Mercy players, are you fine with the current state of the hero?

Than all those players have the audacity to say that heroes should be able to carry. Mercy has the least carry potential of any hero in this game yet they scream she’s fine in the same breath.


This is subjective though, I may not be a mercy main but I love playing the hero in quick play. I love how much mobility she has.

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I wasn’t around for the mega mercy reworks or 50 hps nerf on the forums.

I don’t think I’d want to know.

I’ve seen that post whoever wrote it was a genius. I could never in a 1,000 years write out something that well.

Her mobility is the only fun thing left in her kit, luckily since she’s so hyper mobile it almost makes up for the fact that the only thing she can do is watch her team die and do nothing about it. Don’t worry though, Valkryie’s there to remove all your mobility fun and the only thing left to do as Mercy.


I wouldnt say thats a problem at all, since it is purely subjective and not the objective truth it is stated to be in the statement quoted above

Not everyone likes/enjoys playing every character. I don’t like playing Genji, for example. That doesnt make him boring per se, it makes him boring for me personally…while for others, he might be the most exciting character to play

If a player finds playing Mercy (or any given character) thats not a problem at all, given there are close to 3 dozen others to choose from

and it certainly doesnt make Mercy boring…quite the contrary, for me and many others, she is quite fun to play


I actually really like valk but that might just be me.

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Oh totally, if you have, like, 100 hours and below, she can fly and it’s fun to go zoom if your teammates are actually near you.

Compare this to Mercy of the past though (which Blizzard conveniently won’t let you do)? Or characters in the same game like Lucio, or even similar heroes in other games, like (yes I’m going here again) Medic in TF2, who’s nowhere near the same level as Mercy’s mobility, but has a lot in his kit that makes you feel more engaged than Mercy does. You’ll know you’re missing out then.


I wish it had more raw power to it so you could do something besides change the momentum of a fight. Its about the only ultimate that you don’t use to try and swing an ultimate fight as it will do nothing. Its almost always just a push ultimate, while strong, is incredibly passive and lacks any meaningful impact.

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A large number of the posts in the thread that I think you’re referring to (the one with the sorta clumsy title and the dissertation length opening statement) are in opposition to the concepts/beliefs espoused as well as the changes suggested.

said thread is not 14k requests for change

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Blizzard could have had the decency to try and appease all the players that they screwed over by at least meeting them half way and given her an alternative hero moment. I would wager most 1.0 Mercy players saying they want mass resurrect back would be fine with an ultimate that was equally as impactful. Its like removing the high of a kit, all you got left is meh. And unless you REALLY like that part, than its a pretty meh kit.


you are far from alone

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Again, veterans have fully-tested first-hand experience of what multiple “alternate reality” versions of this same hero play like and contribute to the game-- you can’t just act like Mercy, as she is now, is all there is to the hero. It’s reductive reasoning that stifles creativity and gives Blizzard far more credit than they deserve.

Even if current-patch Overwatch was the only game in the universe and our timeline, which it isn’t, I’d STILL argue that it’s ok to expect/want more from Mercy’s kit. You can’t just say that anyone who thinks they’d want Mercy changed can just get ****ed because if they liked her, they’d play her anyway. dot com/watch?v=0Wrw3c2NjeE <---- This. Don’t do this. Do not do anything close to this in regards to past versions of a thing you made that people love or a potential version you could make in light of the fact that you’re getting paid tons of money and attention by people you’re ignoring.


That’s why I have megadodo on ignore. She staunchly tries to say that Mercy can’t be improved upon and any thread/topic that tries to think of ways to make Mercy more impactful/fun to play are met with “if you don’t like it, play another hero”.

Mercy has some issues, many people that enjoyed her 1.0 yelled about it and still yell about it. Maybe it would be a fine stance to take if Mercy 1.0 never existed, but for those that dislike her current iteration its just so disingenuous to go, well if you don’t like her anymore too bad.


I am also a “veteran” who has seen Mercy and other heroes through multitudes of change

as I said, Mercy may be boring to a given player such as yourself, but that does not make her boring per se.

Boring is a personal assessment, one we absolutely do not share in respect to this character

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Alright, riddle me this then; If they changed Mercy to appease someone like me, would she somehow become boring for you? Or would you still enjoy her as long as her mobility was kept in-tact and they addressed all our other issues?

OR, if I just so happened to be in the same mindset as Blizzard, and they reworked Mercy to fit in perfectly with what I wanted tomorrow (assuming I even wanted that much changed), and I came here and told you “That’s just Mercy lol, quit the hero if you don’t like it”, you’d seriously just lie down and accept it? 'Not even TALK about how you used to like the hero more?


There is no way to know the answer to such a question

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Or that they should give up as its been x amount of time? Apparently there’s an expiration date on disliking changes for your hero I guess?


Kinda seems like answering me honestly is just a bad idea for your argument then…

Maybe don’t combat more complex game design and legacy issues with “im just having fun lol stop complaining” and expect to not be questioned?

If your bar for fun is so low that GA is enough for you, you really shouldn’t be acting like we’re somehow a threat to that.


The GA changes is the only universally agreed upon change that was well received by Mercy players. I highly doubt Blizzard would be blind to that, hopefully. What they have said about Mercy thus far only proves to me that they’re very blind. But hopefully not that blind… lol, maybe its a bad idea for them to change mercy… :no_mouth:

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Right?? People have just bought into Blizzard’s, like, mass hypnosis, where they can just patch something out and act like it never existed (see that WoWarcraft Q&A clip I posted)-- that old patches are a standard we’re not allowed to judge things by anymore.

If you tried that with any other media besides live services on their servers-- if they tried to come to your house and break copies of all your games and replace them with different ones, people on this forum would probably be okay with it because “well i have fun with the new version”.

It’d be an outrageous concept even if we weren’t talking about something I was personally invested in… 'Not like “this character was fun” is anywhere close to the same importance as preservation of media, but that’s what the thread is about and I’m not gonna act like we all have to have solutions for it. I’ll still get mad, though, if people wanna act like me ignoring it for the benefit of focusing on Mercy is grounds to rip on my Replies… Like I’m giving people slack for free, and it’s apparently a losing argument on my part because we’ve all bought into letting Blizzard remove things.

My honest assumption on GA is that they only came up with the concept and just never tested it. It seems like the one thing Mercy mains have successfully convinced Blizzard they need to back off from.

It started with her getting stuck on rails before they made her break them. Then they made the tracking better, and she was allowed to cancel it. Then she could preserve the momentum out of it by bunnyhopping. Then she could jump out of it with extra speed. And now we’re in a meta where Super-Jumps are common and I fear that Blizzard will randomly decide one day that that bit of emergent gameplay should be patched out, because it’s clearly unintentional, and not intuitive to learn, but it is pure joy to actually master. I hope Blizzard has actually learned that much by now at least.