Mercy parkour here

I just discovered something super fun through the popular tab on the game browser. It’s Mercy parkour on Kings Row. Obviously you need to be able to super jump (pretty easy for me, almost 100% succes rate :stuck_out_tongue: ) but also somewhat super jump without crouch (it’s possible). Jumps that don’t allow crouch are indicated with a red arrow.

Tip: every jump is possible without hacks, cheats or ult but for some in the end, you need “guardian angel prefers beam target” set to “on”. So far my best score on all 54 jumps is 1427 secs but I only did 2 rounds so far. Pretty sure I can at least halve it with some practice.

Code: MS4WD

edit: couple of runs, 551 secs so far but can do lower I feel :+1:


I can’t super jump. RIP. :slightly_frowning_face:

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It’s fairly easy once you get the hang of it but in the beginning it can’t be pretty challenging. I remember in the beginning I thought I would never learn it, let alone do it consistently but now I do it with my eyes closed.

Here’s how you do it (it’s easiest if you have ‘toggle guardian angel’ set to ‘on’):

  • Press crouch once + guardian angel once (almost simultaneously but crouch slightly earlier, like a microsecond).

Once you have that in your system:

  • Press jump at the end of your guardian angel when you are very near to your target.
    You know when to press jump when you see Mercy going slightly up in the end of the jump, but don’t pay attention to that too much, it’s quiet subtle and takes a while for you to pick that up.

Rule of thumb = the later you press jump the better the superjump and the straighter you go up but press it too late and you don’t superjump. Press it too early and you don’t have a nice vertical jump.

Next is superjump ress :stuck_out_tongue: That’s pretty hard. Jump too early and it’s no real superjump ress, jump too late and you cancel your ress because you jump too high (out of range).


I don’t know what the button layout is like by default on console but I could not superjump with the default PC keybinds. Changing the crouch button for Mercy specifically helped me a lot.

Yeah, I’ve tried remapping her buttons, tried a few configurations that people recommended, but nothing feels comfortable to do and I am absolutely terrible at fast button combos. :pensive: If I was serious about comp, I’d probably make more of an effort, but I only play QP or arcade or vs AI, so it’s not really urgent.

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Yeah same. I don’t play with the default binds either (regardless of the superjump) and it makes it somewhat easier.

I use a Logitech mouse. It has 3 side-mouse buttons. One can be used for melee, and the other two (right beside eachother) can be crouch/GA. You can press both with your thumb at the same time without really trying lol

Also you can still keep crouch bound to ‘Ctrl’ and GA bound to ‘shift’. Each ability in Overwatch can be bound to two different buttons. So you can have crouch on your mouse and keyboard at the same time so you don’t have to change your current playstyle at all, just change what you press to activate superjump

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I’ve heard good things about Logitech and will probably be getting one of those soon for my PC, but at the moment I’m still primarily on console, so, unfortunately using controller. Will keep this in mind though when it’s time to actually play on PC seriously.

Oh shoot yes, I’ve heard superjump and Mercy tech in general is very hard on console :frowning:
Hopefully you find a solution for it soon

Updated code, English translation: MS4WD