Mercy Spear as an E ability?

I got that spear idea I’ve been tossing around.

I was thinking originally to have the spear be a Q ability during Valk, but it occurred to me they could make it be an E ability instead.

Would allow Mercy players to have some autonomy to go use her Blaster more regularly.

E ability = Throw Staff
Q ability = Valk
Q during Valk = Single Rez

Haven’t quite figured out how the autopilot heals would work if it’s not Valkyrie chain heals.

Would it just be 1 beam that heals whoever is closest? Or maybe a chain beam that splits the healing potency depending on how many teammates are nearby.

Anybody got any ideas how the autopilot heal mechanic would work?

It should target the person with the least percentage health in a 10m radius

Wouldn’t that just autotarget tanks first?

Probably, but that’s who she tends to be healing anyways.

Could be aura generation with more potency closer to the spear? Think like a Pharah rockets but with healing centered around the staff/spear.
Or a single target focusing on the lowest health ally within LoS/range, maybe less healing for a farther away ally?

I dunno, I tend to focus on making sure to heal whoever is below 150HP first.

you really love this “throwing the staff” idea huh

Kinda, although I would imagine she could just slam it into the ground like she does in that emote where her wings flare out.

The mechanics of “put heal stick on ground” are kinda secondary though. Just trying to figure out a bit of an aesthetic for it.