Mercy should heal more - suggestions

Except for the fact mercy is designed to be the only pacifist support with healing her primary and often sole function with the exception of well timed damage boosts.

Knock five seconds off the duration of Valkyrie, but the direct target of your healing beam gets double the effect (100 hp/s or 60% boost.)

This would make one hero practically immortal. And good mercys can juggle beams effectively. This is too strong

Buffs to Valkyrie is probably the best. ATM, Valkyrie is possibly the weakest support ult, since it lacks the sheer defensive utility of Trans/Sound Barrier or the offensive buffs coalescence/rally give, or how very potent Nano-Boost is right now. Improving the heal output, and either reset rez cooldown or give back instarez during valkyrie (so you either get two rezzes or one risky rez with less risk, but not both) so Mercy has something to do during valkyrie outside fly around.

I do not believe that Rez on cooldown is the problem with Mercy (she was used less during stage two of OWL, and she isn’t used as much now despite having Rez on E), but Ana is back to having too much utility when Mercy has limited utility and Moira has none.

It’s an ult and it would only last the duration. And coalescence heals more and can heal multiple people.

Coalescence requires more precision and moira is an easier target/can be hacked, stunned. Valk cant be canceled

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That’s why she has resurrect and on demand damage boost.

Well, I don’t think it would be overpowered but it could be tuned down to either an even shorter duration or less strong of an effect if it was.

Mercy players often complain that Valk feels underwhelming even if it is effective, so this would make it flashier and more burst-y.

Rez is not a good midfight ability. It plays out very poorly in most cases. It’s best used on early picks or after the team fight is won. Even if you pull off a res midfight, other supports that can heal similar amounts can contribute much more to the fight. So yeah I think they should have left her healing as is and it boggles my mind how many of you think it is a good nerf.

Was: Unconditionally best support and on a power level previously unseen in Overwatch

Is: situationally viable

Seems good to me.

I would definitely be on board with the removal of chain healing in favour of more burst healing but valk would still be very underwhelming and res is still the core reason mercy is unfun to play right now. Balance and fun are mutually exclusive for mercy right now.

Yet she is increasingly becoming less fun to play. Why should fun be sacrificed for balance, why can’t the devs find a way to have both. Mercy players aren’t crying out to be the most powerful (despite me saying in my opinion she should be the strongest healer, I did mean healing output not strong in the meta). The devs were warned the rework would be broken and their reasons for the rework were heavily misinformed.

Give her 60 HP/s and completely remove Rez. If they don’t remove Rez then she is perfectly fine where she is.

I really don’t understand why Mercy players hate rez so much. It’s tempo rez and you still get to have an ultimate! And it takes skill to use!

As someone who doesn’t play Mercy but plays other healers a lot, the 50 hp/s nerf is the first time Mercy has legitimately felt fair. Before, she always outhealed you no matter what. Now, skill matters, and you can beat her for the healing if you play well or she doesn’t.

I would much prefer a Mercy with 50 hp/s and rez over one with 60 hp/s and none, even if the second was weaker. I don’t really want Mercy to suck, but I also don’t want her to outheal me every game for free. She can have power some other way.

I say:

Return the 60hps
Rewire res to Valk
Allow Valk to damage boost and heal at the same time
Get rid of chain healing during Valk
Possibly add an E-ability that actually helps the team

I see where you’re coming from with being able to finally outheal mercy due to playing effectively but Mercy only heals. As ana you can deal some damage if you need to, even stop the enemy team from healing and moira is exceptionally good at dealing with flankers. Res doesn’t mechanically require skill its more situational awareness and I hate it because I don’t think it flows well with her kit and her design which is to be a high mobility healer. It forces a high mobile healer that is also a high priority target to stand still or go hide around a corner and res which is contradictory to the reasons she was reworked in the first place. I can and have pulled off some insane resses but I can and have also died countless times doing resses that look safe but aren’t.

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Not really, she has rez and damage boost. Moira only heals, at least at any rank where flankers have a brain.

Which is another reason Mercy can’t be the designated best healer. Moira had no utility, if it isn’t her she has no reason to be used at high rank.

And situational awareness is still a form of skill.

You have less opportunities to damage boost because you have to spend more time healing. You have less chances of midfight resses because you really need to keep on top of healing and its ineffective a lot of the time when the enemy team has already gained momentum. I’m simply arguing they nerfed the wrong things yet again. The overall effect on the game may be positive but it doesnt change the fact it was the wrong thing to nerf. When looking at balance changes you need to identify the issue in order to resolve it. Imagine nerfing hanzos wall climb when storm arrows was the problem? Can you see how that might be frustrating?

I mean, to me as a competing healer, the excessive healing was the problem. I don’t resent her ability to rez.