play her. Is that how we should balance heroes in this game if they’re picked too much? Does this mean we should give the same treatment to Genji, Hanzo, Tracer etc. just because they’re picked a lot?

Having a hero picked a lot doesn’t mean you should make that hero so dull and boring to play that no one wants to play it.


I like the idea because it adds a skill factor and would be the only variable part of her kit. I play Widowmaker too at a high master and have gotten some experience with aim in the last few months so this change would be great for me. But for most Mercy players… yeah.

They don’t like aiming skill. That’s why they play them. for easy difficulty.
Once before. Hanzo’s scatter arrow blamed “cheesy” . Then they change it to high-difficulty skill. Mercy should do that same way. Rez should be more “HARD” skill. and return should be more strong on hand.

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I actually think scatter was harder to land than storm arrows. But it depends how you look at it.

Mercy isn’t as easy as it sounds, there’s a lot of little things you can do, as well as mastering movement. But for me, 1000 hours and I’ve already done that, I think it’s time I just move on from Mercy.

That’s why I wrote this post

and Reply that post please.

Tell me my opinion below.




Blizzard also says rez on E can be balanced without hurting neither Mercy nor the game and yet here we are


buff mercy

With that argument D.Va and Zen both needs strong nerfs because they are in the meta since forever.

And I would not agree with that.

buff mercy!