Mercy... ResidentSleeper

It doesn’t make any sense to include a hero if they aren’t going to be allowed to be played above bronze.

No she’s been good since her invulnerability buff to rez. Rework just turned her from queen to raid boss.

She also has a very long range, very short cooldown escape ability. If she can’t find an ally to GA to, she’s either severely out of position or her whole team is dead and she should die anyway
And yes, GA is a better escape than Fade

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You shouldn’t be fighting at all if you are Mercy and using your kit properly you can duke any opponent.

If you have your gun out you have misplayed in a very big way, with a kit that it is hard to misplay with.

Well, I’m sorry to hear you have trouble killing easily the most defenseless hero in the game.

She was a decent choice, but to say she was amazing is hyperbolic, she was balanced, which is why so many people say to revert.

What are you even saying? I am pointing out the fact that the most skill reliant support should be better than the least skill reliant support. Naturally, that is how the game should be balanced.

Then you are not using it correctly, if you are willy nilly floating about you deserve to get sent back to spawn.

You’re contradicting yourself.

Lol what? I just wanna play Ana.

Literally no need to get condescending wtf.

We’ve triggered a Mercy main, prepare a whole host of sanctimonious posts arguing over everything.

I’m saying that the notion that if a hero requires more skill than another hero that fills a similiar role, said hero should unanimously be better is flawed because it removes half the game from being played.

And to top it all off, the remaining meta heroes will still have varying levels of difficulty, for instance soldier is easier than Mcree, should mcree just be better than soldier? Should widowmaker make them both pointless?

Then make her harder to play?

I’ll use her pistol whenever I catch my teammates exercising poor aim and bad target prioritization, because no amount of healing, damage boosting, or rezing fixes that.

You are a support healer. Support. Mercy and moira are main healers. I am a rein i play disruptivley. Can you keep me alive charging a line allowing for two maybe 3 picks solo while babysitting the rest of the team? No you cant. But moira or mercy can they win games they heal faster better and i have less worry about than an anna im hoping isnt going dps on me and lets me die over and over again.

Jumping to insults over a proper argument after your argument fell apart? Sounds about right.

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The prosecution rests.

Yet I made this post and was told I was mentally unstable. Don’t be hypocritical, y’all are so entitled.

I’m sorry, I thought we were having a debate, I guess you aren’t.

Good strategy. Don’t reward people for playing the game.
I’m sure you will get many dedicated players that way.
You think she’s automatic, that’s fine. A lot of us disagree though.

“You really should take better care of yourself”

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