Mercy: So Whats Next?

Do we know when the next all-star skins will arrive ?

I believe soon.

R0s3Thorn :purple_heart:

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I agree with so much of this.

Valk is terrible design that goes against everything Bliz claims they don’t do. It removes every weakness, it makes a good kit better in every way and this is why is can’t be powerful.

She has her hand in the cookie jar trying to pull out all the cookies at once, but she’s left with a fist full of crumbs.

Valk needs to be dropped pretty much completely. She doesn’t need better mobility, it’s already great. She doesn’t need aoe, she’s a single target healer with 60. She doesn’t need better range, she has the mobility. Valk takes everything that requires thought out of her kit during ult.

Her ult needs to specialize in order to be powerful.

Rez can’t be on e because rez on ult had charge; the enemy team can slow her charge by kill her or killing her team quickly, or slowly kill her team every 10s so that she’s can’t rez more than 1-2 at a time. And before invul, mercy had to take the big chance of dying for a big rez. It took way more thought and experience than waiting for a cd and deciding if it’s safe enough to stand still for 2s. On top of that, they could have added LOS. Mass rez would be pretty weak after that, but they could add a heal to her living teammates when she uses ult.

Her e ability shouldn’t be an even more watered down valk, it should be some thing that fits into her character and is unique. I liked the pacify idea because it’s technically an offensive ability that makes an enemy player less threatening; force them to do less damage and THIS has potential for saving team mates. An amazing ability I think.

It looks like not everyone knows how bad Mercy’s winrate, in comparrison to the other supports, really is.

I didn’t say he was trolling , i said that he/she must expect troll/meme comments on the forums.

And I do recognize his name but don’t want to comment on that.

Mercy is in a good place now.

I wouldnt expect any changes soon. Other heroes need the attention more.

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You have heroes like Nerfcy, Symmetra overly tweaked, then you have heroes like Torb, Bastion and Reaper barely touched. Not a ton of consistency on the balance end. I’m not looking forward to the Torb Rework…

Tbh this is what it’s started to feel like for me as well. I can only see a few things happening for her in the future:

  • They stop trying to fix her, and leave her in the dust. They focus their attention on other heroes and Mercy becomes the Torb of the support roster.
  • They finally admit their mistake, and revert her (with tweaks). They’ve tried everything to make Valk work and it isn’t happening, so as Mercy says: “Back to square one.”
  • They rework her a third time, removing resurrect entirely and sacrificing part of her identity as a character. They’ve (sort of) done it with Hanzo and scatter > storm arrow. This could potentially happen, but imo the change would be so polarizing that I don’t know if they’d go for it.

I’m not sure how long it’ll take though. We had OP moth Mercy for a year. Could easily be just as long before they attempt anything else with her.


At this point I’d rather they stop ‘balancing’ Mercy. Everything they’ve done from launch ( outside of the 60 GPS buff), yes ESPECIALLY the invuln rez buff I’ve not liked or has really improved her kit. Just leave her alone lol. It’s sad.

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I wish they’d have left her alone to begin with prior to invuln, tbh. Hindsight is 20/20.


While I get what you’re saying, there are only 3 main healers so switching when you’re solo healing makes your options pretty limited if you actually want to keep your team alive.

But all the masses/forum dwellers care about is the pick rates, meta and the incessant whining about hide and rez. The points by OP wont be understood by people who actually play this character. I used Mercys m2 more than the m1 tbh…

This confirm???

She shouldn’t be a sidekick, she should feel like a hero. She might be balanced, but not fine.
Mercy should be a viable pick because she’s fully dedicated to support the team. And she can’t do that anymore. You can’t even use damage boost that much on DPS like Widow, cause your team needs healing.
She’s just not okay.

If they leave her like this (and it’s not impossible, we know Blizzard), that would be a huge lack of respect and really unprofessional. Mercy is the most mained hero, if I’m not wrong. But this is pretty much changing rn…

JFC I get that you guys absolutely adore mercy, but is it really worth the constant spamming and complaining?

She’s just fine and totally playable. As are all the other heroes.

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I don’t think you understand what a throw pick is, her winrate will balance out if you give the meta more than a couple of weeks to adjust.


Let Mercy rest. Anyone who has nothing to say on the forums just posts something about her and we have a thread.

Just revert her lala

While the first statement you said was debatable, the second is a blanket generic statement that is not shared by the community. Alot of Torb, Symmetra and Bastion players disagree with you (aside from Mercy).

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