Mercy mains giving up due to overwatch devs

welp they mess up for sure, they also care about money way too much.
i’m no mercy main but i prefer playing mercy now

I can because I’ve carried games with it, just yesterday btw.? It has an impact, even if it’s not as flashy as mass-rez. Orisas ultimate is so devenstating, yet many people feel “meh” too while using it because it isn’t flashy. EMP, Photon Barrier, Minefield and Moltencore are a few other examples that aren’t flashy but are huge playmaking ults if used at the right time.

How is it not useful? Many stressed that the power of Mercy’s old ult was in solo-rezzing and now that it’s on a CD similar to old mass-rez charge time it’s not useful? I call bulls on that one. Midfight rezzes are gamechanging. Tempo-rezzing keep a momentum going.
Ya it’s riskier now, but honestly, if you keep dying or your other teammates die while you rez, that’s your mistake. High risk, high reward.

The only reason for the support imbalance at the moment is because of Anas Nano 300hp insta heal. It’s like a instant mid-fight rez applieable from distance. Moira has as a low pickrate than Mercy in higher elos.
Plus, that’s my opinion, Moira should have the highest heal and burst because she can only heal. She does tickle damage which takes 4 whooping seconds to succ someone to death with 100% accuracy tracking. She’s the only pure healer, yet Ana even outclasses her.

Have you checked console? Top support pick across all ranks.
The problem is not Mercy, it’s Ana.

err there are several things that simplya re not true in that post. Sorry to say.

Her ult was so OP that mercy in s3 was f-tier, with a pickratio just above symmetra in high ranks, not used at those elo. Lucio and zenyatta was the ones on charge, even before Ana was released.

Mercy…again was F-tier and was played in casual modes and low ranks. Then came the “rework” to undo the issues that “issues?..” ok …that some youtubers screamed about to make it the new wave.

Then it came the mercy rework and she was mandatory and op through all ranks cause she was able to rezz 3 to 4 times the players she even did in the past.

So sorry to say but all you said, i can disagree with opinions or agree or tell you that i do not pretend to have mass rez back, but what you said was completely false. Mercy was never meta before the rework, mercy was not used in high ranks as it was after the rework, the rework received 14 nerfs due to the faliure she was and how op (and boring) she was after the rework. And mercy roar about that pros had to play her as mandatory…happened after the rework.

Pre rework there was not such issue but some people finding her rezz mass unfun…but that never made her op, even meta, and never a meta revolved about that mass rezz ult. And what i just said was not an opinion.

So please, check the data, do not mess your opinion with real facts, cause i fear you are confusing both. What you said never happened that way. really never happened that way.


I hope they give up as title says because I am bored to see all Mercy threads in this forum. If we make an easy to play list in the supports she is the easiest one. And we dont need low skill high reward supports. Which Brigitte showed that its unhealthy for the game. I hope she stays like this for the sake of other supports see some usage.

To be fair I didn’t come here almost ever before the nuclear bombshell that was the dev updating introducing Valk. But I think if truly impressive numbers of players are giving feedback and tend to say the same things for well over a year without stopping (and people said it’d just die down after a little bit in the beginning)… well if I was a dev I’d be worried. The forums are one of the places that they get feedback and oh boy have they :stuck_out_tongue: Let alone youtube and others.

As to what percentage of people who don’t come to the forums think well… ultimately who knows. I know that while happy people don’t usually comment, unhappy people also tend to just leave something without comment. They tend to be a good percentage of the people making comments true, but that doesn’t mean the commenters are a good percentage of the people who hate something about the game. As an example, my family has been to many restaurants of the years, but we don’t leave bad reviews if we hate it. We just never return and either forget about it or at most tell friends to avoid it.

One thing I can see - game wise - is that since the rework queue times have steadily and visibly gotten longer. I didn’t use to hear so many people in game complain about how long the queue was taking before. I didn’t see AI games take 10-20+ minutes to find a match (it was usually instant or a minute or 2) and so on.

Now there can be many reasons for people not playing as much as they did before, but when almost every person I meet online or in real life really hates valk and in quite a number of cases has quit overwatch entirely or is thinking of doing so because of it or just plays way less because of it well… with the information I have, I’d say Valk was a huge mistake. If you enjoy it more power to you but for everyone else well… I’m sure glad I moved on to other games.

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Mercy is my main.

Ok there were some changes and you have to adapt but she is totally reliable. She’s a lot of fun to play with. You just need to be more careful about the use of the resurrection and the ultimate.

The problem here, is that a lot of people do not know how to play Mercy and it’s painful to witness that in game. -_-

So far, I don’t have any negative feedback to bring about her. i like her the way she is (though I still miss the mass rez but only for my ego :P)

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You can say whatever you want , it is your right to do so.
If you carried a game congrats, really. I feel thats something not normal and stats shows that it doesnt happen that often or it is not even normal. So you can discuss with me you like the new ultimate I can point to you healing AND damege of moiras ult and we can compare. Or zen or lucio. and you can do the math.

Orisas ultimate is so devenstating, yet many people feel “meh” too while using it because it isn’t flashy.

err no?.

How is it not useful? Many stressed that the power of Mercy’s old ult was in solo-rezzing and now that it’s on a CD similar to old mass-rez charge time it’s not useful?.

too long to answer i will point to you this video from a non mercy player.

can be better than me repeating you the stats. If you take a second to listen to it. Is silly to have a rezz in 30 seconds when your team has already died. Too risk, too much cd, cause it was op at first and now it is trash. High reward?..not anymore.

Moira should have the highest heal and burst because she can only heal

Really?. I cannot take you serious in this line, i guess you are talking about mercy, not moira…she needs to do damage output to heal. Combine the orb with your autolock aimed damage and there you go. Not the first time Ive got gold eliminations with Moira in a game on a regular basis. In some elos Moira even act as flanker as she is not contested properly by the not so mechanically skilled dps. In high ranks can help Ana. Anyway mercy was before the rework not seeing too many plays in high elos…not now anyway.

Have I checked console? No. I havent. Would you say bastion or torb is op?..cause in console aiming is really bad and so they have better stats…btw Theres a healer that can burst healing more than mercy and also have that autolock aim so praised in console…Moira.

The issue was never Ana, she is a completely different hero. I do not think mercy bad state is due to Ana. In season 3 there was lucio and zen above mercy. Mercy was not meta but after the rework. Ana was nerfed to the ground after the tank meta she caused with her release and then nerfed to the ground and hit hard by dive meta. Anyway if you tell me you play in console…then I understand your point o view even more, as it is that part of the playerbase, saldy forgotten by ow.

I actually enjoyed playing Mercy in the last two days


I’m not offended? I just dont understand how an analogy between owning a new car and a videogame character that you didnt creat or have the rights to can be one in the same.

Interestingly enough, there are also many people that don’t enjoy her as much anymore. Why is your fun more important than mine?

She’s fun to play if you use her pistol whenever you can to chase down kills.

Well, too bad Blizzard never admits mistakes. There will never be a revert, and Mercy is never going to receive another rework. If you don’t like Mercy in her current state then tough luck, you’ll never like Mercy again.


Wow, no one has ever said any of this or thought of any of this before! A TRUE visionary you are!



Right back at ya, Einstein. Why are those peoples fun more important than mine?

It’s not, that’s why I would like to find a compromise. But thanks for assuming.

Assuming what, exactly?

That I only want the hero to be fun for me. Also excellent job being insulting right off the bat.

I didn’t say that. At all. I asked the same question that you asked. So… are you the one assuming? :crazy_face:

And insulting who? What? Looking back I clearly made a spot-on assessment.

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Ok, so you just don’t understand how to have a mature conversation. Got it. Good luck to you in your future endeavors.

Actually it looks like you can’t handle eating your own words. I fed them to you twice, and in quick succession. “Good luck to you in your future endeavors.”


Edit: Three times, except the third time I didn’t even have to try.

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Let’s just agree to disagree and move on. I shouldn’t have typed out that third thing, it was over the line. And I shouldn’t let trolls get the better of me, but sometimes I slip up. Have a good day.