Mercy, mccree, hog, soldier, Winston, tracer, and sombra

Well that’s because I copy pasted one of my responses to a “how would you change mercy” thread. The others I just came up with st the top of my head

Unfortunately, yes

Oh I never knew that was a thing (I started playing about a year ago in s5)

Or you can call on tanks for support, like Orisa to block with shield, or to just straight up bodyblock.

It encourages team coordination.

And with the other ultimates on the list you could actually do something about it without having the reaction time of a god.

You’d have to locate them first. And if they’re sneaky enough, most of your team will wind up dead even if they are killed and you’d lose the team fight.

Hide-and-ult double standard is intense.


In my opinion Mercy 1.0 was extremly unfun to play and play against!


Mercy 1.0 was more balanced and less stupid/braindead to use.
If they shifted invulnerability to damage reduction instead, everyone would’ve had a better time and she wouldn’t have needed this crappy rework.


Pulse bomb needs to be an ultimate again.
If i stick a Doomfist and he survives, something’s wrong.


If your team can’t react quickly enough to kill a hiding Soldier, McCree, RIP-tire, or even Death Blossom then that’s an issue.

No one could react to rez in time. And Rez was a much better ultimate that charged much faster than all of those, with the exception of RIP Tire.

And this is what happens when you only look at win percentage. You try to buff heroes like Winston (best main tank in the game) and Sombra (one of the best DPS in the game)

Only Mcree seems to have a low winrate in GM. Others are over 50%. Pickrate tells more about the meta.

Ergo, why many people have been suggesting a damage reduction and a 1 second cast time rather than invulnerability, which is something we never asked for in the first place.

You will never have equal pick percentage and equal win percentage between all the heroes.
So what’s the point?
The meta determines what is picked and what wins.

I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again: all damaging ults either have a cast time or an appreciable TTK. This allows for counterplay no matter how much they hide to set up the ult. (Killing the person before they actually use the ult doesn’t qualify as counterplay, as the ult is still on the board.)

The only analogue to the whole Mass Rez I can think of is if Genji was able to dash into the enemy team, press Q and everything in a 15m AoE instantly dies around him, then he gets a dash back out.

I was in diamond during that time and dont remember that strat being used much. Sure if people dont pay attention and let Mercy run around free she can get one rez after the other but thats not her fault.

Uncounterable is a joke right? It has to be. The only way it was “uncounterable” is when you blew all your ults at the enemy without a single thought.
You could easily set up another teamwipe with ultimates right after the rez. Also that “pros” abuse the SR system to get more points speaks how much they care about skill. Because in the end they only want SR points and to look cool for their viewers.

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And I’ll say this again, too;

“Ergo, why many people have been suggesting a damage reduction and a 1 second cast time rather than invulnerability, which is something we never asked for in the first place.”

LOOOL don’t make me laugh

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Not gonna happen.

The developers already stated multiple times that Mercy will not be reverted and they seem to want to make the current version work.

This sounds interesting, but I’m not sure if he needs flashbang on a lower cooldown.

They nerfed his damage so he couldn’t one shot his counters and other tanks, so buffing his damage could be tricky.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think Soldier is balanced.

He’s a jack of all trades. I think he’s just weak in the current and previous meta.

A big no from me.

He was the enabler of the dive meta, and buffing his bubble could give us a more oppressive dive meta.

She was nerfed because she became a counter to tanks. This is not her role, so they nerfed her ultimate.

Increasing the blast radius would be a better buff.

Buffing her damage would be enough if you’d ask me.

They absolutely need help.


It’s too bad her current version is not working and is completely awful and resurrect on cooldown cannot be balanced. :frowning:

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Mercy is fine balance-wise. Her niche is long range and poke comps where damage boost shines and she can Res safely. Her issue is that she’s not fun, which in my opinion has more to do with the fact that she doesn’t interact with the enemy at all.

McCree can use a small buff, I’ve always wanted Fan the Hammer not to eat all your ammo but rather be a single shot with a high rate of fire and lower accuracy. That way it can act like it does now but also becomes more versatile.

Hog doesn’t need much, maybe an ult rate buff and an ammo capacity buff.

Bastion should be a little smaller. Allow him to ‘lunge’ out of Sentry mode when in danger. It could be a dash/jump just like Hanzo’s he can only use in Sentry to immediately change to Recon and perhaps save himself.

I’d like to see what an infinite ammo Reaper would look like. PTR it.

Symm needs a way of protecting herself just a little better. She already does a lot with her kit if the team chooses to play around it.

Everyone else is fine imo.

Not only did you not exclude below masters in balance discussion but

try to force a revert on a hero that could be balanced just by giving her the 10HPS back. SMH

What Mercy needs in a new rework.
I’m going to be bringing up a lot of McCree/Reaper because they are the most similar when it comes to self-inflicting cc/channel.

  1. Resurrect on ultimate
    • This is needed because Resurrect is too powerful as an E ability and the self-inflicting CC and channel it puts on you (Similar to McCree/Reaper) should have a larger impact if successful in pulling it off. That’s why it feels kinda meh, because it doesn’t have that omphf it used to have.
  2. Tempo Resurrects vs. Mass Resurrects
    • Mercy needs the incentive to use Tempo Resurrects more frequently because that’s how Resurrect is intended to be used. Yes it was fun to swoop in and change the fight but it should be really difficult for you to do so, (again similar to McCree where he takes a long time to lock on and reaper being vulnerable in a channel)
  3. Mercy’s mid-fight potential
    • Mercy doesn’t have a mid-fight potential, nor does she have one now. She doesn’t have an ability that allows her to contribute in a fight so she runs off scared from everyone and (ironically) even has to hide when pulling a Resurrect off behind a wall. Mercy needs an E ability that would define her. Something like a damage debuff skill shot on an enemy. Something that gives Mercy players the chance to learn and utilize and make the character more difficult than just holding M1. There is nothing wrong with making a character a little more difficult to use.
  4. The stigma behind Mass Resurrect (Some extra information)
    • This is a big one. There is this whole stigma that Mercy players would get Mass Resurrects every single game everytime they play Mercy. I just want to clarify to you all that it doesn’t happen. Just like Pharahs don’t get 6 man barrages every game or Reapers get 6 man death blossoms. It just doesn’t happen often. But I’m also going to say that 5 Man Resurrect’s DID happen. I personally didn’t think it was fair AS A MERCY PLAYER that Resurrect didn’t have counterplay. Which was the big issue as to why it was hated on so much. Swooping in and Resurrecting players with absolutely 0 counterplay isn’t fair.
  5. Mercy having a heroic moment
    • BUT, the feeling of a Mercy player Resurrecting you and your allies must’ve felt good because it felt good for us saving everyone and giving them a second chance to fight again. It felt heroic. It was an “OMG I JUST DID THAT” where the rest of your team was like “Thanks Mercy” Something that this version of Mercy is lacking. What I miss the most is having heroic moments where I turned the tides of battle in favour of my team. Just like getting a 6 man deathblossom or a 6 man high noon or a 6 man barrage it FEELS heroic. Just like getting a 5 man resurrect, it felt heroic.

Hopefully, you got through this very long explanation.