Mercy pickrate in GM drops below 1%

so… how soon until one of the meta healers are nerfed again?


Change it over to this week and its 1.42%.


False. This week it jumped back up to 1.4

Also, mercy in not the pinnacle of a GM Support.

She’s an entry level healer and thus she doesn’t need to be viable across all tiers. That said, people can still play her in GM.

Basically she’s balanced

Also, she’s only that low in GM on PC. Consoles still see a HUGE usage of her.




Symmetra Player: 1% gm!? That’s amazing!


No one wants Ana nerfed don’t worry sweetie! ^^

Longer lengths of time show more true data than one week.

completely wrong. Every hero should be viable. That’s the point with all these balance updates.


Mercy’s pick rate being below 1% in GM isn’t a new thing. It’s been going up and down since her last nerf. With the buff people tried her again for a bit. I’m not surprised that they’ve found she’s still not good enough to keep picking her.

Mercy’s mid-fight power level was always her problem before her rework. She had to have her healing increased to 60 hp/sec in order to bring enough value to the team during the mid-fight to be worth picking before her rework. With a powerful ultimate, 60 hp/sec Mercy was in a good spot just before her rework.

Current Mercy does have Resurrect on E to provide some extra mid-fight value beyond her healing, but it’s not usable until an ally is dead and it’s still not usable if your ally dies within line of sight of a competent enemy team. Resurrect on E is simply not powerful enough in its current form to make up for Mercy’s lack of healing output, and her ultimate sucks too.

Mercy went from weak mid-fight and powerful ultimate to acceptable mid-fight and powerful ultimate, was reworked into a state where she had a strong mid-fight and a strong ultimate, and now has been scaled back to a weak mid-fight and a weak ultimate.

We don’t need nerfs for the current meta healers. We need significant changes for Mercy.


You have to love this community. If there is a problem shared across ranks. “Top down balance… Um, Tracer is dominant up there, pls nerf.” But if it is just an issue in GM. “Mercy is fine, she does not need to be viable at the highest level.” Lul…


False. The designs limited when and where a hero is good. You cannot tell me that old Torb and Sym were viable on any map, any mode, at any rank, and NOT have me break out in tears laughing.

I have 120 hours on Pharah, and 100 hours on Bastion.

I know for a FACT that Bastion will never be as flexible as any other hitscan in GM.


And they were changed were they not? Don’t reference things that were removed/altered in the game because they weren’t working as a way to validate yourself it makes no sense since they were NOT viable and were changed. You’re saying Mercy should not be viable in GM because? She’s easy? So is Rein we all know how much of a must pick he is.

oddly enough Bastion is also receiving changes because he’s not viable hmm


Just because you are inept does not make the claim false. Their win-rates were fine in GM and the reason is because they were actually pretty good at first point defense, some of the better heroes in the game, in fact. Go ahead and break out in tears. That is just an objective fact and the only reason I even care is to just correct this misconception you seem to have and leave it out there.

He already is more flexible than Reaper, at least. So there you go.


Make her more skilled or else no one in high elo will want to play her


Any hero should be usable in any level of tier, THATS balance. But, the heroes with a higher skill floor can provide more in one aspect or another


The data you are referencing includes the 3 weeks before Valkyrie buffs so it isn’t indicative of her current power.


different topic for a thread I wanna make for my Mercy rework idea which I would far prefer over Mercy that we have now. (Mainly removing rez)

I despise this community.

Tracer was never a problem below diamond because she has a high skill floor. Her reward for learning her is that you can carry games.

With Mercy, we ALL saw what it’s like for a hero who is so easy yet so effective, that they offer no incentive to learn other, more skilled heros, but will less of a reward.

And as for top town, all I can say is LMFAO. You are ignoring the fact that she is perfectly viable across all ranks, even GM, but does not meet your standard on PC GM, which is perhaps thee most competitive tier across all systems.

I’d much rather listen to a GM over some gold player wanting Tracer nerfed because they live in eternal fear of being one-clipped.

What a joke.


And Mercy is being used in GM.

That doesn’t mean she’ll be the top of the totem pole or that she’ll be the #1 pick as a support.

She’s fine, even for a PC GM standard.


Bastion is “used” in GM does that mean he shouldn’t be changed in anyway?


And mercy is an optimal pick up until Diamond, where skill starts reward you.

Mercy is fine.