[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

My teams played aggressively and would fight on the point until the last possible second if they knew I was coming in to rez. Heck, this even happened when we had the possibility of two instant rezzes in Valkyrie. Mass rez was a way to rally the team. It was a new hope, a second chance. Those were good feelings to give and to have.


Here’s my Mercy rework:

  • Ax Valkyrie and Angelic Descent.
  • Let Mercy have passive free flight, but it’s on a meter similar to Pharah’s. She has more uptime than Pharah, but a slower recharge to balance.
  • Resurrect is her ultimate again, with a twist. When she ults, she gets five charges for Resurrect. When she presses Q again, in range of dead bodies, she instantly resurrects them and loses Resurrect charges equal to how many allies she resurrected. Her Resurrect ability makes her wings burn like in Valkyrie mode when she has Resurrect charges.
  • Mercy’s wings burn the color equal to her wings. The color may differ, but the distinct shape is instantly familiar.
  • Mercy is not invincible when resurrecting allies, but the resurrect happens instantly. Resurrect is limited to a range of five meters, meaning she probably cannot resurrect the entire team at once unless they all die within five meters of each other. This gives Resurrect some element of counterplay without it breaking Mercy or ruining entire team fights.

Tempo rezzes were FAR more valuable. Letting your whole team die so you could get this massive rez was usually a terrible idea. If anything, it was a last ditch effort. But getting those 2-3 who died back on their feet to keep the fight going was far better usage of her ult. Don’t you dare say otherwise.


I read what you said earlier. I was speaking specifically about their posts in the thread that got merged into this one and how they were coming off as unreasonable.

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So they still shut down threads and stick them in here even after a mod had pasted a devs response (in another thread cause ether couldn’t bother to do it themselves) about Mercy. Gonna guess we are going to get 3 more Megathreads with the same response everytime.

We are very active on the forums and read your feedback daily. Thank you for providing us your accounts and experiences, as it provides insight to us on how we can improve Overwatch

We got your answer. Apparently there is no room for improvement cause your rework was a “succsess”. Stop lying, and sticking us in here.


Hello everyone!

Since it’s now confirmed beyond any doubt that Mercy will remain exactly as she is now I want to draw your attention to the little things about her that’s currently annoying for the player because they are either pure bugs or aspects that could be improved upon.


  • Mercy’s on fire meter is busted; her stats are less than a third of the second to last character. I doubt virtually every Mercy player are playing her so horrifically wrong to justify this. I suggest changing the numbers around to make her go on fire more (more fire for rez is a good start).
  • Can the info about Mercy’s Valkyrie be updated? Many believe that rez is enhanced in Valk as well, but as we know it’s not. I’d rather it just said “Mercy can now chain her healing or boosting to multiple allies, or choose to attack her enemies with unlimited ammo” as it describes what she actually does better.
  • Mercy’s current rez-achievement was made at a time when her rez would reset and have lowered cooldowns, not to mention being instant. Although I know it’s difficult to change achievements because of console it would be very appreciated if it was lowered to at least 4 rezzes/life.

Healing beam

  • It would be nice if the info of who you have your beam on also shows the characters name and not just the players name (like Zen’s orb).


  • Sometimes, mostly when a rez is made close to the end of the respawn timer, the target will not be rezzed and the rez will go on cooldown. Seems especially common in TDM for some reason.
  • When in Valkyrie your momentum when flying in to rez can sometimes carry you out of rez range. This momentum can be hard to control, and you don’t really want to slow down in Valkyrie as every second is precious, so can the rez range be made bigger once the rez has been initiated in Valkyrie?
  • When more than one person die in one place targeting the person you want to rez can be very buggy, and you end up rezzing the “wrong” person. For a vivid example of this “rez-roulette” see this clip: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6gdb0l
  • (Console specific) Rez and Angelic Descent are currently tied together on console, and it would be great if we could choose to map them separately. Sure, there’s always X for AD, but you then have to use your thumb which is also the finger you use to look around.
  • It would be nice to have a timer similar to the one in the recent event that shows how much time is left before the rez is through; it won’t make a difference obviously, but it would feel better for the player to know how much time left before the rez is successful.
  • The animation still looks sluggish and as if the player suddenly lags, perhaps the animation could be made smoother in the future?


  • It would be great if we could have stats for how much healing/boosting/damage we are doing during Valkyrie similar to how Zen can see how much healing he does during Transcendence.
  • It would be nice if Mercy could get a card for amount of healing/boosting done in Valkyrie similar to how Zen can get a card for healing in Transcendence or Lucio one for barriers given during Sound Barrier.
  • Her wings currently don’t match the skin she’s wearing (always being yellow even when the skin have them blue for example). If you could re-color it to match it would be a nice aesthetic change.

Guardian Angel

  • A hybrid mode between the current GA to beam target on/off would help making Mercy a lot more fun to use. My suggestion would be that if a target is in her reticule she GA to them, but if no target is there she automatically GA to her beam target. Mobility was a priority with Mercy as I understood it.
  • There’s a bug (?) where if Mercy tries to GA to someone too close to her she will be bumped backwards instead. To counteract this a minimum range is suggested. See here: https://im.ezgif.com/tmp/ezgif-1-0a1b7b9d1a.gif

One final note

  • If some day you might want to change up something about Mercy… she has an empty reload key she’s not currently using for her staff. You could either give her a third beam (meh) or completely new ability that could be more of a skill-shot mechanically similar to how Ana’s Sleep Dart functions. Another suggestion would be letting her switch to a more powerful single-target beam during Valkyrie.

Seems like all good points. Hopefully Jeff/Overwatch team will at least be prepared to correct these flaws and not just let this be moved to the megathread that they don’t read or care about. Fingers crossed! Otherwise… if it does end up being moved without any official input and if you’re daredevil enough, repost it again :slight_smile:.


I refuse to spam, but I think some of these are important for people to know if nothing else. The rez bug especially can cause you to lose a game, so people should know about it so they don’t blame the Mercy player when it’s not their fault.

I just want both the devs and people who don’t really play Mercy to be aware of these issues. Some are obviously not very important though, but I thought it worth mentioning them as well if I was going to make a whole topic about it.


Awesome thread! I really like your suggestions, especially the hybrid between GA prefer beam target and not!

I personally think it would improve Mercys gameplay so much if rez is cancelable by pressing “e” again and it then be put on cooldown! (don’t know if it’s too big of a buff).

Also make a ping in text chat when rez is on CD when Mercy presses “e” with the remaining CD time. It would help Mercy players and her team so much if she could quickly communicate it via textchat by pressing “e”.


Another great suggestion, the mention about ‘E’ (resurrect) pinging text chat with the cooldown if it’s on cooldown.


Very nice post.

Hopefully it doesn’t get chucked into the abyss.

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I agree with QoL changes.

Plus: i link my thread about Valkyrie icon, that i find pretty empty and poor for an Ultimate

Another change that if you could put in main post, it could be incredible:
If i’m not wrong, when you’re healing in Valkyrie, you’ll hear the “healing sound” ONLY IF you’re actively healing a mate. If that mate has full HP, but you’re healing someone with chained beam, you won’t hear the healing sound.
So, my suggestion is to hear the healing sound also if you’re not directly healing a mate with chained beam.
Another QoL that could be good it could be also a HP line for the GROUP that you’re healing (a sum of HP of all heroes that are grouped and been healing), so you can understand how much you need heal that group.

Thank you


Actually, please change wing colors in general Blizzard. Eidgenossen is my favorite skin, but her yellow wings make her look like a flying ad for McDonalds French Fries.


I’ve been going back and forth on whether Mercy should be able to cancel rez, and in the end I decided on this:

As long as Reinhardt can not cancel his charge Mercy should not be able to cancel her rez.

Both are high risk/high reward, so it seems only fair that when we rez we have to commit. Does it suck with the way rez in general currently works? It does, but in the interest of fairness towards other players we will just have to live with it. Maybe it could be an option in Valkyrie only, but I’d rather she get a slightly lowered cast-time so she has more of her ult left.


I would like to add a fix but it’s not that major.
Here left wing is misaligned from its base.
This applies to all skins, as this seems to be a Glitch with the model.
Compare her left and right wings at their bases/ where they connect to Mercys Valkyrie suit.
Here is how it looks during all emotes

And here is for idle.


I think that has more to do with how her body is placed than her actual wing placement, but I’m not sure. She’s sort of twisted to the side by her emotes and poses (as well as when she uses her staff) that I think her shoulders aren’t lined up perfectly too often.

I’m not sure though. I’ll check her clapping emote or dance emote and check (even in her skin select screen, her body isn’t standing straight).

It’s the wing placement, use her classic skin as well. I have spent many hours comparing the wings of all skins, on every cosmetic Mercy has (Highlight intro, emote, victory pose)
Her wings in highlight intros and vicorty poses are fine apart from the Medal victory pose. The left wing there is out of its base.
During emotes you can see the issue. If you use the Caduceus emote, at the final part where mercy straightens her back with her wings fully opened, the left wing drops into its correct place for 0.5 seconds and when the emote ends its back to glitched.

Huh. I’ve not spent a lot of time looking at her back, so you’re right, it could be a model issue.

And speaking of highlight intros, anyone else find the pained face she makes in her guardian angel intro to be really funny?

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Its quite entertaining. :joy:
Also, if Ingame mercy is still and has her Blaster out, the left wing is how it’s supposed to be, although I’m not 100 % sure, because I can’t test it with someone else :anguished:
Every time some plays as Mercy I go and check the wings but they don’t stand still and use the Blaster. I’m in conolse, so communication isn’t easy :sweat_smile:

So further research required, eh? I’ll have someone choose her in a custom so I can do some measurements then. Mercy moves her shoulders way too much to look at in a real game.

I never thought of it, but maybe her expression is because she’s bracing for the speed of guardian angel haha. Going from 0-20m/s can’t be too comfortable.

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