Mercy re-balance idea

Not a complete rework

My reasoning is that these changes would increase her skill ceiling, especially for Rez, while simultaneously removing the “unfun” parts of her kit.

All numbers are subject to change

Guardian Angel

  • Instead of a slingshot, Mercy will now be granted 0.75 seconds of free flight at double speed when jumping


  • Now on a resource meter:
    Charges 1% per second passively
    Charges 1% per 3 damage amplified (300 damage for full meter)
    100% is required to use the ability
  • Cast time decreased by 1 second
  • Now once again an AoE, but can only target up to 3 people, 10m range and LoS required
  • If Mercy takes more than 35 damage or gets knocked back (any distance) while casting, it will be interrupted (loses all energy and goes on cooldown)
  • Voice line triggers immediately instead of when the ability is casted
  • Cooldown is now 10 seconds per target revived


  • Ultimate cost increased by 33%
  • Movement speed increased by 33% instead (9m/s > 7.33m/s)
  • Regeneration is no longer uninterruptable
  • Duration reduced from 15s to 5s
  • Now creates a burst of healing (120 over 2s, 10m range) upon activation to herself and her teammates (like Brig’s Inspire)
  • Guardian Angel: No longer requires a teammate, but its range is no longer increased.
  • Caduceus Staff: Increased healing and damage amp by 67%
  • Caduceus Blaster: No longer has infinite ammo, instead now it grants 30 additional ammo that can be spent even after the ult is over, and overshoots the ammo cap
    Fire rate increased by 33% (5 > 6.67)
  • Ressurect: Cooldown is refreshed upon activation
    Passive resource gain increased (1p/s > 6.67p/s, or 1/3 over the duration)

A post was merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018