Buff, revert, whatever you want to call it, Blizzard still put their attention towards Mercy. Arguing semantics is completely and utterly pointless because at the end of the day, it’s whether this is enough to make her viable again, not about arguing using the correct terms.
Before Mercy received her 50 hps nerf, she was still a must-pick. She did 60 hps both during Valk, and when not ulting. So clearly 60 hps was too much. Nerfing it to 50 hps was the natural response. Though that turned out to be a tad too much (in conjunction with the Ana buffs). Now, they bump her hps back to 60 just for her ult, which is a half way point between her pre and post-hps nerf. She was a must-pick before it, and low-tier after it. Which means we can infer that she could end up in a decent spot now.
Nerf, revert, or whatever you want to call it. The question is, is this gonna put her in a good spot or not? If it does, that’s what matters more than anything. When Ana’s primary was returned to 70 dps, Ana mains didn’t throw a hissy fit that it was a “revert”. They just recognized that it’s a step in the right direction, regardless if it existed before or not. It doesn’t matter if a feature existed before. What matters is, is putting the feature in now is the right move. Would you guys have rather Bliz kept it at 50 hps? My guess is, no, so why all the complaining?
“We know 60 hps was crap before, so we know it’ll be crap now!”
Excuse me! She was a must-pick before! Her ult may have seemed like crap, but that’s only because she was already OP when not Valking. Her Valk didn’t have much contrast from her already normal 60 hps gameplay.
If you take any character who’s OP during normal gameplay, there’s a good chance their ult won’t seem all that special, because it does little to contrast from their normal OP state. Sometimes it’s the contrast between the ult and normal gameplay that matters, not the actual figures themselves. Yes, she had 60 hps during Valk before, but the contrast between her ult and normal gameplay is what’s gonna be new. And because of this contrast, I rather have this than her do 55 hps as her base healing rate which is commonly suggested.