Mercy should heal more - suggestions

Depends on individuals really, I used to play Mercy a lot up until Jan nerf, then I dropped her. Reasons being:

  1. Valk has little to no impact unless for damage boost, but even then, Orisa’s supercharger beats it. Its like a poor combination of Zen and Orisa ult combined with you have to toggle which do you wnat.
  2. Her current healing cant sustain teams as it cant even keep up with the damage, which is why among the main healers, shes s&*^ to choose from if you want main healing.
  3. Rez is clunky and 2 things come into mind when rezzing, I hope i dont die and I hope my team still can sustain themselves while Im rezzing a teammate cuz im not healing them.

Now when Im not playing Mercy:

  1. Healing cant sustain the team, I have to swtich to an Ana or a Moira to keep up with her healing and I dont see her worth anymore since every other healer does her job better.
  2. Playing against rez (E ability) is annoying, that person I just killed? I turn my back for one sec, and they get rez, that s&*^ is annoying. Was easier back then since I could counter it with my ult but Im not gonna waste an ult for 2 peeps.
  3. I hate how I cant kill her unless we have S76 or Mccree ult to bring her down.

So no, its not just Mercy players, Im an ex, but since I dont play her anymore, all I can say is that I hate having her as a teammate and I hate how her kit currently is.

She’s about as bad off right now as Ana was during the Mercy meta. A glance at her GM stats will tell you that.

Mercy’s heals are low risk, less reward. She heals less than Ana, who has to have a lot more skill to successfully heal, but more than Moira, who has more utility through damage, and lifesteal. Her healbeam is no aim and has a very generous falloff. It’s fair and balanced.

The main issue is still the rez, because devs dk what to do with their own op rework so they just have to nerf rest of her kit. But I will be honest, I am enjoying this no mercy meta very much, tired of seeing her in my game for 6+ season straight.

A key difference is that Mercy is at her worst at GM, while Ana was at her best. Ana only went downhill from GM and reached depths that honestly no hero right now is at.

Mercy is a bit weak in GM and Masters but is still pretty viable in lower ranks. Which isn’t ideal, but it’s something.

That isn’t true. Ana had double her GM pickrate in ranks Gold through Diamond at the time, and one and a half times her GM pickrate in Masters and Silver. She was better in Silver-Masters than she was in GM.

Ana never suffered a 1% GM pickrate in the months prior to the support changes. Mercy, who is in theory more popular than Ana (at least, that was the case prior to the rework, who knows right now), is currently suffering a drastically lower GM pickrate proportional to her popularity than Ana did during the Mercy meta.