Mercy Survey - Results

Nice survey you got here. Well done.


The results are misleading. It is suggested that the majority of people want mass rez back, but if 40% want mass rez, that means 60% don’t.

good survey. love it.

Yikes you sound like you have issues.

Because everything that goes against “Mercy is fine”, is labeled bias and youre immediately a “Mercy main that wants ther hero to be OP and meta.”

Oh look, youre defending Mercy? MERCY MAIN!

Thats how this forums works. :roll_eyes:


Congrats… You’ve completely wasted your time and they will do…


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That’s so sad, this is a game for everyone to enjoy and find their own escape from the outside world

But imagine logging into overwatch as a mercy msin then get bullied to the core then your hero gets nerfed 16 times… not to mention the amount of irl crap going on with you…

That is just unfair, this is why I have ZERO faith in humanity.

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At this point this isn’t just a debate , or balancing, this is Straight up bullying those who just wanna enjoy overwatch.

And I highly believe that Blizzard just want to bully Mercy Mains. They find it enjoyable,

Streamers too… gosh I hate this community

Why would anyone waste their time on a survey about a hero they think is fine and know Blizzard won’t change? I hope you understand how absolutely meaningless the results are. I’m actually surprised anyone who didn’t want change replied.

So why would anyone waste their time on forums ?

Forums are also not a representative cross section of the population. Thanks for bringing that up.

Well I guess thats our loss then if that really is the case, which isnt 100% confirmed with all the heated debates going on + these youtuber opinions that have dropped in the last few weeks.

Personally, I didn’t find the results misleading at all. I’m actually sorta surprised that, that many people wanted mass rez back at all. Especially since I’ve been seeing and hearing a lot more people ask for an entirely new rework.

I just really hope that there’s a response to all this at some point so things can calm down. But I doubt it will happen very soon, mostly because I think they’re probably working on something for Mercy and don’t want to talk about it just yet and get peoples hopes up just to crush them if something doesn’t work out, making the situation worse.

Really, it’s amazing how well they ruined Mercy. I used to play Mercy because she was fun. Now she’s not fun at all and she can’t even do her job well with only 50 HPS. She lost her identity as a single target healer with Valkyrie. The only fun part about her nowdays is her GA, in my opinion (i.e her mobility)

Anyway, i’m glad that you made this survey! Though, most likely the devs will ignore it, it’s great to see that most people agree that Mercy is unfun and should be fixed. Even though i almost never play Mercy nowdays, i feel like she really does need a rework of some sort.

Sometimes i think about what was fun of her to begin with.

and i think the 60 HPS only masked her insufferably boring healing style.

I’ve grown salty to her after being spoiled by the other healers ability to adapt to combat in real time.

The reason i originally played her was because soaring through the battlefield was so fulfilling. but that didn’t’ change. and neither did her clutch damage boost swaps. literally all she did was get HPS nerfed. yet she’s “incomplete” now

That makes a lot more sense, thanks. I would not be included in that 9% then, as I originally thought, since I can play support, even if I’m a Tank/DPS main.

On another note, I just found out profiles are private by default when I tried to check mine. Annoying.

Just because not everyone participated doesn’t instantly mean that the survey is worthless. You simply have to think about what the results say.

At the very least we have an idea of what people the who do want change actually want.

That’s worth something, especially around here where people constantly throw their opinions around as if they’re fact.

Hi Slyther0829! Thanks for posting the results in such a clear and extensive manner. It was fascinating to read, to say the least.
I’m not surprised that the majority or respondents were support mains in one way or another, after all there’s involvement in the topic to be taken into account for that.
But it was surprising (not in a bad way of course) that, while the opinions of Mercy mains were much more unanimous, the opinions of the other populations were not that different.
Even though I’m sure blizz has tons of raw data from the games to look through regarding the current balance state, I hope they see this and realize that a big majority of the player base, regardless of what they play, think Mercy is not in a good spot and unenjoyable to play, or at least less so than previous iterations.
After all balance is not the only important aspect, you can have a perfectly balanced game that because of its mechanics is frustrating to play. She still needs to be fun, not only balanced. Right now she’s neither, at least for many people.

Again, thanks for the amazing work, super appreciate it! <3


A bit of a random question for the OP…

Would you mind if I dropped a link to this post in my thread?

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