Mercy players :/

Obviously I meant as in the very next patch. Since we got a patch every 3 months or so, that/those heroes are always nerfed on the next patch.

and theres no problem with that, if a hero is overly problematic to the point it isnt fun it should be nerfed (and it should be nerfed faster)

…but forum complaints don’t inherently mean a hero is overpowered or needs nerfs.

Look at how often Moira gets called a lock on, look at people freaking out about Mei’s multifreeze, look at Sombra getting guttered with quad nerfs despite rocking the lowest WR on ladder.

The opposite is true as well. Orisa was widely considered a throw pick, despite numerous huge buffs, right up until the day Bunker blew up on the scene. Brig is constantly called weak, but she’s incredibly effective since rework, etc.

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Except, if she wants to do anything but heal, it’s a pretty big cooldown to her healing.

Wants to damage, approx 3 seconds minimum she’s not healing.

Wants to DB, minor cooldown to her healing

Wants to Rez, long cooldown to her healing

Anyone else wants to do another part of their kit, and they can instantly swap back.

Say Ana. She can shoot to heal, shoot to damage, toss nade, go back to healing, shoot sleep and there aren’t any long pauses to her healing. Her longest is her reload, but that’s shorter than either Mercy swapping to damage or Mercy casting Rez.

Why not put this in that threat instead of creating a separate topic?

creating threads to discuss/ continue discussion about other threads is against CoC

well that doesn’t stop me, does it?

are you saying that mercy is balanced? bc she is not doing so hot right now

well care to elaborate on what they ARE trying to do w/ the support category?
and can you explain how does this suggestion oppose what they are trying to do?


Mercy is free to shoot things or damage boost whenever that’s the best thing for her to be doing. She can also swap between healing and either of those instantly. Resurrection only takes 1.75 seconds so that’s the longest she should be unable to heal. Then she doesn’t have to worry aiming, reloading, or healing cooldowns like Ana. They both have pros and cons but Mercy is by far the most flexible healer.

So how did you reach masters again?

Damage boost can be quick yes.

Damaging herself has a 1.2 second weapon swap both ways, then actual time to do the shooting. Minimum of about 3 seconds.

Res has 1.75 seconds, yes.

Aim wise, she is easy. Heal botting, she is easy. But to say that she has no cooldowns, really isn’t correct unless you are healbotting. I agree they have pros and cons, but people forget that Mercy can’t multitask. AT ALL. And she’s not contributing to the damage of a fight pretty much at all.

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What if I told you… And stay with me please… That it isn’t about balance?!?

Crazy, I know.


playing genji with a support duo so i could consistently get boost and not have to deal with braindead ana or mercy players who say “you need to earn it”

They just rarely respond on the forums, but that doesn’t mean they don’t listen…

The philosophy of balance has become much more popular, so people start posting more on how they feel like so the devs can understand that they are not happy, or that they want change, it’s not just mercy, most of the weak, underrepresented heroes get this kind of topic. It’s just that mercy is more of a controversial topic, so it ends up on the top page.

None of these three champs need buffs that severely.

Oh? Then why don’t you make your post in one of those threads?

Mercy is weak statistically aganist the other supports, She has one of the weakest healing in the game that works for only DPS and is pathetic with Tanks. A ressurrect ability that makes you a totem for two seconds and in the end is probably better to not rez anyway. A ultimate ability that doesn’t affect the output of a battle very well, and you can’t utilize the flying ability without getting your head screwed off like a bottle of Coca-a-Cola. OWL barely used her, and when they did it was with Dive/DPS comps (When 2-2-2 wasn’t rolelocked, keep in mind she was not changed prior to Role Queue) or for the Damage boost. Just need i say more? Zenyatta does effectively more than her and he has the same healing.


Mercy’s been the least picked Support in GM for like a year, and has seen NO buff. Even down to Diamond, the only Supports that are worse than her are Brig and Zen, 2 actually considered bad. She’s not fine and that doesn’t come from a feeling.


keep screaming “mercy is ok” we can hear you telling us to switch her off because we have an off healer, or because they have nanoblade and we lack defensive ult.

(valkyrie is a joke, I don’t care if its balanced [its not, but thats besides the point] its poorly designed and not even considered as an ultimate)


Ana just has more capacity to salvage bad play. Since you got Nano + nade to rescue teammate, who happened to get in bad situation.

As Ana, if you fail to save teammate, it’s your fault - you can improve and save them next time. As Mercy, most likely it’s not even your fault - teammate just was too deep in trouble to be saved, with what you got at your disposal.

There are few things more sad, than watching your teammate rushing towards their death, knowing that nothing you got can change their fate. When whole team does that, it’s straight up depressing.

Sure, where can I purchase DPS buddy of OWL quality? That has platinum SR.

I’m glad somebody said it. Most complaints about Mercy want her buffed back to being viable in deathball comps.

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In the earlier days of the Forums when it was less hot takes they did.

I suggested showing Ping/Latency, RTT, etc. displayed like on PC on Console, Hack Health Packs to be seen through walls. Zenyatta bars for Healing and Discord Orbs, and they were all put in.

The Devs listen to just about everything but the state of this forum has less people proposing helpful ideas and more people ranting about a hero nerf/buff.

Now they listen mostly to Pros and trusted Opinions, I don’t blame them.