Mercy rework - what to keep, what to rework

These are the things I would like to keep in Mercy’s kit:

  • Guardian angel with the bunny-hop (The GA is what makes her fun)
  • Angelic descent (goes with GA)
  • Lock-on beams (because it goes with GA and looking around)
  • Consistent healing, preferably at a main-healer level (but balanced)
  • Her pistol (I kind of like the little thing)

This is what I think would be nice to keep, but no must:

  • Damage boost beam
  • Regeneration after not taking damage for a while

This is what I think can change or be removed:

  • Resurrect (I don’t mind if they remove it completely, though I don’t think they will)
  • Valkyrie (because the player should not be possible to replace with two clothing pins)

If a major rework is not possible I would propose the following changes:

  • Replace resurrect on E with a high-jump ability
  • Rework Valkyrie in the following ways:
    Remove free flight
    Remove automatic regeneration
    Reduce beam-length (to just above regular length)
    Reduce beam-efficiency on secondary targets
    Improve beam-efficiency on primary target
    Reduce cooldown on guardian angel (slightly)
    Give Mercy a single instant rez
    Reset the cooldown on the high-jump ability (new E-ability) when Valkyrie starts

The purpose with such a rework is to give Mercy a kit that flows better, an ultimate which is more engaging and where target prioritization still matters, and where you have to play closer to the action and in a more engaging way.

But ultimately I’d be willing to sacrifice a lot of Mercy’s current kit as long as I can keep lock-on beams and guardian angel. Those two things together makes Mercy super-mobile and are what I find most fun about playing Mercy.



I think regen is extremely important to Mercy, so I’d like to keep that. Personally, I dislike power boost so I’m okay with that leaving.

I would like Valkyrie scrapped completely, OR, completely reworked to incorporate ONLY resurrect. No chain beams or flying. Possibly give her enhanced healing on her E.

Rez needs to be completely removed from her E and tied solely to her ultimate.

Pretty much, lock on beams, regen and GA are the best parts of Mercy right now and are part of her core foundation. (Though I also believe rez as an ultimate is too, but you know…)

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But Mercy already has that in the form of Vertical bunnyhop and superjump. I think it would be redudant and also potentailly lower her skill ceiling quite a bit to give her a free vertical jump on E. I also think she needs to have either utility or healing as an E ability, to make her worth picking (other supports all have heal/utility E abilities). However, they could potentially make her Vertical Superjump more accessible and less “buggy”, by making it so pressing “crouch” during GA activates a vertical jump boost. That would also leave room for an E ability! :smiley:

Also, I think they could possibly rework GA slightly. I played MapleStory 2 yesterday, and they have a priest class. Her basic movement ability is, like Mercy, essentially Guardian Angel. She has two options: Fly to an ally over a longer distance, or fly in any direction she wants, but at a reduced distance. If she chooses to fly to an ally, when she reaches them it heals both her and her ally for a set amount of HP, and then also grants both of them a 50% speed boost for the next 5 seconds. I think it would be cool if Mercy’s GA had some sort of benefit for her team such as speed or heals when she passes them. It could make her GA even more tactical than it already is!

I agree, these two things are much more the core of the hero than Rez.

I always wished Valkyrie gave Mercy shorter GA cooldown and a faster GA instead of free flight. It’d be a lot more fun anuevering around the map super quickly than floating in the sky, so I really like this idea! I think it could also even work as an E ability if they don’t want is as her ult. 5-6 seconds of increased main beam, and enhanced GA.

Overall, I really like these ideas, and hope Blizzard considers looking into Mercy’s kit to improve the overall flow and fun factor.


The only rework that would “work” would be to switch current valk and rez.
Move valk to an abillity (torb got molten core, sym got tele)
Rez should stay exactly the same as now, but ult charge could be a bit faster.

Valk would give her a burst heal / burst damage boost. Which would be in line with current healers.
Lucio hits multiple players, and has his amp.
Moira can use her orb.
Brig heals If she hits.

This is an interesting opinion piece

Well, I agree… but it’s one of those things I could sacrifice if it came down to it. Worst case I could run for health-packs or rely on the other healer to keep me up… all in all Mercy is usually pretty good at staying away from damage anyways.

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I had the most fun with Mercy back during the original original Mercy that went live
3 second regen (I had so much fun with being that vulnerable in a way that didn’t hinder my movement E REZ!!!) and with no invuln on Valkyrie the 5 man rez wasn’t considered en mass to be perfect so no one bad mouthed me for not pulling it off.

So much good times. Ah so fun. Also Soldier and Mercy are a thing, my time with 3 second regen Mercy proved it to me.

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Being that this has never been publicly acknowledged by Blizzard, I’m pretty sure this is a bug, a spectacular one at that. It seems likely to me that it will be patched out rather than kept.

…How long it takes them to patch it out is a different story.

I agree with this.

I like the idea of healing allies when flying past them with GA, but I don’t think giving Mercy independent mobility is a good idea.

I really don’t like the idea of removing Resurrect. That said, if removing Resurrect means we get to have an ultimate on Mercy’s Q again along with a decent E ability, GA, and 60 HPS, I would take that over what we currently have in a heartbeat.



Remove the ability that is causing power issues in her kit.
Blizzard have shown they have no idea how to do it.
All versions of Res had issues (not necessarily balance/OP/UP)

I like the list and agree with most of it!! Hopefully the devs acknowledge that Many Mercy players don’t enjoy her right now and change her!

~ Signed
The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :angel::ice_cream:

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