Mercy needs to go!

It really is
Like let’s be neutral
If a hero makes other heroes problematic, which are fine on their own, I think it’s the solution is obvious.

Discord orb is another issue that is a hot take atm. It will most likely get changed as well.

Now that aside, they’re not quite the same, and orb isn’t nearly as consistent.

I remember. But that was changed due to the playstyle it forced
Like the Mercy really went to hide waiting her team to die and voice coms were commonly “Go die as well so I can rez”. That’s simply stupid. It wasn’t broken as much as stupid (I’m not sure about this, so don’t quote me on that)

Ok let’s not compare literally hiding and waiting your team to die and telling them to do so with you not flying as much anymore due to 1 sec nerf. It’s literally not comparable.

I fell for you getting the smoothness being taken out of your hero and i know it sucks. I’m a doom onetrick since OW1, I’d know stuff about that.
I hope you get your hero taken to the direction you want, but all I’m saying is that she’s an issue at her core

Yeah the omnidirectional movement was broken-Aspen and other Mercy players posed this as a problem waaaaaaay back at launch. When it wasn’t addressed and Mercy was C/D tier during season one, it didn’t seem to be that much of an issue.

As for damage boost ASHE WAS INTENDED TO WORK WORK MERCY. Her kit was designed to be better with Mercy. Goodman did nothing but rave about this aspect. So sorry Ashe isn’t a viable answer for “this is why damage boost is bad”. She was made INTENTIONALLY that way.

As for Sojourn-she was at a near must pick since season 1- without needing Mercy at all. And when devs talked about possible changes EVERY SINGLE HIGH RANK PLAYER SAID: “If it’s not done right all she’s going to do is need is a Mercy pocket”.

Thing is Mercy only exasperates problems that are there. She makes them worse and is rarely the cause of them.

Only if you cannot land a single shot which that means you’re ruining your own game with lack of skill

A. She got a change to her healing.

B. Have you considered that people actually listened to what Mercy players said, and readjusted their arguments to try and address her kit without taking away what made her enjoyable (GA) ?

When people keep saying “Nothing is wrong” when something is clearly wrong, they’re gonna keep looking for a another route. Starting to feel like “There is no war in Ba sing se” with the amount of denial I keep witnessing from both sides.

Did you say that about mercy a few months ago, or are you just another person to recently jump on the bandwagon?

I’m more pointing out how the argument of Mercy changes every few weeks.

As for the healing even Mercy players are saying as good as it is, it’s definitely too strong.

But it also does change that people argue about Mercy mains wanting their “hero an OP must pick”. Right now the complaint is “sure she’s stronger but she’s not as fun”.


Me: Mercy is fun to play because shes smooth and you can do alot with her jumps. DO w/e you want to her, just leave that be.

Blizzard, how about rather then slow her Mp/s travel time down so she feels the same without being too fast to track, lets just increase the overall CD tossing her entire kit out of wack.

I think it comes down to a point someone else made in another post.

Mercy is trying to maintain too many identity’s as a hero at once. Which is stretching her kit thin and making it wonky in all kinds of ways.

Some Mercy players like the Pocket style, other don’t and prefer to try and heal everyone. Neither side is really happy currently, and neither are the people playing against Mercy.

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I’ve hated pocketed stuff since OW1

With respect, why play a team based game if you dislike characters that are designed around teamwork?

I dislike Mercy pockets, nothing else

Is two people by themselves while the other 3 are dying a team?

Honestly, we need more heroes who are only good if combined with teammates, not less. OW is a team based game at its core, we need less options to individually carry, and more design where working together has a huge benefit. Just my opinion, but it’s why mercy pocket fits this game so well.


There should be a limit
Nanoblade is teamwork, grav dragon is teamwork, multiple people flanking together or being in comms is teamwork
Mercy being able to hold a few buttons to basically achieve the strongest/most consistent form of “teamwork” is my issue

5 posts? I ain’t taking this seriously.

Solo carry doesn’t exist anymore (outside of oneshots, which were and still are looked at) due to supports throwing random cooldowns on the ground and being able to ignore flankers while pumping heals into the frontline
The game needs a serious balance overhaul to change the playstyle from mindless brawls 'till someones support dies

Bring back 6 v 6

I agree with that. One shots and burst DPS are a huge problem, and it’s tied hand in hand with too much sustain. There’s too much sustain (added in large part by inspire when brig was added), Blizzard’s response is to double down on burst/one shots, which was a huge mistake. No one likes one shots, and no one likes high sustain.

I’d happily take something like a 35% nerf to healing output across the board, a 15% nerf to all damage, nerf to one shots, and a reversion back to 6v6

go where? !?!?!?!??!

Anyone find it funny that players only find skill and respect in aim dependent character, and everyone else shouldnt have a seat at the table xD

But they wont play Call of Duty/Crossfire/Apex…

They like Overwatch for being unique, but also want it to not deviate from aim heavy mechanics, which Valorant would be a better choice of game to play… Since its a shooter with Moba elements, rather then a Moba with shooter elements.

No, I don’t think so.