Mercy Rework dumbed her down A LOT

The GA changes with the slingshot and superjump mechanics were good, but they could’ve implemented that along with changes to Mass Res (without taking it off her Q) in order to further discourage hide-n-res by making her more survivable in teamfights.

Though I disagree on never going back in terms of ultimate, in which I am personally completely open to (and actually preferred), I can agree with you on GA, and find it’s modern improvements as helpful with the like of bunny hop and what not.

the mercy rework made her go from an incredibly uninteresting and limited hero to a way more dynamic one

I personally believe there is still hope to be had, and that continuing to fight for what you believe in, whether it is a small or big change, to be healthy in discussion on these topics.

To clarify what I meant by the first part of this post…

I’m saying that the “The rework was fine, she just needs some buffs/QoL tweaks” crowd and the “Rework Mercy again/Revert Mercy” crowd need to work together, because we have something in common:

We don’t like Mercy’s current state and want her to be changed in some way.

I did try to offer a compromise at one point, albeit I dont see mass rez as being an item that can be compromised on

That is indeed a skill. But for those 15 seconds after activating it there no longer is. Even moira requires more skill than a Valkrying mercy as Mercy becomes safer to play and doesn’t need to aim a beam. Which says something.

To my fellow brethren, of whom our species are shared, I disagree (as is usual between us). I believe that most things in life can be compromised, including (but not limited to), video games and the en masse of resurrects within them.

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Maybe not an exact compromise on what exact ways to change her - because there’s always going to be something to disagree on, whether it’s her HPS, her ultimate, what exact nature Resurrect should have as an ability, etc.

I’m more suggesting that we should focus on pushing the narrative that something needs to be done. Let the devs decide what that means - they have plenty of suggestions to choose from at this point, from small/large buffs (some with compromise nerfs) to small/large reworks and everything in between. Or perhaps they’ll come up with something that none of us have come up with yet.


Indeed, but for some reason people don’t like to compromise lately I find, which is a real tragedy. As compromises usually end up pretty well for most sides. Instead its all or nothing and one side is just kicked to the curb.


As a wise man once said: “People talk about the middle of the road as though it were unacceptable. Actually, all human problems, excepting morals, come into the gray areas. Things are not all black and white. There have to be compromises. The middle of the road is all of the usable surface. The extremes, right and left, are in the gutters.” - Eisenhower


As someone who despises blind centrism in matters of politics, I disagree with this quote, but I’m all for tactical unity in certain contexts - a lot of us who participate in Mercy discourse on these forums have a ton of different opinions on what needs to be done, but we’ll see results a lot quicker if we work with what common ground we do have.

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I agree with your assessment. I feel it’s really the best (and only) real way forward in the progress of this game.

I believe tieing Resurrect to Valkyrie would be better no? She would have room to have her basic kit buffed

Mercy is still public enemy #1; It’s just that every fight doesn’t revolve completely around her for both teams anymore.

And Valk giving Mercy a proactive way to keep people alive doesn’t dumb down her skill. It’s adds something where there was nothing because mass resurrect did literally nothing unless somebody had already died. Valkyrie can do something whenever you decide to hit the button even if nobody else is around.

That’s kind of like saying adding headlights to cars dumbed down the night driving skills people used to have to have. Now the lights just see for you!

Her base beams still work mechanically the same way as her original loadout so there hasn’t been any skill decrease there. You still have to beam juggle, which isn’t nearly the skill that people seem to think it is. The game does the work for you with colors and a big cross on people who are critical. It’s level 1 prioritization stuff, not a deep skillset. And her GA actually has a much higher skill ceiling now than it used to before she could bunny hop, slingshot, and super jump.

And Valkyrie is easily the highest skill ceiling support ult. All of the other ones just involve hitting Q once near your team when they’re hurt or want to engage. Except nano, of course, which actually requires somebody else to use their skills instead of Ana having to have any. Valkyrie, at 15 seconds, is the longest-lasting support ult by a lot (next is rally at 10 seconds). You have to make good decisions that entire time. Mass rez was instant use with no follow-up commitment. You just kind of did it near dead people. The only skill involved with it was knowing when to use it and when not to, a skill which every other ult takes, too.

Mercy takes more skill now than she ever has. It’s not even close.


The one thing we agree on lmao. Thanks for such a well worded post. ^^

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Was going to say the same to you actually, ha. I agreed with all your words for once.

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I use to be more willing to volunteer for healing duty if the game had mechanics that were NOT cumbersome. BLIZZARD is the one that originated MASS REZ into their game “World of Warcraft” because of all the Bull, that healers had to go through.

Mass Resurrection - WoW Head.

0.8% of base mana 100 yd range

10 sec cast
Requires Priest (Discipline, Holy)
Requires level 66

Brings all dead party members back to life with 35% health and mana. Cannot be cast when in combat.

This is actually VERY balanced tbh. I am surprised that MERCY did not have “This”.

They also did Shaman’s CHAIN HEALS and this HELPED healers out.

Discussion: Healers have ENOUGH Bull going on in their life. The last thing they NEED is hearing the spam of “I need healing”. or “Why didn’t you rez ME?”

Mercy has been made significantly more difficult to play over time as more and more features have been added to her movement. Mostly bugs that were made official. Her movement is super flexible now, but you have to know a lot of tricks to use it.

Seriously the imitation thing is already getting annoying…cut it

jokes have a limited run time, and you´ve exhausted yours,