Mercy Toggle GA Breaks Crouch Keybind

I’ve found out that my mouse keybind for crouch fails to activate super jump once toggle GA has been turned off. I’ve set up my mouse to use NUMPAD keys as it has 12 buttons on the side. Normally I have crouch (2nd column) set to NUMPAD 3 for all heroes. Crouching still works but I’ll explain the bug below.

GA - Guardian Angel
AD - Angelic Descent
Crouch - refering to the button, not toggle

How to break:

  1. set crouch keybind to NUMPAD ‘0-9’ or ‘.’ (1st or 2nd column applies, can’t test 3rd)
    • Super jump, crouch + GA and crouch + GA + superjump works
  2. set GA toggle to off.
    • Crouching to super jump only works for now just cancels GA (and you seem to fly less than if you cancel it normally)
    • But crouching still works
    • crouch + GA: works but crouch is toggled on (and therefore AD is toggled on) until crouch is pressed again
  3. set GA toggle to on.
    • whether GA toggle is on or off, all of the step 2’s problems still apply

How to fix while still using those NUMPAD buttons:

  1. Delete Mercy’s overrides
  2. Rekeybind crouch to those NUMPAD keys
  3. Don’t turn off GA toggle

Otherwise GA toggled off works with any other key.
I do not recall if this bug was happening last I played a a week or so ago.