Mercy Super Jump

Mercy’s Super Jump ability is an exploit off of the Bunny Hop mechanic and it should be remedied.

Inb4 xQc BaNdWaGoN, I don’t like xQc and have thought this was an exploit since Bunny Hop was “bug turned feature” and am happy its finally gaining traction anyway.

And now muted because xQc comments.


So was Mercy not getting Rez broken when she was booped and it was eventually fixed.

Seems to me that many others share my opinion on the matter so :woman_shrugging:

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They dont share your opinion they share a hate of something made “relevant” by a streamer…

Its not as simple as dElEtEiNg superjump, they cant do that because the code would completly mess up bunny hop and make GA feel bad to use

I don’t really care where it comes from, it was still reported as a bug over a year ago, so people do share my opinion. Whether or not you agree is irrelevant.


Stop asking for nerfs for stuff which requires skill. If Blizzard were to fix this they would have to fix all skills which allow you to use jump to your advantage on other heroes. No thanks. Please stop it. Heroes shouldn’t continually to be nerfed until every hero becomes the same. What is next, stop Baptiste from jumping higher?

I don’t really care where it comes from, it was still reported as a bug over a year ago, so people do share my opinion. Whether or not you agree is irrelevant.

Opinions are cheap but certain opinions are damaging to a game or anything else really. Unfortunately, Blizzard listens way too much to opinions, especially from OWL and popular streamers. It is why we will eventually end up with forced role lock, the utter dead-nail for the game. So while that has happened yet, but will, please stop asking for nerfs ruining the game right at this moment.


Where is problem? Mercy is ez punished by hitscans when she do superjump, on owl mercymain teaching everyone on stream that. U had almost platine lvl, so this should be ez to shot flying mercy. Let her die for a once, bc it isn’t op like she isn’t. She’s balanced right now, after 16 nerfs she don’t need another. 2 flankers on back, teamfight ahead if you want to remove superjump, your mercy right now dying. If you want to broke one hero who don’t do you too much in game you need to be really unskilled. just let her rip in peace.