Mercy Superjump

I am Genji main and have 6 hours on Mercy. So my experience as Mercy is quite low. I understand that a support with little mobility will have a hard time. This is why Zenyatta is such an easy target.

I won’t make the argument that because Mercy has a movement tech, Genji should get his back. But I find it very difficult to kill Mercy with a movement exploit with a 2 sec cooldown and a passive 20 hps. It may take practice and skill to do this, but it shouldn’t be in the game.

Blizzard, since you acknowledged this exploit, please just make this an ability with a 4-5 sec cooldown.

First of all. No, mercy have superjump as a tech to escape since she’s support. While genji can kill people after all mercy needs the super jump to heal the allies without getting targeted… her super jump is Tech not bug


I like having a discussion, but you’re giving off a bit of attitude for someone who repeats their point and cares little for grammar.

I should probably address your main point. “In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game’s designers.” This is from the wiki and it holds true.

While this is a “tech” (and I do think it’s a nice for a support), if Blizzard did not make this an ability, or put it in the character info, it’s a bug/exploit.

It comes down to game design, her ult makes it harder to kill her. It requires ult charge to do. That’s fair. Her tech has a 2 secs cooldown, and is almost as difficult to kill. It’s too strong for a single ability. Also, if she does a super jump, she will still be a target.

I did say remove it, but I said that from a designer standpoint. If Mercy needs this exploit to actually function, Blizzard should just make it an ability rather than letting people abuse it.

This isn’t the proper place to make suggestions, only to report things that are not working as they are intended. Please edit your post and move to #general-discussion or #competitive-discussion :slight_smile:

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I can’t seem to make a new topic in general

he said, this ability is nothing to compare with genji’s, because it is defencive vs offencive.
Devs approved that they are okay with this, that mean definition of a current “bug” becomes intended mechanic. Unlike genjis.

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Blizzard acknowledged it as tech in the last AMA. Mercy only passively heals if she is not taking damage for one second unless she is in Valk (where you can not super jump). She falls in a predictable pattern. I suggest asking a friend to super jump to help you practice your aim against her.


i’m sorry to be that guy, but you actually can. i personally haven’t practiced it yet, so haven’t been able to pull it off but it’s possible. it’s not the “classic” superjump combo though, i think it’s more like a chain jump. getting the distance to your target right etc :slight_smile:

already copied the video where they talk about sj in valk so you don’t have to search

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Oh cool I didnt know this

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me neither until i watched andriatics video solely for the reverse ga! you learn more everyday :slight_smile: