Mercy - Revoking Rez

Why not replace the Rez with the cleanse and put Rez working in a different fashion on a new hero (I have ideas for that which could add another support to the game with a Rez mechanic that requires “preping” a teammate to be Rezzable).

I feel like mercy is kinda balanced now. I know res can be frustrating at times. But now I just think of it as a delayed zarya bubble or brigitte heal which puts mercy at risk.

People have become so used to Rez being Mercy’s true idenity because of its short history in the game thus far.

This is the only reason they keep it really. It would be mess simply to remove it, but maybe just make it into something else and just call it Rez and keep the animation for this for this “Rez” that really is just a quick heal or CC remover.

That’s also why Mercy is fairly good since the other healers are much more limited in their consistent healing and utility (without Rez) with only Zen truly coming close in matching her in value.

“Oh and Rez,” is a good way to put it because it’s just a side ability _not without power, but power that is mostly negateable with a walk from spawn while Mercy is better off tending to living teams in the fight.

Her value comes from consistency indeed. Rez is just an ability left in the kit for iconic reasons at this point. Its not unless by any means, but it not why she is picked over others.

Consider that if Brig does become a MP for the Pros then Mercy and Zen will remain the better Support choices (with Brig as a third support) since Brig can CC an Ult-ing Lucio, or Moira and cancel their Ulitmates while Ana will still be less reliable than Mercy or Zen.

I mean I think it is inconsequential compared to a much more consistent kit, and is the odd ability being, so situational and yet it is a risk that isn’t going to make a fight change significantly unless the Rezzed person can pull of a major Ultimate right after the Rez.

It’s not useless, its just redundant now, and in the way of an ability that could make for a better gameplay flow.

Maybe keep Rez during Valkyrie just so it is still around for iconic reasons.

I don’t think you understand just how much difference 1 person makes in a fight, ult or not.

I think you underestimate how much risk there is involved with Rez. Healing and Damage Boost are much more reliable and do not bring people back in positions that are not safe. Rez is reliably used in low risk scenarios that otherwise can be replaced by walking back from spawn to take up a better position to set up the next fight or finish out an even of already won fight.

There’s an adequate amount of risk involved.

Because rez was mercys ability for 3 years (and ever since ow was introduced in 2014)? Including the games development when it wasnt available in public so basically 4 years?

make a younger mercy, maybe in the lore she misuse rez and gets younger.
she’s a witch, she can do that.

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The game has been in development since 2009 under the title “Titan” which appears to show the “Guardian Class” as having Resurrect, but in the end it does even matter if it has been there for more close to 9 years. They make an ability that is self-scarificing because no can handle pacifist character in the game unless they hold still long enough for them to use their pro-league aiming skills. Hey at least Rez is fun to play against right? No one has an issue anywhere with Rez working, yeah people still cannot handle this ability in this game because killing is all that is commonly understood in games where you are in character pespective and there is a Red Team.

In otherwords Rez and even healing maybe even the idea that supports existing is a problem for Overwatch (tanks too) since they impead killing since the game has guns and has first person it apparently must work like all other FPSs in being all about killing and with that Comp should be replaced FFA Deathmatch because teamwork is hard for some.

It so broken that people can one shot heroes in this game its not fun to play against they should rework them because they are OP when successful!

And all teamwipes need to be reworked into single target abilies because they too are not fun to play against. Teamwipes are OP, promote/reward hiding tactics, and do not offer enough counter-play.

Actually their is not enough risk because it so hard apparently to kill people in Overwatch but a simple “E” press can undo all that hardwork instead Mercy should clearly be punished more, so that it is more fun to play against her.

I mean, if you wanted to remove rip tire I wouldn’t say no

I mean, Jeff DID say in an interview after Mercy’s first few nerfs “I would be very sad to remove Rez completely, but if that’s what it came too…” or something along those lines, so you never know ;). He also said he doesn’t want Rez to be the focus of Mercy’s gameplay and identity.

because it so hard apparently to kill people

Wut? How would you know all you play is mercy?

This would be a good way to rearrange Mercy’s kit to make it flow better.

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Mercy is fine right now. I really don’t get it…

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