⚙️ Mercy rework - WORKSHOP INCLUDED - Resurrect on resource meter

So, you made rez another ult?

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Defensive abilities. Ice block, Ice Wall, Wraith Form, Deflect, Fortify, DM, Rewind, Fade, Zarya bubbles, Adaptive Shielding… I think you get the picture. Literally all of those abilities are incredibly difficult if not impossible to stop once the player running that hero pushes the button to use them. You can maybe do things in response to them to mitigate their effects, but usually you can’t just say “Nope! This doesn’t get to work.”

Why are they so hard to stop? Because almost all they do is prevent the hero using them from dying. A defensive ability that can be easily bypassed or prevented is a terrible defensive ability.

Resurrect is a bit different conceptually than them, but it is still a defensive ability… just one Mercy applies to a teammate after they’re already dead.

See, I disagree. Resurrect is powerful, but literally every single ability I mentioned above can prevent you from needing a resurrect in the first place… which is actually better because your team doesn’t lose momentum because somebody went down.

Also… Deflect and DM’s ability to hijack or eat ultimates is arguably even more powerful than anything resurrect currently can do.

More also… you yourself have built a way to counter instant resurrect in your workshop setup. If you kill Mercy every 15-20 seconds or so she will literally never be allowed to use Resurrect regardless of whether it is instant or not. Even if you don’t kill her, if you force her to run and stop healing or pull her blaster and stop healing… it’ll take her longer to get her resurrect.

Now that’s just wrong. Even when Resurrect was Mass, Instant, and on her ult, it didn’t let the resurrectee move instantly. Which means it had the same counterplay that Mei’s iceblock has. That being:
“Alright everyone, gather up. Take aim, and once the invulnerability wears off… hit em with everything you’ve got.”

Fun fact, I used the workshop to build an alternate E for Mercy that lived along side her current E. It would hijack the input if she was looking at a living ally and apply a burst heal of 125 and 1.75s of 100 HPs… and disable all Mercy’s other abilities for those 1.75s. Also in a somewhat clunky attempt to shorten Valkyrie, I had the code instantly kill and revive the Mercy player.

If I can do both those things, I know you can make her resurrect instant.

Besides, that might be an appropriate buff for making it so Mercy potentially never gets to use it ever.

And this little clause changes everything. Defensive abilities need to be used proactively, you often have a very small time frame and sometimes even have to predict an attack. Res is used reactively, with 10 seconds leeway window. Unlike proactive defenses, it’s margin of error is tremendously higher.

You can undo mistakes that would cost you a point or even a whole match with 1 button 10 seconds after the event - very different from baiting Riptire with Ice Block.

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It changes some things, not everything. For example, giving any of those other abilities a 30s cool down would be insane. On Resurrect? Sure. However I still stand behind my claim that a defensive ability that can easily be 100% negated is a bad defensive ability.

Did the initial version of her E Resurrect need more counter play? Yes, yes it absolutely did… but it should never have been given counter play that required either her enemies to not pay attention or her allies to burn other defensive abilities to let her use it. All that does is rob Mercy of most of her agency in using the thing.

Deflect, Recall and DM can be 100% negated after their activation. Does it make these defensive ability bad?

Res is not just a defensive ability. It is powerful and unique “Ctrl+Z” on your teammate’s mistake. Add a little teamwork with your tanks and your chance to execute Res rise dramatically.

I was always a fan of having rex on resource and introducing a charge mechanic to bring back mass rez.

This has been pretty much a suggestion of mine for a long time, although you’ve defined it in a more basic way that’s simple to understand. It’s certainly a start, and given there’s no compensation that I can see mentioned then the reduction in charge time makes sense. While clunky to still use, at least it’s earned and a Mercy who dies a lot will have a rather distinct difference when compared to a Mercy who survives a lot.

This isn’t the be all and end all of Mercy’s design faults, but this improves on one of them. Valkyrie is the next problem, but obviously not something for this thread. I would add however that ‘resurrect’ should give 100 fire if successful, as well as a small amount of bonus fire for a short time after if the revived teammate assists with achieving eliminations.

I don’t play Mercy and barely play healers, but to me the idea looks interesting. It gives more impact and chance to distinguish themselves for good Mercy players while punishing bad and passive ones.

Several concerns:

  1. Should the amount of healing done matter? Healing chip damage and pumping heal into tanks non-stop are different in their implications.
  2. Could it force Mercy to compete with other healer? Not a bad thing in itself, but another gameplay layer to think about.
  3. It can promote too passive gameplay of not using damage boost. Maybe it should count to.

This still doesnt address my biggest issue with resurrect in that it conficts with her playstyle and intended design.

I went into a lot more detail here:


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I think res on cooldown makes it consistent enough for her to have actual value to players (especially the new players who use her to get a feel for the game). If its a resource itll be far less consistent and make her worse overall (especially for those players). I dont think this change or any changes are really necessary, but if something comes up thats good enough i could be convinced. I think mercy has a high enough skill cap as it is. Ive noticed lotsof mercy mains talking about this, but i think its natural for most players. I have less fun with lucio the more i play, so i started playing others. Cant expect a hero youve played for hours and hours to remain the same level of fun forever. This aint it though.

What about lower ranked players though? They wouldn’t be able to use a core ability of their kit. It would be great for good Mercys but not the “bad” ones.

P.S. Nice workshop work done!

Incorrect… or at least not everyone of them. Only mediocre Mercy players feels that way about her. She is still an strong pick.

What are you talking about? the most problematic ability? I can think of greater problematic abilities in this game… unless you are talking about Valkyrie 1.0 (???)

Free given / key elims / for free lol. No. CD starts at pressing E so it’s not for free. Mercy is using Res to make the fight 6v6 again out of a team fight. She is using a powerful ability that can be used better at critical moments. And If Res is not done succesfully she wasted an ability… so no, this is not a free ability by any means.

LOL. Just like any other ability with CD in this game… what’s the issue? and btw When is Mercy doing nothing? at least she should be DMG boosting if healing is not needed… flying to damaged heroes…

Do you understand this game? 30 seconds CD is what a player takes to respawn and get back to his team… The main reason Valk 1.0 was nerfed is because teamfights were like 9v6 by every player ressurrected. By reducing it’s CD you are potencially making a 7v6 fight… nobody wants that I’m sure of it.

Again you are using the “for free” excuse lol. But yes, you are giving Mercy a Free res by not positioning yourself (or your team) in order to kill Mercy too… or to reduce her chances/space to use Res. If you have a pick why don’t you tell your team to push? you are already 6v5. A good Mercy won’t put herself in danger or she’d ended up killed… seems like a player/team comunication problem and not Mercy herself. And don’t forget you can always have a Mercy in your team doing the same.

Your whole rework idea is to make Res in a resource meter and posibility to lowering its CD. SO NO that’s the main reason Res was nerfed. 30 seconds CD should stay. Shorter CD would be broken. Longer CD would be useless across all ranks.

I feel very confused about your post. By the way you try to explain your reasons why res is an issue I’d say you want res to be used less frequently or gone ;).

But this “changes” you seem to want Res to be broken. 21 seconds out of valk (only healing, you dont want dmg boost either) so that would make 3 reses in 1 minute instead of 2. 17 seconds at Valk… that makes her even more powerfull. Valk lasts 15 seconds so she can potencially res 3 people (if she used res out of valk) do you need the math? So no, Res better stay as it is right now and should stay in the game because it’s part of Mercy kit since launch and she is the only hero in the entire roster who can res, and this game is about different abilities. Res is not oppressive, is not overpowered, it’s very counterable and it’s for sure not a problem right now.

Let me tell you something. Mercy’s strongest ability is not Res alone. Res is a powerful ability on it’s own but it’s not only what makes Mercy a viable pick still. It’s her mobility and dmg boost. It’s her capability to heal a team mate (-mates at valk) 100% guaranteed. No aim needed like Ana or Bap and she he can heal through shields. Guardian Angel mastered is what makes Mercy a strong pick. Not Res by it’s own. If you really are a Mercy player and didn’t adapt to her rework then you are playing her bad. If you are not a Mercy player then I’d only think you just want Res gone because it can “undo” your kill out of a team fight. We never gonna know that if everyone suggesting reworks or nerfs for Mercy saying they play her but their profiles are private and have names that clearly are for a dps player. DPS players moaning about an ability on a 30 seconds CD.

Again, sorry for my bad english.

This sounds amazing, it’s nice to see some positive ideas for mercy for once, not just people screaming ‘she’s fine’, thank you