Mercy needs her 60 hp/s back

Thats honestly a gross exaggetation as they nerfed her healing when every other support got buffed. Instead of waiting to see if she needed another nerf. Now we have a main healer that struggles to keep her team mates above 45% health, has to essentially be a tumor for pharah/widow/ashe to function, and had to be ran with another main healer such as ana so their team can sustain themselves. But you’re better off running a off healer with ana/moira than using mercy/ana or mercy/moira

Honestly they keep snipping away at her kit in order to keep the most problematic part of her kit functioning cough res on cooldown and doing so only shines a light on how sloppy Valk mercy was handled.


I kind of want to argue that could be because getting out of Bronze-Gold is more dependent on how well you can carry.

Mercy’s best advice in that regard is pocket the best player on your team and win to climb out. Ana… You can take matters into your own hands even.

I’m worried that 60 hps would make her OP again, but I’d be down for raising it to 55. MAYBE some slight Valk tweaks too, but nothing too drastic.


Her win rates are fine. Myself, I left to play Mei. Who I find FAR more fun than new Mercy.

But you are right… Mercy relies on being able to pick the best player quickly, and enabling him.

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At the very least, she needs 55HP/s. The big Mercy players I’ve seen from Titanium to EeveeA to Neptuno have suggested that.

The main issue about her healing is that before her rework, her healing was buffed from 50HP/s to 60HP/s because 50 was not enough to keep up with Ana. Having AoE healing on her ultimate kinda throws a wrench into the works, though. Although, I’m pretty sure that if they brought her healing to 60 and removed chain beams, the Mercy players that don’t like where her healing is at right now wouldn’t complain. Because right now, if you want to heal your team against burst, you want Ana. And burst is just about what you see. Mercy simply can’t keep up when the person she is healing is taking damage.


Also, since mercy’s 50 hps nerf, these heroes have all gotten damage buffs:

1/3 of the roster has gotten a damage buff since mercy’s healing nerf, and 50 hps already felt bad before those changes. I think we should at least try 55 hps.


When you say remove chain beams, do you mean just on the healing, or on damage too? Cuz I kinda like being able to power-up everyone at once if no one is in critical condition, but I’d be perfectly fine with losing chain heals to keep in line with her role as a single-target healer.

Maybe 55-60 hps normally, 60-65 (would 65 be too much?) hps in Valk but without chain-healing, damage boost stays exactly the way it currently is both during Valk and under normal circumstances?

That way Mercy feels more impactful as a healer during Valk, is better able to keep up with tanks during normal gameplay, and is rewarded for keeping everyone at healthy levels by raining destruction through either battle mercy or providing chained damage boost.

Would also be open to shortening Valk’s duration, if necessary.

Ana can’t deal damage while healing either.

I’m more in favor of nerfing ana rather than buffing mercy, since we’re already suffering the consequences of too much healing output in the game. But you should still keep your facts straight

I honestly hadn’t considered keeping chain beams on damage boost. I just knew that a lot of the complaints about Valk stemmed from how it lowers her skill ceiling because you didn’t have to worry about beam juggling as much which was a big thing for Mercy. I wouldn’t be opposed to keeping chained damage boost, though. I’d be willing to try it, at least.

I definitely do think that the duration needs to be looked at, though. I think that because of the duration, it really limits how impactful the ult can be. The effectiveness of the ult has to be the same as the other ults, but because of its duration, the impact is spread out across the duration which makes it feel less impactful. If they were to reduce it to something like six or eight seconds or so, and buff her numbers to compensate, then it may feel better to use.

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Shortening the duration was kind of an afterthought, so my healing numbers may be a little conservative. For some reason in my head Valk only lasted 10 seconds, not 15, so I am definitely on board with tweaking Valk to be more powerful but last only half as long

Technically she can, with a Nade. But I get what you mean :slight_smile:

Here is the rub…
Ana’s win rates are WORSE than Mercy’s ones.

People are not picking Ana over Mercy all the way down to even silver because Ana is a stronger pick - because she just isn’t.

They are picking her over Mercy because Mercy’s game play feel like garbage in comparison.

You can’t buff or nerf that problem away, AND it isn’t because Mercy as a concept has garbage play, because people Massively picked her over any other healer for ages when she was weaker.

It is this specific implementation of Mercy which is bad.


Mercy “feels” fine. Saying a hero “feels bad” has always come across as an excuse you make up when you want to get your hero powercreep they don’t need.

Torbjorn “feels bad” when his turret can’t destroy an entire enemy team. Widowmaker “feels bad” when she can’t one shot tracer with a bodyshots, genjis ult “feels bad” because it doesn’t last 8 seconds anymore.

If the only reason you have to justify giving a character a buff is “feels bad” all I really read is “I want my favorite hero to be the best meta option again”


In my particular case I am saying she dropped a truely MASSIVE amount of pick rate across the rework WHILE getting a higher win rate.

Her pick rate literally dropped an entire Genji pick rate.

This isn’t “feel bad” this is the players left the most loved support in DROVES.

This isn’t subjective, it is objective, and completely backed up with the stats.


To be clear, in my opinion her healing is underpowered and that makes her “feel bad.” One could say doomfist felt bad after his nerfs and I’m sure you wouldn’t dispute that. Most of the time that phrase is just another way of saying something about a hero is unbalanced whether it’s underpowered or overpowered, it’s not just a thing to say when people want unjustified buffs to their main.

she can alternate between damage and healing quickly so it makes up for it

It’s the other RobotWizard!

Fist bump!

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I mean they reverted soldier damage when it was a problem before, so it’s possible to revert her healing back.


Yeah, about that.

  • Lucio - Doesn’t aim to heal, is AOE

  • Brigitte - does damage to enemies to heal AOE, Ult gives Armor

  • Zenyatta’s Ult- AOE healing

  • An Mercy???- has to aim staff to heal, an if teammates are grouped up really has to aim well to heal correct Hero. You know, the injured one right next to the Tank, an the other Heroes are running back and forth in front of Mercy as she is trying to heal the correct one.
    Sure she has a Lock-On beam, but she does have to aim it originally or it doesn’t work. An if she has to go Battle Mercy to help clear the point or defend herself, yeah that takes aim.

The rest of your comments I don’t have a problem with. But this misconception that Mercy is “No aim, no brain” should really stop, an should have been stopped before Season 1 even started.


60hps never made Mercy OP, she had it since Mercy 1.0 and it was never a problem… Double/insta rez in valk made Mercy OP, 60hps didn’t…


What happened with mercy was a double whammy. They nerfed her to 50 hps while buffing both ana and lucio. She is now useless healing tanks and what is the meta in high elo right now. She has no place in that meta period

Ana is now out of control cause her predators are not in the meta.

There is no way that bringing her back to 60hps would return her to season 7 status. We seem to forget lucio and Ana got big buffs when mercy got nerfed. It’s not gonna be the same game as it was in season 7.

Even in high silver and low gold (traditionally bad SR to have an Ana on your team) Ana will get more value than a mercy just by keeping your rein immortal and just landing a few good anti nades.