Mercy Survey - Results

The time and effort you put into this is very commendable. I just hope someone at Blizzard manages to see it.

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Yes. Of course I mind. How dare you even think it’d be okay to sully my name by associating me with /s that well written post!

Nah, feel free to link and share however you want.


Nothing that matters or that will influence Blizzard in any way.

I wouldn’t say that’s worthless.


Probably because, like me, they bought a PC account when they couldn’t get their voice heard on a console account, I still want to know how to post with console accounts so I can stop posting with this gold stuck PC account.

Or I took a college statistics class -.-

Also, says the person that immediately after says

And you think I have the issues? To each their own I guess :woman_shrugging:

Yes, I had to proctor one too, kind of a pain to do but you gotta pass classes somehow.

No because it’s still undercoverage and response bias. People who don’t use the forums don’t know about this poll and can’t take it, and there is a huge difference in opinions between people who do and don’t use the forums. People using the forums do so generally because they have an issue with the game. Making a poll asking about an issue in the game to this group of people is making a bias that affects the results greatly, if you want a more accurate poll I would suggest finding users who post on the forums as one block and then users who don’t use the forums in another block and make sure that they only know the general topic before taking the survey (Like balance, or enjoyment. Mentioning the hero’s name will indubitably add a response bias, just check out the views on threads that talk about mercy and brig versus threads where people make jokes or talk about bugs.) Then you make sure that they all finish the survey before exiting and then you will have much more reliable results. The subdivisions would also be a great help but make it so that they have to show hero time before you take their proclaimed “main” with anything more than a grain of salt.

This poll was, as far as I know, distributed all over the place, by no means it was a forum only thing. I highly doubt it would get 2600 legit responses if it were.

Yes, but if you check out the forums, there is plenty of people who love Mercy and who hate Mercy with a Vengeance. Both sides have the same response bias, but very different answers. The ratio among the opinions by itself is valid data.

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Twice the response bias doesn’t make no bias. It actually makes…more bias.

I refuse to spend any money on LBs or OWL until I feel that the devs are no longer lying to me. They said that they’d moniter her, and she’s had the lowest support winrate since the nerf and, she’s my favorite hero in the game and I don’t enjoy playing her. I’m tired.

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If you read the post, there is a section outlining the % responses from non-support players…

I appreciate the effort, but in the first “Read Me” you summed up why these figures don’t actually mean anything.

You just need to link your battlenet account to your console account, as you can see in my profile, I didn’t buy a PC account.

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Uhm… no?

Highly contested niche idea -> Poll = response bias.
That doesn’t make the data any less useful. Measuring the prevalence of opinion among those biased to respond is an information by itself. If it would turn out only a minority of those responses were “Unhappy MM’s” than you could estimate that the whole outcry is just a tiny bunch of very loud and active people.

Honestly i would go as far as to say that people who aren’t driven to respond in such matters are actually straight up irrelevant. If they don’t care about the result of such a poll, then you can assume it’s not an importing topic to them. They don’t feel like the situation itself affects them in significant way and will not care about a change in that specific issue. That makes their opinion on it completely inconsequential. The change in the issue is not going to affect their behavior.


Leave him be.
Small minded people won’t understand either way

Was curious if this was posted anywhere else than the forums or was it on reddit as well. But curious if this number reflects just the forums or a broader base of players.

If you did just the forums I think you did yourself a injustice. The poll was well thought out and very well organized. It is a shame Blizz dont do more of these types of polls from their game client about the state of the game as whole.

Just as a disclaimer I am one of the players that feel mercy is fine, but I also see that stuff like this compiled with data could lay the ground for proper change.

I posted this on reddit. I don’t know if anyone else posted it elsewhere.

~ Signed
Secretary of the Mercy Ice Cream Movement :ice_cream::chocolate_bar:


Thank you for this high effort post, hope it doesn’t go unnoticed by the devs

Thank you!
I did the survey on day 1 and have been waiting ever since!

~ Signed
The Zenyatta Doughnut Movement :doughnut:

~ Signed
The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :angel: :ice_cream:

Yeah this pretty much sums up what I was thinking, resurrect works better as an ultimate, 50 hps is too low, GA is super fun.

Only thing I would have liked to see from the statistics is what people thought of Valkeryie. Personally hate it, super boring.

I didn’t participate in the survey though.

I didn’t participate in the survey, but I still want to add my opinion in.
I am a former mercy main who now mains all support with mercy being my least played unless playing competitive with friends (which they ask me to and I dont mind that they ask me along to play one specific hero)

I have played mercy since 1,0 and I played her as my main all the way until the nerf back to 50 heals. With almost 300 hours on her, I can safely say that I no longer enjoy playing her.

Mercy for me used to be amazing, I could truly help my team, if my genji had a winston on him, i could out heal that damage and keep him going down, now mercy heals on par with that damage so winston is essentially free to jump over genji, kill mercy and then turn around and tickle genji to death. Its an awful feeling to realize that despite being the only healer in the game that can ONLY heal or damage and not have some form of being able to do both, you can no longer heal enough to make an impact to even save yourself.

Valk leaves me similarly unhappy, when you had 2 rez’s to use during it, it felt right. Hell even with a cast time on those i’d be happy because at least it could potentially change a fight again. As of right now, you cannot out heal or even heal enough to make a difference to 90% of the ults your team may be facing when you use it.

I will say im not a fan of mass rez returning. Put resurrect back onto valk, and give mercy some other E ability because what used to be an ultimate should never be put as a regular ability.


Right, either you are trolling or you REALLY don’t know how to do statistics.

When you can’t argue with facts just use the good ol’ fashioned name calling. Classic.