Would it be time for the devs to consider reverting the hero?
When she was pre-invulnerable in 1.0 with mass res, it took the pros convincing the overwatch team that she needed a rework to make her “more engaging, and fun to play against”. Blaming “Hide and Seek Mercy” as being one of the reasons to change her, instead of the broken SR system at the time. This request was granted of course - even though looking back, there’s data that proves that mass res was not an issue with her pick or winrates and that mercy still requires to hide to get the most success out of her rez, even today.
More and more people are suggesting a revert of some sort to her resurrection, which is currently tied as an E ability on a fixed 30 second cooldown.
More popular elite players and twitch streamers are coming out and admitting that the rework isn’t all that great and even suggesting going back to the old Mercy. This is a big deal, as the top players of the game are usually seen as being “The ideal candidates for balancing the game” by the devs.
Jeff mentions that they are watching the hero closely, and despite notably saying that they hope they are “putting a revert to rest” with the hero, has on multiple occasions stated that “if it doesn’t work out, they will bring her back” hinting at the idea that their “mercy isn’t getting a revert” statement isn’t exactly set in stone.
Further proof of the devs reverting the hero can be found in minor increments. Mercy’s iconic voiceline “Heroes never die!” gets reverted back to it’s original more theatrical version, and her healing is recently reverted back from 60hp/s to 50hp/s, something she’s had since the game’s release.
Are these signs of a revert secretly making it’s way to the surface? Who knows. Maybe you disagree. Post your thoughts and clues to what you think are examples of a revert approaching (or lack ther of) below.
I dunno. Revert sounds as bad as what we have now too. Like out of the frying pan in to the fire.
Not that I like being Fried.
Hide and seek Mercy with the mass res was a toxic mechanism, reverting is a bad idea. Now that even her basic heal is nerfed she should get something for the res in return. Maybe one second off cooldown for every 200 healing?
i sort of agree with this post, reverting will definitely bring back the hide and rez no matter what people decide to do although i never really like the concept of it in the first place. this current mercy however, is more engaging and forces the old mercys who went for hide and rez style to engage too and learn how to position properly. The rez on cd still becomes the reason she’s a must pick though. Turning it to a resource bar (like torb’s scrap or like moira dealing damage to reacharge her healing) will definitely make mercy more competitive to play and rez becomes an earned ability which will make mercy more fun to play and will convince the enemy that killed your team that it was reasonable because you “earned” the rez :3 or just move the rez to valk and only be able to rez 1 person. tempo rezzes are still great and game changing just how an ult should be.
No. Delete rez, change it to something else.
The only reason people hide was because of a broken SR system that essentially rewarded them for doing so. Rest assured, we won’t deal with this problem now if mass ress were to return.
Deleting rez is not an option as it’s defining Mercy’s indentity.
What is this broken SR system? I bought Overwatch a little before Mercy 2.0 came out so I don’t really know much about SR from that time, as far as I could tell hiding and mass rezing was good because 1) free POTG 2) your made the enemy team waste 2-4 ults and then they just came back and wiped them with 5 ults. Enlighten me please (no sarcasm).
I’m not so sure about that. Many of the mercy mains I’ve known still say that they Hide to res, with the only difference being that it’s now even easier, since you get another chance to rez every 30 seconds (whether you successfully rezzed or not). A lot of other heroes hide in order to pull off their Ults as well (McCree, Reaper, etc.) so Hide & Seek as a strategy, never really left when she was given the rework and is even done by other heroes.
Edit: I agree with your resource idea, something along the lines of charging up rezzes through healing would be an amazing compromise imo.
That’s an excuse. Her identity is as much following around other heroes and beaming their buttholes and zipzapping from one hero to another depending on who needs healing. That should stay because it’s not a bad gameplay mechanic, while rez is.
Basically, you’d get more and lose less SR depending on the amount of rezzes you get. This incentivized hiding because ofc you are more likely to get more rezzes when hiding. This won’t be a problem now because they removed performance based SR for diamond and above (where the ”hide n rez” problem was mostly happening in). Any sane Mercy player knows that staying with your team and tempo rezzing was better than hiding and letting your team die.
who cares what pros think. They suggested a few bad changes that went through and some people got mad about Sombra and Mercy. However, I am glad mass res is gone. She will be in every single game again if that was back and it is whoever mass res last is the winner. I don’t miss it at all.
That awkward moment when you realize that this is already happening. Before, when mass ress existed, she was ”in every game” because of her sheer popularity amongst players. Now she’s in every game because she is broken and overpowered.
Instead of deleting it. Why not just make it into a halo like ability. Put a halo on a target ally, if the ally dies while the halo is active, they are ressurected with half their health or something.
Mercy is not always in every single game as she is now.
Look, you don’t need to convience me, Blizzard won’t remove animations, highlight intros, everything rez-related just because they want a rework so bad. The current rez is completely fine in a game like this, it’s not guaranteed, casting puts Mercy in a huge disadvantage, it’s just boooooooring. Honestly, I think rez and valk should be switched up, having a mini-valk on E, allowing her to fly for 4 seconds on a 10 sec cooldown without having to rely on her teammates’ positioning and rez would be an reward ability for good heals and stuff. That said, I’d rather have solo rez on ult with a really fast ult charge than mass res with the current one.
oh makes sense. but what i mean is you dont really hide like before, its more of taking cover when rezzing for that 1.75 duration. Plus you can always ask for a shield from rein or a bubble from zarya to get that rez(specially when the rez is risky). i get rez, zarya might get charge, etc. depends on how you coordinate with your team c:
edit: and yeah it would sorta be more fun for mercys to feel like they worked for the rez instead of a cd which isnt suitable for rez, too strong to be on cd.
That is way too unrealistic for overwatch. Unless you can explain how it works scientifically, I highly doubt this will be implemented.
The Lucio buffs and her nerfs will make way more people choose him over her. Ana is slowly getting back into the meta again, Moira can already outheal a Mercy and deal half of that as damage, one situational rez that might even get the Mercy killed isn’t worth that much, and flying around can be a death sentence in the current sniper meta anyway.
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