Mercy Should have

I changed my thinking and made this post into suggestions to help mercy players, while also not hurting others.

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yes let’s just make the already trash hero clunky to play


She is not trash in low elo.

And all other flyers have to touch the ground.

What? Can you try to explain this a little better?
I don’t really understand what you mean to be honest

Mercy is literal trash right now

And if the trash changes introduced by Content Creator mode ever hit QuickPlay or Comp, I’ll be quitting for good

One can only tolerate a certain amount of stupidity and mediocrity at any given time


Specifically so Junkrat and Reaper can kill her? For most DPS she’s an easy target floating in the air.


Request denied.



Brother, may I introduce you to Soldier:76?

Just save his useless ultimate for Mercy whenever she pops Valk. I promise you, you’ll never complain about Mercy ever again, low or high rank.


Don’t give them ideas.

They talked about Illari using pylon for her team while she does other things and then nerfed pylon for herself so that she is forced to use it selfishly longer and her only mid-combat self-heal is much weaker making the “doing other stuff” part of their philosophy harder as well.

How bad do you want her to be?

Can they make this only for very low ELO. The level where even S76 can’t hit her?

What do you mean she’s not trash in low elo? That’s where she’s the most trash. Everyone is trash in low elo. Hard to excel with mercy when players have bad positioning that get them killed and her if she tries to keep them alive. Players make dumb decisions that put them in danger and her if she follows. Players have terrible aim so damage boost ends up being an exercise in futility. Her teammates are stupid and don’t body block or protect her if she’s rezzing. Like…


So? No one cares about low elo.

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why tho? it’s not like she’s pharah and shooting junkrat grenades from the air
there’s no threat when mercy is flying around, all she does is heal anybody near her (and sometimes dmg boost)
projectile size got increased too with S9 changes so it should be easier to shoot down mercy
only thing that’s potentially making it harder is the increase in TTK from global HP increase
but there’s still the DPS passive

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I think mercy should be the one who can perma fly, but remove her damage boost.

Ooh that’s an interesting idea. They should have tried that out in an arcade mode or something.

A big boobed goth nun skin.

Honestly they should bring back her buffed healing when the target’s health is under 50%, but maybe make it weaker. Either that or make guardian angel cooldown lower because it’s still very clunky

Low elo is a “get good” situation. The devs don’t balance around it most of the time because there’s already answers for the problems down there. It just requires learning those answers and practicing them. Mercy is mid in the low ranks but horrible in the high ranks right now. And any hard nerf without compensation in another area would make her horrible in the low ranks too while making her literally completely trash tier from mid diamond upwards. She’s currently in need of minor buffing actually, or more preferably, a healthy rework that increases her skill expression in return for greater value.

She would literally just have her weak healing and resurrect (which is used only about 3 times per 10 mins from Masters and above, so very limited in comparison to its use in low ranks). Plus she has one of the weaker ults among supports. She would be mobile and useless with that idea.

Instead of giving her infinite flight and that. suggest putting damage boost on a resource instead and reworking how resurrect works or even replacing it with another ability, so that she’s got some limitation to her kit but it’s still overall better than what she has now since she’s so weak currently.

Idk dude because people say she’s trash and yet im seeing her all the time. characters that are actually bad u rarely see