Mercy Mains - Are you currently happy with the Rework?

Was a mercy main before the rework, not anymore. Because she feels like sh** to play. So boring. I barely touch her anymore.

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Zenyatta main here to say this is clearly a bait thread and a troll account.

Nope and nope.

boring, unimpactful.

ultimate is basically spectator mode, and feels especially useless with the healing nerfs - i’d say 6-7/10 times i can’t keep my team alive. it’s literally useful for…

  1. escaping
  2. cleaning up (why should you need to use your ultimate for that, may i ask?
  3. damage boosting.
  4. maybe baiting ultimates, because the amount of times i’ve been solo high nooned or tac visored is very high.

her e is in poor design - “we didn’t want mercies to stop healing, go hide and rez” is a funny statement when that is literally what she does now.

i feel awful rezzing as i watch my tank get melted by a hanzo - oh wait, that happens anyway! i can’t sustain anyone consistently!

the ONLY good thing this rework gave us was bunny hop. i have never felt more useless as mercy.

picking moira and lucio gave me the most fun i’ve had since mercy’s rework.

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I am not happy with the rework, no. While there’s added opportunity for survival via the Bunny Hop/Slingshot, and while the reduced healing in and of itself may or may not affect Mercy’s ability to pocket snipers (it really feels like the 50 hp/s change was made solely so a Winston had a chance of actually killing an enemy sniper when diving onto them without regard for how it’d impact the rest of the game), which is fair, since that’s been a major problem lately, especially after OPAF Hanzo was pushed live.

That being said - we still have the problem that at this point, Mercy is 99% back to how she was during say, Season 3 - with one major exception - the ability to do something when healing fails. If you cannot outheal the damage, you can now do nothing. Valkyrie might get you a chance to avoid the damage yourself, but in no way does that help your team, since Mercy’s healing isn’t boosted during.

So honestly, what I’m wondering at this point is, what was the point of the rework again? It hasn’t worked in terms of making Mercy “more fun and engaging” because early on it became obvious that the ways they’d decided to do that was grossly OP and harmful to the game. So here we are, 13 nerfs later with pretty much every major selling point of the rework removed or severely nerfed, and yet we still have the weird contradiction that’s Res on E, with all its penalties, still being able to do more to start or stop an engagement by negating the enemy team’s first pick. But by now, it can only do that, and only if Mercy stops healing and hides. Wasn’t that what the rework was supposed to get rid of? Or is it just okay as long as it’s done in a “not very noticeable” way?

So no, I’m not happy. I want Res on E gone. It’s one of the worst things added to this game, and it makes playing Mercy so boring, because of its very specific usage combined with Valkyrie’s lack of impact on team fights.


I hate it with a passion. And it’s literally the reason I uninstalled the game.

It broke the balance of the game and removed counter to an ult spam. She became brainless healbot with her original skill ceiling slashed to nothing. She needed an absurd amount of positional and situational awareness. That is all gone. She was completely on autopilot AND utterly overpowered. We knew they are going to nerf her to the ground since they announced the kit. And the nerfs were much worse then we expected. Not in the sense of raw power deduction. Quite the opposite. In the sense of their direction. It hit all the parts of her new kit that were fun, while maintaining the parts that were broken.

She is now awkward to play, boring… annoying even.

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I’m not happy with it, for two reasons primarily. 1. I miss being able to get play of the game. 2. Her ultimate ability feels useless. I could go on as to what I think feels wrong about her current incarnation (or previous ones), but those are the biggest things for me. I mean, it’s not like she’s completely unplayable now (as in Blizzard hasn’t straight up removed her), after all, I’ve still been playing her this whole time, nerfs and all. Hope my opinions helps~

Yes, I think she’s still fun to play.

Well, my most played hero is now Widowmaker, because I quit Mercy after the rework. I cut off my wings after Season 4.

However, I had 200 hours on her and she was my first main to make it to Master’s. And my point of view is simply this;

Give us 2016 Mercy back. This rework has been **** from the beginning, and what little we had to enjoy from Valkyrie was quickly stripped away.

She’s boring, more passive, has no opportunity to make any sort of major plays, and I haven’t had a Mercy POTG in probably a year. The Mercy POTG’s I see are atrocious. It’s usually a Mercy standing in a corner healing someone and it was only POTG because no one did anything all game…so what ever?

I miss the old Mercy. She felt like she made a difference, and I felt my team appreciated my ability with the hero more when she had game-saving potential. I enjoyed the swings in game play when you thought all was lost and then Mercy came and Rez’d for a 2nd chance, or you thought you had it all won, but then the enemy Mercy came to Rez. it added so much more variation.

As a DPS main now, I fail to see what other DPS mains had an issue with. If you failed to ensure the Mercy was eliminated before Ulting everyone and she Rez’d them thereafter, that was your fault. Don’t complain because she nullified your Q with her Q. A DPS’s ult is no more skillful than a Mercy Rez Ult. I mean seriously.

However, over time it seems Blizzard has fallen into the trap of balancing to appease, rather than balancing for what is best. So Mercy is now ponderous, and I only play her on the off-chance I’m a healer and I need a hero I can play while texting on my phone.


I’m not a mercy main but I feel that Rez should be a charged ability from healing and healing should return to 60 hps or make rez an ult again but make it work like deadeye to Rez. I’ve got about 14 hours on her and most of it is in competitive.

In my opinion , a devoted Mercy cultist, as called by some, Mercy is ridiculously bad, that’s the long version. If this was too long to read, then the TL;DR : “w r o n g” as said by D. Trumperino.

I used to tolerate the rework in the early days, where bunny hop existed, where Valkyrie actually had a really subtle impact. But the thing that I hated the most was the cast time. I would’ve been okay if the cast time didn’t slow you down to a pace that a Bronze Tracer can finally hit you. But the really slow cast time for a supposed “ability” which is actually comparable to an ultimate and the slug speed really put the final hit in the coffin. I would’ve been happy if the cast time was instant and if we only had one rez per 30 secs no matter what, or even with a smaller cast time and normal speed , but now overall: Mercy is only good for "HIDE AND SEEK | MERCY VS REIN " custom games.

As much as it says

Your opinion and ideas seem really similar to what the other devoted Mercy fanatics and cultists want.
It’s really heartwarming to see other players other than Mercy mains get the picture that some players scoff at.
I really like your idea of the Deadeye Rez, it’s a really unique idea.
Thank you for your ideas, and understanding us.

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Current (post nerf) Mercy is an unpleasant hot mess that’s had the soul removed from her. I keep on playing and thinking - this character would be lots of fun if she were viable and could keep people alive.

I loved her right before this nerf. I’d love her again if they gave the healing back and just removed res or replaced it with something else.

Yeah I don’t really get why blizzard targeted her healing when in reality it’s her Rez and possibly guardian angel that need changing

Especially when Mercy had a buff since she was underpowered in terms of her heal, here’s a bit of the patchnotes from September 1st, 2016, this was before her rebreak.
Caduceus Staff
Healing-per-second has been increased by 20%
Developer Comments: […] Mercy’s healing is also getting a boost to solidify her role as a strong, single-target healer.
Solidify her role as a strong, single-target healer…
Wait something’s not right.

Also yes, it IS her rez that needs changing, but I’m not so sure about GA, it’s sitting in a good spot right now, but maybe you’re right.

Personally I feel like GA could do with a 1 second cooldown increase or becoming consistent with how it works. Imo, it’s easily the best escape ability out of all the supports.

happy about what im just geting my self rdy to an other nerf
cuz one person said to jeff ‘‘stop nerfing mercy’’
and jeff said ‘‘u think we r done?’’

To clarify, Jeff actually said “I think we are done”, as in, he was done talking to him.

They confirmed that it was spelt as “You think We’re Done?” to make it sound more humorous.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

r u sure?
just confirm it


~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.