Why are we making threads about quotes that maybe one or two people have said instead of just responding to those people?
Where in OPs response did they ever say to make her a priority? I can’t recall a single instance in this whole thread where someone has said “ignore every single character until Mercy is fixed!”. You act like the whole overwatch team can only focus on one character at a time which is obviously rediculous and untrue. By all means, fix bastion and Torb. Have a crack at Reaper, Soldier, and McCree. It doesnt take a full team to adjust some things here and there on Mercy and slap it on PTR
My prediction, is that Mercy’ll be back at the top of Blizzard’s “Heroes that require immediate attention” list once the e-sports scene gets the support patch and Mercy’s pick rate drops through the floor.
Remember, the rework was pushed through to force Mercy into seeing play time in Overwatch e-sports. Going off Mercy’s current GM pick rates, I doubt she’ll be seeing much, if any at all, play time there, and Blizzard will have to react.
If they don’t, and I’d honestly be surprised if that happens, that means that e-sports isn’t the main focus of balancing, anymore, and we might, eventually, see a properly balanced game.
Let me look up the definition of “spam” for you:
Irrelevant or unsolicited messages sent over the Internet, typically to a large number of users, for the purposes of advertising, phishing, spreading malware, etc.
Calling threads with legitimate concerns and feedback “spam” just because you don’t agree with them doesn’t make them spam. Apart from that consider the fact that the devs themselves asked the (Mercy) community mulitple times to provide feedback. 2-3 threads talking about Mercy in some way (not always directly) on the front page don’t hurt anyone - and certainly aren’t “spam”.
From what we’ve seen so far, the Devs don’t work on major changes to Multiple Heroes at one time, so no, the excuse isn’t exhausting when there has been a pattern to all this. Mercy has had constant attention for months and only recently has she stopped receiving that attention. It sucks that she’s in such a bad state when that happens, yes, but there have been Heroes is worse spots for much longer, so it’s kind of selfish for some people to demand that one still require attention drawn from those others when they had received it for a long period of time before.
And what is the justification for taking resources from looking into other Heroes who are even more unbalanced and have been for a longer period of time? Mercy is STILL more balanced than Reaper, Roadhog, Bastion, and some people would include several others. Where is the justification is keeping them as garbage so that Mercy can get all the attention to “fix” her when she’s actually in the most balanced state she’s been in since her rework?
No, the argument is that there are other Heroes that have needed to be looked at for an extremely long time, and Mercy has had constant attention until just recently. Yes, Blizzard shouldn’t have let any Heroes suffer, but hindsight is 20/20 and we’re living in this reality, not the perfect one where all Heroes are fine. That doesn’t take away from my statement when i said FOR NOW because they can get to her once they have fixed those Heroes. Mercy is still relatively balanced, unfortunately she is unfun to play as, which is also a major problem. But Heroes who haven’t been able to work for a very long time and are legitimately unbalanced are also unfun. Where is it fair to take resources away from rebalancing Heroes and make it fun for THOSE players to rework a Hero a second time? You say the community shouldn’t suffer, but we’ve seen a pattern of Blizzard not being able to work on several Heroes at once, unless they’re only minor tweaks here and there, so having to rework Mercy a second time would lead to that being the major thing they focus on, as we’ve seen in the past, and everything else pertaining to other Heroes being put on the back burner, much like that has happened to the Heroes I’ve previously mentioned in this comment.
Sorry to burst your bubble but no hero should be a priority over an other. If I was qualified, I would be suggesting balance changes for other heroes but as of now, I’m only really qualified to talk about Symmetra, Sombra and Mercy. In short, I’m addressing Mercy’s state because I know she is not balanced. That being said, I also know that other heroes are unbalanced too but I’m not qualified to talk about other heroes so I’ll only be able to talk about Mercy.
Doesn’t matter. All you did was avoid the question and resort to strawman arguments. Again, this is just you poorly trying to justify an unbalanced hero being in the game.
When did I say they should keep the other unbalanced hero unbalanced? Also, your assertion about Mercy reeks bias. Apparently, underpowered is the most balanced state she has been in… Sorry, but she has never been unbalanced after her rework.
That’s extremely true, and my opinion on the matter isn’t the opposite of that statement. I am just pointing out that from previous trends from Blizzard seems to prioritize one Hero over others temporarily. I agree with you that they should all be looked at and fixed equally, but unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be the case.
I didn’t see a question, and if there was one there I apologize for missing it. Would you mind asking it again so I can clearly answer it, as I’m not trying to strawman, only respond to those that responded to my comment.
You didn’t, I’M saying that according to past trends, that is what is likely to happen if they were to focus on fixing Mercy. Also, Mercy was a must pick through numerous nerfs, continuing until just recently with this previous, most recent nerf. The fact that a continuous string of nerfs kept her as the most picked Support shows that she was not balanced, and constantly nerfing her shows that the Development Team saw that she was too powerful, even after previous nerfs. All this happened AFTER her rework. Plus, much of the community believes that she’s balanced, right now, even many Mercy mains. Unfortunately, she’s not the support I play, and therefore, as you said before, I don’t have much to go off of by my own experience. Therefore, I use the experience and arguments from others who have hundreds of hours on Mercy instead.
Unless you’re talking about reworks, just recently, they managed to release balance changes for almost all of the support roster. It’s definitely doable and certainly doesn’t require a hero to be in an underpowered state.
Mistake on my part. Apologies.
What they believe is not relevant. According to actual data, she is underpowered.
Not really, unless you’re talking about reworks.
The devs are looking to fix heroes that are unbalanced, not heroes who are just “unfun”. There has to be something more than just “unfun” to risk messing up the balance again with changes.
If Mercy proves to be unerpowered, they may change her again.
Those changes weren’t as large as what would be required to make Mercy balanced and fun, therefore it would need to be a rework yet again. That’s why I said in the previous comment that unless they were several small changes, then they wouldn’t be able to work on everything at once, and the support changes were in fact those small changes.
All good, I thought I missed one and didn’t want to leave it unanswered.
Unfortunately, if you’re talking about Overbuff, that data is inaccurate because of private profiles, and Overbuff shows it’s statistics based on public profiles that have already been searched in it’s system. We don’t know to what degree it’s inaccurate, as we don’t know how many people have private profiles, but we can assume it’s a majority of players as private profiles are the default. I hope Blizzard either fixes this or makes their own system like Overbuff so we can see accurate data and statistics. But until then, we can’t really take Overbuff as gospel like we used to.
I am talking about reworks, since that is what it would take to fix her into a fun, balanced Hero that we can all enjoy.
Not really. The sample size is still massive plus the data didn’t change significantly after the private profile patch.
It has the data of anyone with a public profile. All it takes is a quick name search.
That didn’t change the data significantly when the patch went live so I don’t think that’s an issue. Also, the sample size is still big enough.
Here’s a better post:
Can I get a TL;DR on that? I’m at work and don’t have time to read it all at once.
Umm. All of it is important. I’d suggest just reading it when you have the time to.
Alright, I’ll have to read it once I get off.
People misunderstand the “fun” argument from long-time Mercy mains a lot. It has nothing to do with how well her numbers look or how many abilities she has on paper, but about her ability to make a game-changing difference in a clutch moment.
She had this with mass rez, and no longer can have that kind of impact with Valkyrie because her power has shifted massively from her ultimate to her reliable kit. She just keeps plodding along at 50-60 HPS, rezzing only when she won’t get killed for it, and that’s it. Her team’s getting destroyed? She’s the only support with no means to at least try to save the day. The only unique ability she has in that situation is having the best view of her team losing from spectator mode.
But I didn’t.
There isn’t a ‘queue’. Otherwise, Bastion would have gotten a rework. The devs change stuff when they want to.
Sweetie, that’s not a solution.
Neither does someone like Torb. And yet here we are. Want to know why Overwatch doesn’t have traditional FPS characters? Because it’s not a traditional FPS.
If I want to be angry at how the devs have treated Mercy and those of us who play her, then I’m going to be angry. If I want to be angry at the actual toxic trolls, mostly quoted as saying that Mercy mains are ‘cultists’ and that Mercy should stay terrible because she was meta for so long, then I’m going to be angry. Why? Because I care about the character and I want to have fun with a hero I love and want her to be fixed to ensure fun and impact, the entire reason she got a trash rework in the first place.
Other heroes are in a dire situation as well, yes. This doesn’t mean that the devs can’t also sort out Mercy. This doesn’t mean that the devs should be ignoring their communities. This doesn’t mean that the community should shut up and put up with this treatment. If the attitude is always ‘someone has it worse’, nothing gets fixed because everyone gets dismissed.
Also, you can’t pick her and reliably still get work done; she doesn’t even outheal Winston, res is literally ‘stand still and hope the enemy team doesn’t kill you’ and if you’re not playing QP then they will kill you, and Valkyrie is the easiest way to avoid Genji and has very few other uses.
Her kit is trash and the only parts that don’t need work are her GA, the crouch jump that you can do at the end of the GA, and her pistol.
But go off, I guess.
Yes she does because winston has to stop and reload every 5 seconds for 1.5 seconds. You out-heal him by 25 health every 6.5 seconds.
Maybe you should take a break from OW for a few days. You seem really upset about something that’s supposed to be fun.
These threads were (still are?) unsolicited. Hence the existence of the huge Mercy threads at one point in time. Garbage dumps for the same topic over, and over, and over.
But another definition:
To send (a message) indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups.
Whether or not you like it, I will call it spam because it’s completely appropriate.
According to you I could call all the anti-Mercy-feedback-threads “spam” then, too, right?