Mercy Should have

People are just saying that so she doesnt get nerfed

I decided to check my owm replays to see if itā€™s true
here are my results:
out of the last 28 games Iā€™ve played Mercy was in 18/28 of them meaning she appeared at least once 64% of the time.

Out of all the total 112 support slots throughout the 12 matches (4 support slots per match)

Mercy took up 25/112 slots or about 22% of the support role was filled by mercy.

Since there is a total of 10 supports in the game. it means that each support in a perfect world should take up 10% of the support role in terms of pick rate.

So Mercyā€™s Pick rate is double what it would be in an ideal world

So based off this sample size. Itā€™d fair to say that mercy does appear in more than half my games, which is pretty high

Removing her damage boost would improve the baseline heroes, instead of balancing them around the possibility of having a boost.

Just because sheā€™s picked a lot doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s good.

Sheā€™d need to have 50hps through the dps passive to feel good to play, but she still wouldnā€™t be op.

Iā€™ve given up playing her (my main!) because she feels so bad. She canā€™t do the one thing sheā€™s supposed to do, which is heal.

The healing is so low that if i ever pull out her gun, the person iā€™m trying to help dies.
Before the passive one could heal 55 hps while the enemy reloaded and then swap to shooting again.
Now she heals 44.
She used to be able to outheal a torb turret.

The devs could just lessen the dps passive to 15% for supports who have 55 hps or less.
Which would mean brig, mercy, lucio, lifeweaver and zen.

The ones with over 55 hps. Moira, ana, bap, kiri and illari. Could easily have the 20%. Because their hps even with the 20% is higher than 55.