Mercy Mythic Skin Bug

Mercy’s mythic skin currently has a bug regarding the visual effects.

When you use Guardian Angel and fly to an ally, there are “speed lines” that show up on the screen to indicate you’re moving faster than normal speed.

While using the mythic skin, these “speed lines” change color and reflect whichever color palette is equipped. However, the default red/white/black color palette is bugged. When you use Guardian Angel with said palette equipped, the “speed lines” do not turn red and are barely visible on the screen.

However, while Mercy is using Valkyrie and uses Guardian Angel, the “speed lines” DO turn red. This is not an issue with the purple or blue variants of the skin. Those have the proper visual effects.

It’s a small bug that doesn’t affect gameplay, but I still hope it’ll be looked at. It is a mythic skins after all…


I am too having the same issue ! It is only with the red variant of the skin.

Its so anoying. Hope they fix it.

fix it please!!!

FIX please FIX please

Bumping this for visibility… please fix in the next bug patch :frowning: