[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Her ult kinda helps when you use damage boost. But It still feels like it doesn’t do anything at all.

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it got moved!! Why is no post sacred!

oooof I just got on
why did it get moved

Would it be rude if I plugged my rebalance idea?


actually yes sorry… it’s crap anyway…

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oh wow, titaniums thread got moved.

also scarr don’t worry about it - all proposed changes are welcome :slight_smile: i’ll make it linked for you


Not a complete rework

My reasoning is that these changes would increase her skill ceiling, especially for Rez, while simultaneously removing the “unfun” parts of her kit.

All numbers are subject to change

Guardian Angel

  • Instead of a slingshot, Mercy will now be granted 0.75 seconds of free flight at double speed when jumping


  • Now on a resource meter:
    Charges 1% per second passively
    Charges 1% per 3 damage amplified (300 damage for full meter)
    100% is required to use the ability
  • Cast time decreased by 1 second
  • Now once again an AoE, but can only target up to 3 people, 10m range and LoS required
  • If Mercy takes more than 35 damage or gets knocked back (any distance) while casting, it will be interrupted (loses all energy and goes on cooldown)
  • Voice line triggers immediately instead of when the ability is casted
  • Cooldown is now 10 seconds per target revived


  • Ultimate cost increased by 33%
  • Movement speed increased by 33% instead (9m/s > 7.33m/s)
  • Regeneration is no longer uninterruptable
  • Duration reduced from 15s to 5s
  • Now creates a burst of healing (120 over 2s, 10m range) upon activation to herself and her teammates (like Brig’s Inspire)
  • Guardian Angel: No longer requires a teammate, but its range is no longer increased.
  • Caduceus Staff: Increased healing and damage amp by 67%
  • Caduceus Blaster: No longer has infinite ammo, instead now it grants 30 additional ammo that can be spent even after the ult is over, and overshoots the ammo cap
    Fire rate increased by 33% (5 > 6.67)
  • Ressurect: Cooldown is refreshed upon activation
    Passive resource gain increased (1p/s > 6.67p/s, or 1/3 over the duration)

Oh look, it got moved. They moved it super fast too, probably because it’s so well written. Shameful.


Seriously I’ve never been a fan of the revert mercy threads, especially after her latest nerf. But it’s obvious that even the valk nerf wasn’t enough.

Just revert mercy then nerf her then, please. Rez as an ability will likely never be balanced. She will always be broken unless shes so useless that picking torbjorn on attack would be a better idea.

Mercy has been the best healer for the last 5 seasons and it wont stop until rez as an ability is gone. So for the sake of other healers, just revert mercy.


Rip Ana gone but not forgotten


Los checks on mass rez with invincibility being replaced by damage reduction upon cast so she can be stunned/booped/and etc.

also mei would be a great counter to mercy if she received los checks on her mass rez :man_shrugging:

also keep angel hop and the passive regen buffs as those were the only good additions from 2.0

that’s about the only good things that came from 2.0

also reworking ana alittle would be nice so she can compete with moira and mercy.


Indeed. I just bitterly cackle at certain types of people who jeered and cheered at the removal of Resurrect as an ult, are now the same people whining about getting wiped by RIP Tire and Grav+Ult combos. (: Ah, if only a counter existed.

Mercy was balanced AND fun before the rework. Resurrect as an ult made her situational, since it had to be re-earned if she wasted it. Resurrect will NEVER work as a cooldown ability.


Still, other sups are to weak and Mercy would probably stay as the most picked healer… although, E res is enabling that burst Dmg heavy Meta in which healing is more pointless anyway… So, other sups could already see more day light. But lucio and Ana might need some buff’s even aftter that.


If… and this is a big if… they ever were to revert Mercy there would have to be a lot changed to combat some aspects of her old gameplay:

  • The sense that it was “impossible” to hinder her ult
  • The way the ult was too situational
  • The fact that Mercy’s base kit was very bare

So for her ult it would have to 1) have a cast-time of at least 0,8 seconds (like Sound Barrier) 2) have partial LoS (I’ve suggested this before, this means you only have to have LoS of one dead teammate for the ult to trigger, otherwise the ults could easily be hindered by objects). To make it more versatile, however, I would like for it to also grant her alive teammates 2 seconds of invulnerability so it can also be used as a soft counter to Graviton or any other short-duration high-burst ultimate.

Any cast-time below 1 second should not have any damage mitigation, above that she might have some. She should never be resistant to stuns or anything that can interrupt the cast reasonably.

For her base kit she should get a new E, however this should be something that doesn’t have a huge impact. Cleanse is a reasonable suggestion I’ve seen before. I guess you could also give her flight for a short duration but on a long cooldown, say 5 second duration 18 second cooldown from when the flight ends.

As for her Valkyrie suit I think the cooldown on her passive healing regeneration can be increased to 1,5 seconds from 1 second to punish players out of position.


If I uderstand the partial LoS correctly, you see one teammate and if that “Soul” is in LoS to another they’d get ressed too?
Honestly… pure LoS wouldn’t be that big of an issue since those massive rezes should only really happen after Grav Combos.
All with the Cast time to add more feelable counterplay.
The Idea witht the 2 seconds of invunlerability actually sounds amazing. Justr imagine bloking stuff like D.Va bombs with it if timed correctly.
It would definatly make her more vulnerable but would prolly just cause Lucio to be completely gone from the face of Overwatch since it could likely just replace Sound Barrier
Looking at a cleanse ability… right now there are like what, 2 Debuffs she could remove ? (Discord and Anti-Heal?). A short movement ability would definatly be much more useful to the Mercy itself, even if they just use it to save them from floating off the map.


The idea was that a hard LoS would often be too punishing - imagine most objectives like Lijiang Tower or any payload map really. There will always be something that’s likely to obstruct the LoS, making rez useless unless everyone died in a heap. The idea with partial LoS is that the rez happing isn’t based on seeing every single body in the AoE, but that’s enough to just see at least one.

Old rez worked like this:

Making it very difficult for the enemies to deal with unless they knew where Mercy was. My idea would be like this:

Mercy has LoS of one body so she can rez all in the AoE. She’s not punished because people died running for cover. However, had Mercy been placed like in the previous example the rez would not have gone through as she had no LoS.

I hope this made some sense.


If it was done like that I could imagine people still complaining about it since she could still rez people she can’t even see…
For Example:
Second Point Temple of Anubis.
Mercy hides in the little room behind the point or in the room next to it, her team gets killed on the point, still close enough for her but someone manages to run into an LoS spot for her… She can rez everyone together still without having to expose herself

I mean, she would have to expose herself, unless of course the person ran back to where she was hiding which would lead the enemies to her anyway. With the cast-time being there as well it would make it a lot easier to interrupt her. Honestly, if the alternative was a hard LoS check I think I would prefer Valkyrie because rez would just be too situational - there are objects littered on every map, and they are bound to cut off at least one of your teammates virtually every time. You’d only really use it against Graviton multi-kills, and for me that’s just way too restricting.


I would like to see rez gone altogether.

I’m a Mercy main (largely because she’s just so viable) and there’s two ways I see her ever NOT being the best healer in the game.

  1. Remove rez
  2. Buff all other supports (minus brigitte)

I don’t like option 2 because, with the exception of Ana, I don’t believe any of the supports are necessarily in a bad place. I just think Mercy is in too good of a place

Yeah tbh hide and seek mercy wasn’t very fun either.

Just make her the support that HEALS. She doesn’t give utility like Ana or Zen but she will god damn make sure that your team is healed.