⚙️ Mercy rework - WORKSHOP INCLUDED - Resurrect on resource meter

I really don’t feel like this accomplishes your goal of giving her a higher skill cap, rather it just raises the skill floor

Putting Rez on a resource meter like this just kind of makes her more of a heal bot than she already is. Cool she can theoretically have Rez more often but that makes it wholly dependent on your team taking constant damage and the thing Mercy struggles with is keeping up with high amounts of damage. She gets way more value out of damage boost since her heal has no real clutch component to it. For that reason sometimes it’s better to not heal someone and Rez them later (effectively burst healing them).

Like it doesn’t give you more room for higher skill plays, it actually just forces her into a less optimal niche


Resurrect needs a cast time so it is interruptable by CC.

Definitely creative, but this makes Resurrect useless in higher ranked games/a chore to play against because of the fact that squishies now technically have 400 health if you want to fully kill them.

No it doesn’t. Most defensive abilities are nearly impossible if not completely impossible to interrupt or prevent from doing what they do. That’s what Resurrect is… a defensive ability. Why must Resurrect be any different?

Then you start mixing, matching, and tweaking until it works. There’s plenty of numbers and ideas to work with here.

Maybe the enemies can see the souls but can’t shoot them.
Maybe GA puts Rez on CD for 2… maybe 4… maybe only 1 second.
Maybe Resurrect slashes Mercy’s HP to 100 for 5 seconds or 150 for 30 or 120 for 10.

Maybe we do Visible Souls, GA CD for 1s and then 150 HP for 10s. I don’t know. I don’t know what exactly would be balanced but my point still stands. You can add disadvantages to Resurrect that makes it counterable without taking all the Agency away from the Mercy player.

This of course assumes we’re keeping it on her E. If we can promote it to her Q, it probably could be instant without any downsides because at that point it is kind of the inverse of Pulse Bomb and that’s nearly impossible to stop assuming it sticks.


Happy to see that my Post inspired you!

And I really like this change to Rez tbh I could only test it with bots but it gives you the feeling of being rewarded by doing work.
I do like the Idea of Resourcemeters that get/can be filled by doing “work” in general.

I would play around with lowering the amount of charge you get and in compensation give charge too when successfully boosting dmg just an idea but maybe worth playing around with.
But now that I think of it… detecting dmg boost in the workshop… I don’t even know how or where to start implementing that. It would be a pain for sure considering the viewangle can be diffrent for every player so maybe not xD.

Anyway great work!


Oops. Missed your comment, sorry.

Coming from the viewpoint of Mercy’s player agency, yes that would be ideal. Now that would be a significant buff so we’d need other downsides applied to it other than cast time and slow… but that should be doable.

You mean this one?

Adjusting the % of the meter and buffing rez, could be interesting.
With this rez has more place to be buffed/nerfed. Also simply increasing the resource needed.

And Mercy could be receive buff in general


Good job on this, this is what I expected people to do on Workshop, but nobody ever really did.


You’re 12 years late, TF2 did this already.

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Hm, how about filling the resource from assists instead of just healing?

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Reminds me of medic ubercharge from TF2. Build a charge while healing if you die it poofs and you have to start all over.

I don’t know if it’s possible but is there a way to give it several resource meters like 3-4 of them? So she could build multiple charges of rez. There was a medigun in Team Fortress 2 that did that.

Besides that the only thing I would change is it needs to build charge from damage boosting too.

Thanks for the feedback!

I definitely thought about having more ways to fill up the resource meter, sadly my knowledge of the workshop isn’t so wide, and I’m not even sure if it’s possible to implement resource gain onto damage boost, this is why the charge times are so low. I acknowledge the fact that Mercy does a lot more than just healing.

There’s definitely more room for skill expression.

What abilities are you thinking of? Because none of the other cooldown abilities in the game has so much power as Resurrect does, conceptually.

Every single ability in the game has a way of counterplay. Instant Resurrect doesn’t.

Additionally, there’s no way to alter the abilities in the game with Workshop, so even if I wanted to change it, I wouldn’t be able to.

Thank you.

Unfortunately, we’ll always be limited unless there’s a code editor available. I thought about it, but I’m not sure if Workshop allows it.

Not sure if possible with Workshop.

Thanks for the feedback.

Interesting idea, but I’m not so sure about Mercy’s power if she was wielding 4 resurrect charges at once.

I don’t know if applying resource gain on damage boost is possible, but I’ll definitely look into it.

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It gives more incentive for mercy to become a healbot. Since damage boost does not interact with Res in any way.


M-Megadodo, is that you?

I like the idea, however I don’t like encumbering Mercy with yet another limit. She’s already borderline unplayable.

How about instead making the resource meter accelerate the res? I.e. with the meter at 0 you have 4 second cast time (so it’s essentially useful only outside of a fight) but with the full meter it falls down to (say) 0.2 seconds.

Meter can decay over time if Mercy is not healing.


Nice idea, and always nice to see people being dedicated, keep it up!

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Just let Mercy rest in pieces.
Devs wanted to make some pocket sup and Mercy is just a victim of their tries. No more enjoyable gameplay, just press M1/2 while pocketing sniper/Pharah

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At this point I would just prefer Mercy not get touched again, so many bad things have happened to her in the last year or two that it’s probably better to leave her alone. We have super jump and I believe it’s here to stay until Blizz can figure out how to fix her to make her competitive with other Main Healers like Moira.

I disagree, I love Mercy but for me her issue is on her dmg beam, they should revert the last change they made on it. Except that she’s pretty good and fun to play.
But let’s see what you did.

So no bonuses for dmg boosting dmg or doing dmg with the gun? It’s kinda sad, I don’t like the “healbot” point of view.
From what I’ve read after, your Rez is just a Rez ult with a short ultimate charge.

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I tried it out in the workshop and it feels amazing :smiley: , but…

But if she’s considered “super balanced” in her currrent state why bother making resource meter res if it’s not followed by other changes?

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