Mercy Megathread: It's Closing Time

Quizzy did a lot of work on that and it got moved just like that.

I mean it sucked and really kinda pissed me off cause…

GDit, it’s legit FIXES to a character that’s needed but Nope F that. It’s a Mercy thread. Off to the Megavoid!


Wait how? angelic decent is hold x or hold a while res is l2

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Just like this one in the end. Just wait about 15 min and bam. Hi Megathread, but unlike this one Quizzy’s was useful and helpfull.

I’m going from what mentioned in the thread I can double check it but I’ve head console players saying the Rez button is toggled to the same command on their controller

I’ll get back to you on that

Here’s the thread if anyone cares to see what remains of it. I was very careful to avoid any talk that would lead to any direct buffs/nerfs as I wanted the thread to primarily be about bugs and QoL.


Here is the quote from the original thread. Tadah

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I saw it earlier while it was still up but I’ll check to make sure

Most Mercy players on console use L2 to angelic descent so they can aim at the same time.

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I didn’t know that so It was impossible to play pharah but not mercy since I could hold x

Meanwhile on the front page…


It needs to stay, u wouldn’t want to see 30 Mercy topics in a row


I made the mistake of thinking “Great, they’ve made their point of view of Mercy perfectly clear, so we won’t need the mega thread soon - this is a good opportunity to draw attention to bugs which has existed for a very long time and can be very detrimental to the players!”.

Some may not believe it but, I was only trying to help, I guess sometimes I’m not sure why I even bother.


It’s near impossible to have any Mercy related discussion since the Megathreads started. Everything you say will eventually be sent to that dump where everyone is talking about different things at the same time, with the only cohesive narrative being that it’s “somewhat Mercy related”.


Thats not gonna happen with brigitte around, if anything we need a brigitte megathread thats whats filling the fourms right now.

Brigitte could use a megathread herself but I think the uproar would be too great. Mercy mains are mad about Mercy but the controversy has been going on since last year September, it’s time to move on.

I think the worst part is the same message is said, so it drowns out anything constructive.

If people just accepted Mercy won’t be reverted to having a rez ult, then we could talk constructively about her.

As it is right now, they’re only shooting themselves in the feet with the “revert mercy” reeing.

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i think mercy could use some minor buffs but she is balanced tbh

September 9th, 2017;

While resurrecting downed allies is a core part of Mercy’s gameplay, the way her Ultimate functioned was causing a number of problems. It was frustrating to play against, and it incentivized Mercy players to hide away from important battles, instead of taking part in them. This version turns Resurrect into a single target ability. It’s still an important part of Mercy’s kit, but plays much better for both Mercy players and her enemies. Valkyrie, her new Ultimate, gives her the opportunity for big game-making plays and opens a number of new options for her.

They’re still waiting on that Game Changing Ult that was proposed.


I have moved on, I just wanted people in general to know about bugs that we’ve talked about in the mega thread for ages but hasn’t been dealt with since the changes in September. Rezzes that are randomly aborted or pulled off without anyone being rezzed can lead to a lot of toxicity towards the player, especially given how powerful it is, and people should know these kinds of bugs exists.

Wanting to talk about anything related to Mercy outside the mega thread feels like she’s Voldemort’s twin sister or something.