đź•Š [Mercy] Mass Rez as a cooldown ability

I feel like we’re a couple weeks out before devs might start considering Mercy buffs, and this one seemed intriguing.



  • Can store multiple charges of Resurrection (up to 5).
  • All charges are used whenever using Resurrection.
  • To begin Resurrection you have the standard stats of 5m range, 75% slow, 1.75sec cast time.
  • If this Resurrection is successful, then for as many teammates as you have stored resurrection charges, they are resurrected as well. (15m range, line-of-sight required).

22 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Except that’s why Mercy was reworked to begin with


ok. I wasnt around when the rework happened, so Im dont know anything about what changed her and what didnt change her. Im just saying that from my own perspective, I dont think that balancing should be about if something is “engaging” or “fun” to play, since these terms are really subjective

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Theres actually a lot of things they could do to please everyone, but those are big changes which blizzard arent willing to do.

Such as removing res and replacing it with a skilled ability which appeals to the Mercy players as being fun to use, and to the non mercy players that dont like all of their kills to be reversed by a single click.

Patch notes from back then.

Specifically: Developer Comment: While resurrecting downed allies is a core part of Mercy’s gameplay, the way her Ultimate functioned was causing a number of problems. It was frustrating to play against, and it incentivized Mercy players to hide away from important battles, instead of taking part in them. This version turns Resurrect into a single target ability. It’s still an important part of Mercy’s kit, but plays much better for both Mercy players and her enemies. Valkyrie, her new Ultimate, gives her the opportunity for big game-making plays and opens a number of new options for her.

Look it up on YouTube

Well, you’re level 3, so just post a link to an image.


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Also it was august of 2017 because i never had overwatch in 2016

Factually, Mercy was reworked due to the developers (and many other players, myself included) noting undesirable behavior from Mercy players incentivized by mass rez. This was explained in developer comments released at the time the change was made

I would personally rather have valk changed into a more defensive ultimate than get back any form of mass rez. I do think we’re sorely lacking in the “defensive support ult” category after mass rez was removed, but I don’t really like the mechanic. I’d rather not let people die in the first place.

Though I don’t really think, personally, that mercy feels bad to play now. Her ult isn’t as powerful as most support ults (though I think it’s better than Moira’s) because of how versatile it is. Which really does fit her character. That being said it still… isn’t great. I’d rather a single strong beam than a bunch of weak ones. And it would make her role of a single target healer better.

Mass rez on the other hand, is too controversial to ever make a return.

Have you looked at the compromise position bigmainlittlechains?

Why does mercy need a buff? If anything , moira needs buffs. Mercy has so much more utility and mobility therefore she is super versatile .
Unless your high masters + and not playing GOATS every game , mercy is still amazing , especially with dps comps

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I wouldn’t mind trying this out. Interesting indeed. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

That’s the thing, it was controversial because you could hide/respawn and fly in and instantly bring 5 people back up, even through walls.

With this idea, you can’t do that.

  1. You can’t cheese Ult charge in the poke phase to constantly have the Ult up.
  2. It would take 2:30 minutes to have a full mass rez up, and more to find a time to use it.
  3. It would require a startup with all the current weaknesses of Rez.

How about mercy just Rezzed the bodies and had Ai zombies on the field.

Okay, I know we’re not really supposed to address the moderators, but can I just point out how counterproductive it is to move a bunch of our replies into the merged Mercy thread while leaving a stub of this one here?

The reply I made is now in a different thread from what I was replying to. If I want my reply to appear here, I have to quote it from a locked thread, where my self-quote might then be moved back into the other thread later?

How is this discussion supposed to work?

Since I can’t figure it out just look at average healing between all supports

Good to get your seal of approval :stuck_out_tongue:
I figure, there’s no harm in giving Mercy players what they really “desire”.

As long as it’s balanced, and doesn’t harm the overall game flow.