Mercy Mains - Are you currently happy with the Rework?

I came to Overwatch just after the 9th nerf, and I thought she was at a good place back then. After the 10th nerf, I struggle to keep my team healed, and if I am in a tug-of-war against a decent DPS, I usually lose. I mean I am not going to flip out about it with the devs, but if they reversed the recent nerf of 17% healing, I think leaving Mercy at that point would leave most people satisfied.

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Valkyrie is boring, but resurrect as an ultimate is extremely fun.

I’m not a Mercy main but I definitely think something needs to change.

Mercy did not deserve any nerf, if it was dominant it was due to the meta sniper.
With hanzo and widowmaker that main support did you use? Obvious mercy.
This nerf was made to remove the meta sniper (see the nerf ad hanzo and widowmaker). But so mercy is not satisfying, perhaps in quickmatches.
Yet it is simple, bring a rez even one, in ultimate, and mercy came out of the meta, but at least returned to be fun.
Instead they insist on this type of rework, which by now is evident, after 15 nerf has failed.
The feeling, maybe I’m wrong, that there is a form of presumption on the part of the devs

Anyone who asks this question will never understand our answers no matter what they are, especially if our final answer is impact. I was able to continue playing her despite hating the rework because her core kit remained intact, but now that her impact is practically nil, I can’t bring myself to play her anymore. She feels pointless. One could argue damage boost is good, but on its own it’s not good enough to satisfy the feeling we had before, especially when you see the damage boost numbers vs the healing numbers.

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Ex-Mercy Main here (100 hours)

I am not happy with Mercy’s state, I keep bronze healing in comparison to my Zenyatta duo queue partner, mostly due to Transcendance, but if a single good Transc is enough to make me lose gold healing, when I’m a MAIN HEALER, that is an issue, not to mention Rez is just a pile of crap rn and Blizzard seriously needs to look into Mercy again, the only good parts of her we have left are her Damage Amplification and Caduceus Blaster (Also those are the only parts of her kit that gives notable amounts of consistent on-fire Points)

She may be numerically more balanced but she feels awful and her Rez is the motherload of exceptions to everything, and it still has no direct counter or way to negate it.

Honestly, they should have pulled invincibility on Mass Rez and tried other survivability options as well as a method to stop Rez from getting value that doesn’t revolve solely around killing/CCing Mercy before she can finish casting it.


Rez per 30 seconds is a good skill, but she’s a sitting duck while using it. Also, honestly, if your team can’t make good of the Rez advantage, they can fall just as quick the second time.

The latest heal nerf made a problem because she’s a single-target healer except in ultimate who can no longer effectively heal – even that one target. That is the direct result of this latest nerf, and that’s why I hope they’ll eventually reverse it.

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Mercy is one of my mains. Not THE main, but rather the second most-played hero I got.

I don’t like how she plays right now.

And if you’re curious as to why, it’s just… lack of presence. Ability to make sure the enemy knows you are there, capable of turning the tide in battle.
This shouldn’t be too much. I definitely do not want a return of Mercy 2.0 with the OP valk and 2 instarezzes. That was a ridiculous meta.

But I’m talking about what makes supports - or literally ANY hero for that matter - satisfying to play: being a saviour, or a driving force behind winning a teamfight.

You KNOW when any other support makes a “big play”.
Ana nanoboost applied with another ult? You’ll know.
Lucio or Zenyatta saving everyone’s behind with great ult timing? You’ll know.
Moira throughputting 130+ hps in a teamfight? You’ll fricken know.

Mercy? Eh. She’s just kinda around, but not vital. Sometimes you’ll hear her yell her ult line and you will notice absolutely no difference. In fact her ult is apparently designed to keep herself alive, so she can watch her teammates die below her.

At best she’s a flying Orisa Supercharger. It’s stupid.

Mercy is not designed anymore for “big plays”. In fact it’s debatable on whether or not she’s a main healer these days, because she’s closer to the heal output of Zenyatta (off-healer), than to main healers like Moira or Ana. Who, are, in fact capable of “saving” someone and able to nullify some or all of the damage that an ally takes.

So much for being a “good main healer” as she was once called.
Why? Because she made up for her crappy general heals, with an ult that gave second chances not just for 1 person, but for an entire team. And gave a big play to boot, felt like you had a serious impact.
And that was fine. People who called it “unfun to play against” were wrong. And the 9-10 months of mercy nerfs and constant bickering in this community is definite proof that they were. fricken. wrong.


She is boring to play. Blizzard wanted a healer with a low skill floor, ended up creating a healer with a skill ceiling about the same as the floor. Why spend time mastering a hero when you are just about as good with 10 hours as you are at 100 hours or 1000 hours?

Boring is very relative. She’s fun to play if you know the advanced stuff about her movement.

I one-trick Mercy, even now, when it’s no longer fashionable, because I really like it. So, I mean, she’s not boring to everybody because there are still people out there, like me, who love her to bits.


tried it few times - healing is soooooo long

If your team doesnt listen to important information that’s on them and they can stay in plat or gold. Higher SR is more linked to internal motivation since you really have to put yourself into the game and learn it. Mostly likely it came from an internal desire to get better.

Moreover, now it is understood that on mercy are based on the feedback of some, but not on the community. All the suggestions on mercy on this forum (negative or positive), have been completely ignored. The mega thread they want to die, they close it and reopen it continuously to make us stop discussing (even if for months we knew that it was useless). In the end I wonder, but because I continue to write if it is useless, but I do not speak only for myself, but also for those who, better than me, write to give suggestions. Suggestions that, does not mean they had to accept them, but to evaluate them. The feeling as mentioned, which have been ignored.
I repeat, currently mercy is not fun, not even the satisfaction of saving the main tank, 50 hps is ridiculous with the damage that there are on OW. Already 60 hps were very few.

I give it a month before people beg for the Mercy meta to return. People will be reminded that nano and sleeps are way way more frustrating to face than an over the top Mercy. People who have played enough to remember the triple tank + Ana meta knows what I’m talking about. :thinking:

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True, the triple tank ana meta was a deadly bore

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Numerically balancing heroes is the goal. Feeling ‘awful’ or ‘unfun’ is subjective and you can’t please everyone.

There are ways to counter Rez. You forgot to mention simply creating space between Mercy and the dead body. Or you can just use Sombra and hack the Mercy. And what’s wrong with using CC to counter Rez?

They should have pulled Rez as an in game mechanic entirely. It was a poor choice to establish it in the first place. Now we all pay the price.

You say there ‘isnt a direct counter’ then continue to omit the direct counter, using CC.

You’re heavily rewarded for tracking, and even predicting ults. Old Mercy’s payout for ult tracking wasn’t better, it was just more forgiving to those who didn’t do it. Now it’s not. For example, that Grav Surge?
-With old Mercy you didn’t (in this context you provide) have to track it’s progress, just rez everyone when they die to a Grav combo.
-With new Mercy you don’t have that luxury. You track the ult so you can avoid it, or negate its impact the best you can. BUT, the thing is you were always capable of this with old Mercy, and if you did this, perhaps you never would have had to use Rez, and could actually use it for an unexpected team fight loss.

The point of Ult tracking is so that you can avoid/prepare for ults, not so you can prepare to revert it after it happened. I mean sure it’s a strat, but it’s a very lazy strat that works for one team fight, then you have to get it back.

Well, I like bunny hop, but that’s it

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Short answer : No.

Longer answer: because shes bland to play,

(MEANING, when you have people under fire and you can’t heal them enough so they can fight a little bit longer while they are getting healed, thats wrong)

theres no more thrill in rezing someone,
(MEANING, i get rez is op but its really a timer rez, its not earned and feels like a EZ REZ button.)

it doesnt feel earned compared to someone like ana, every shot, every hit you land, feels earned.

It really makes me feel bad for mercy players and its been making me switch to healers like ana which is a lot more fun and im bitter about it because i want to love mercy but i can’t.