Mercy... ResidentSleeper

It appears Mercy in her current state doesn’t satisfy most Mercy mains, nor non-Mercy players.

I do have a solution for that tho. Don’t straight nerf/buff her, but instead raise her skill floor and reward players that are better than others. Symmetra rework was in the right step. No longer can you pick the hero, drop a cheeky teleporter and get all the value, now you have to think and act mid fight, Mercy needs that aswell!


  1. (Eevee suggestion) - make her have to earn ressurection, like a mini ult. Need to heal certain amount to obtain the ability to rezz someone. When killed, meter goes back to 0 (If that’s too harsh maybe let her keep it, but slowly decay over time)

  2. Make her initial healing/damage boost less, but it gets stronger over time, kind of like Symmetra’s primary fire. So Mercy can choose wether to stick on the same target (tank) and heal him for more, or go around healing different people, but heal them for less (gives her more decision-making)

My second idea will also make Valkyrie more skillful, as she won’t be able to just swap between heal/damage boost all the time, as she would get a lot less value. Instead let her choose if she wants to give good damage boost or good healing. If she wants to get both in, she gets to do less healing and damage boost.

They’re wrong. There’s literally an option in-game for Mercy that lets the player heal without holding down the mouse. You click it once and the beam is there. If that isn’t classified as ‘automatic’ then I don’t have any hope.

That’s not the part people are arguing about.

the difference is that symmetra is actually garbage and so is torb while Brigitte and Mercy dominate the meta. :expressionless:

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Alright, this is ridiculous. Said heroes that are more difficult should be more rewarding for the time you put into them. They shouldn’t be better at first, because these heroes that take a lot of practice will be difficult to make any difference with when you aren’t skilled at them. As you get better and go towards the skill ceiling of the hero, they should be able to perform above a hero that takes significantly less practice because that takes away the risk and reward of the game.
I play a good deal of Mercy, but I think she is in a terrible place. Having such useful mechanics as damage boost and res on the same hero make her overtuned and makes much of the rest of the support cast irrelevant, even though they take a lot of practice to get good at. I have played 130 hours on Lucio, and about 20 on Mercy. And yes, I can make more of a difference with Mercy, or at least my team thinks that. I wish that Ana and Moira were played more than they currently are, but that is simply not a smart idea when Mercy does so much more at such a lower risk.

It’s just a numbers thing. If you jacked up Torb turret’s DPS, or Symmetra’s, they’d dominate. My point more touches on the underlying gameplay. Torb puts down a turret and lets it do work. Symmetra isn’t as bad, but either way, it’s a little rich for someone who plays those characters to start griping about another character being “automatic” when their own mains are defined by automatically-functioning abilities

Don’t misunderstand me to think that automatic abilities have no place in the game :stuck_out_tongue: I have no problem with them, I just think there’s some hypocrisy there

No but on the real, I’ve seen plenty of bad Mercy players. Everyone seems to think she’s super easy, yet in a lot of my games before LFG, she would be the first to die. I honestly didn’t start playing Mercy until the Breast Cancer Awareness skin. Before that, I never played her because I just struggled to not kill and often, the healing would be overwhelming because I’d get yelled at to be everywhere at once. I spent $30 and since then, it’s made me play her more and with LFG, being locked into healer has helped me get good with her.


Convincing. Lol.

Okay? You also don’t have to look at harmony orbs or discord orbs. Does that make Zen automatic?
Junkrat can literally hold M1 on a choke and get a ton of value.
Is he automatic?

You’re applying a double standard.
Until Mercy has an option to automatically GA to teammates, avoid enemies, and have a display of every ultimate status you, simply, don’t have an argument.

Sense is the word you’re looking for. You have no sense.

Exactly. It’s not like we can simply automatically heal every teammate. We have to prioritize and deal with everyone yelling for healing at the same time.

But yea, it’s “automatic”
This thread…

Why can’t we be rewarded for playing heroes we are good at or are fun to play? Not everybody thinks Mercy is boring.

No its not, its a fair accessment. There will always be heroes with varying degree’s of aim, if I’m playing widowmaker, should I beat bastion as I require leet aim and he doesn’t? This notion that a hero should be universally worse is flawed.

Automatic wasn’t used in a way that’s literally automatic. She is automatic in the sense that you can reach some of the highest ranks imaginable by just playing her. Spend about 20 minutes learning her and you dominate. You don’t need to do much else besides that, and that’s what makes her ‘automatic’. Have you ever tried playing Torb or Symmetra on attack now? Believe it or not, it is more difficult than holding hands with your Reinhardt and pressing down M1.

It would be cool if they added a soul collecting mini-game for Mercy. Have souls appear randomly on the map and she can fly around to teammates to try and collect them all. Once she collects a certain amount then she can rez. Something like Torb’s armor collection.

Not sure if that’d fit her persona but I’d have fun lol.

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Like where people have died, the Mercy can go to their corpse and collect the energy needed for res?

Honestly, anything would be a good addition, so long as they make the Mercy player have to do work to get the rezz, instead of have it every 30 seconds.

You know … some mechanic that separates godlike mercy player from a guy that just picked her, because nobody else would on his team.

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That’s a pretty specific and uncommon use of automatic.
The hundreds of Mercy and support players that are “stuck in low elos” tells another story.

Prove your point! Put your money where your mouth is! Main Mercy and easily climb! Show us.

Everyone I’ve ever seen try to prove this point has failed spectacularly.

And so is playing Mercy.

Jesus these forums get more and more ridiculous every day.


Widowmaker and Bastion do completely seperate things. For most of the damage cast, they all have independent playstyles. For supports, it’s different. They are directly compared with each other because they are ranked based on utility and healing. And Mercy, who takes very little mechanical ability, is the best support because she has the best healing and utility by far.

Everything you said would still make sense if you reversed Symmetra/Torbjorn and Mercy in where they appear in your paragraph.

This “good heal” you speak about is outdamaged by a tesla gun. Just saying.

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If you think she’s easy to play, you’re playing in the low ranks. At least, that’s what it sounds like, I’m not getting the feeling you have a lot of experience.

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You are wrong. Mercy outheals Winston, I’ve tested it. It’s pretty close, but mercy’s heal is slightly better than Winston’s damage.