Mercy Mains - Are you currently happy with the Rework?

Mercy being underpowered is not a balance, she needs a buff to be able to compete on an equal playing field.

Tell me what kind of drugs are u on I want them too…

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Which evidently is not required or necessary if you’re not a Mercy main…

OP, you need to make it clearer :stuck_out_tongue:

Lmao, the rework made her less skilful…

whisphers, Valkyrie



I was making a caricature of you.

Just use basic comprehension. We still love you!!! :kissing_heart:


I love her. I even just bought her golden gun, which is my first one yet. Her mobility is a ton of fun, and I still really enjoy healing with her after the nerf.

My only complaint is her resurrect. As much as I enjoy the decision making part of it, I’d rather have a different ability on a shorter cooldown. But even with the way it is now, I’m okay with how she is and I still have a ton of fun with her.


You still haven’t got that comprehension down.

We still love you even though you’re projecting what you think my intentions are versus what they actually were :kissing_heart:


Sure some of the things I mentioned are long shots… but the potential is still there for those heroes to do something to counter incoming ults. Mercy doesn’t even really have that sort of potential anymore.

Also… being like “Hey, this one enemy ult hasn’t happened for a while. I should probably hold onto my best response to it just in case.” is still ult prediction.

I’m not saying current Mercy gets nothing out of predicting ults… just significantly less than old Mercy. Granted that’s not hard since old Mercy got the most out of predicting and surviving enemy ults… but still.

If you call one of the most iconic and beloved heroes being reworked and nerfed to be a shell of her former self as far as enjoyment and engagement side of things a “better state” then sure.

I didn’t enjoy Mercy being stupid OP… I just think that Blizzard shouldn’t have nerfed just about every facet of Mercy’s active power.


No you’re not :kissing_heart:

Well I would think the sarcasm from your posts implies that but obviously I’m incorrect. Keep telling me what I’m doing.

Mercy shouldn’t be OP.

Ana should be stronger than Mercy if you’re at higher ranks.

Moira should heal more than Mercy given she’s ran in tank heavy comps.

50 HP/S is fine.

Rez should have a cast time.

Given her base kit has not changed much, the only valid complaints about her being unfun are regarding Valk/Rez.

Most people on this forum are whining for invalid reasons.

I hope that’s unique enough.

wE’lL sTilL lOvE yOu :kissing_heart:

I’m not happy.

The bunny hop is nice but that wasn’t intended as part of the rework and was a mistake they added to her kit to make her more engaging.

Current Valk is horribly underwhelming for an ultimate and feels like you’re doing nothing. It’s a hodgepodge of normal abilities pretending to be something greater than the sum of it’s parts but none of them are ult worthy.

Rez on E is a clunky and unfulfilling with little strategy to it.

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Y’know… I fully expected you to argue with me over that. I am now pleasantly surprised. Cheers!

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That doesn’t counter Rez in the typical sense, it just denies using it because of all of the exceptions that were added to Rez in order to punish Mercy with a cool down if the enemy was able to stop Mercy from finishing casting it. Thats effectively countering Mercy’s capacity to use the ability, not countering the ability itself. Mostly its semantics but there are some key differences in regards to balance.

Once Transcendence is started, you can charge pin Zen or anyone you want eliminated away, or boop Zen off a cliff, or Ana nade his friendlies so they can’t get healing, or use one shot abilities. That counters it by negating its value once it has started. If you hack Zen right before dragons hit, you denied him from using it. Since Zen has no cast time on it, lets use Lucio dropping the beat or the wind up on most ultimates for this next part. If you interupt/kill someone while they are starting their ult, they lose the charge and lose the effect, but you didn’t counter the ult. You just stopped it from happening. This is the way in which I’m talking about counter vs dening Rez. There is no counter to Rez. You cannot stop it once it starts. Once Mercy’s cast time is up, Rez is going to get garunteed value no matter what you do. Sure you can just refrag whomever gets Rezed, but it still costs resources and cool downs to do that.

Ults from Doomfist, Ana, Sym, and Sombra are similar in the same way because your window to stop them is effectively unpunishable and once it starts you can’t outright stop the ability. How much value they get out of said abilities though are part of the abilities built in weaknesses. You effectively can’t stop Sombra from using EMP, or Ana from Nanoing, or Doomfist from jumping into the air for meteor strike, or Syms shield from building once she accepts the location.

EMP lands and it does nothing but disables/shuts down abilities and some protections of everyone in range for a short time. That really doesn’t give you anything but the opportunity to make a play. This lack of ability to counter it is why there must be limits and weaknesses in it, and why EMP does so little other than make an opening. Doomfists ult is a get out of jail free card or deals a lot of damage, but has a significant amout of time showing where its going to hit with limited range, can be easily blocked, and people can easily move to avoid the bulk of the hurt almost always making it get poorer returns than it could have gotten. Nano instantly heals and provides damage boost and damage resistance, but it doesn’t stop the person from being disabled by one of the many forms of CC, having been naded prior to getting Nano and negating the heal, nor stop them from being killed, ulted, or failing to land their damage. That is Nanos inherent weakness. Syms shield is huge but you can just walk through it; that is its weakness. Rez doesn’t have one of these direct weaknesses.

The problem with Rez as an instant cast is there was zero way to stop it from completing, therefore there was no real counter to it nor was there a way to stop its value. This has been (at least for me, and I know at least a few others) a sore spot for a long time. There were plenty of ways to deny it even before the cast time, and ways to punish Mercy for using it until the invincibility buff on Mass Rez (which was sorely needed to make it no longer be a troll ult, but successfully negated the major weakness of Rez and thus made it extremely exploitable).

You could stagger kills like you should be doing anyway to force the enemy to trickle. That also reduces the benefit of all other beneficial type ults by reducing the maximum number of beneficiaries. You could force people apart like you should be doing anyway, and seperate the enemy team. That also reduces the benefits of other beneficial ults by reducing the number of beneficiaries. You could kill the support first like you should be doing anyway. This also reduces the benefits of other beneficial ults by denying their use when they are needed. Prior to the invincibility on Mass Rez, you’d almost always get a free kill on Mercy for using Rez leaving the team without a primary healer, and that was the risk/weakness of using Rez. It felt bad but it was meant to make tempo rezes clearly the better way to play, but the ranking system didn’t give two craps about wether you won that fight or used Rez smart; it cared about how many corpses you brought back up making the rank system reward stupid Rezes more than smart Rezes. This wasn’t a huge deal until 2 things happened; 1st, the removal of the weakness that made “huge rezes” poor play (namely the high likelihood Mercy died leaving you down your healer), 2nd wild over rewarding by the ranking system for inflating Rez counts. This was completely avoidable and completely fixable once it was done by simply adding back in a true counter to Rez that could be punished and prevent any value from Rez.

The choice instead was a rework that didn’t address the core issue of no true counter. Then they added gradual iterations of making Mercy more punishable for trying to use the ability while leaving it without any true weakness other than how squishable Mercy is. This is and always has been the problem with casting time as the one weakness to Rez; its not a weakness put on Rez, its a weakness put on Mercy to by proxy put weakness in Rez.

Bubble Mercy. Block her with a shield. Body block the trash damage. Use geometry and landscape to block damage. The problem with Rez starts showing again instantly once you mitigate Mercy’s squishyness while casting Rez.

This was also why Mass Rez “couldn’t” be balanced: you can’t have a weakness on one character big enough that it makes up for a complete lack of weakness of 5 targets getting a beneficial ability. If you have a weakness in the beneficial ability that can be used on ANY of the 5 people getting the benefit, now you’ll be able to balance it.

But this option has not and will not be explored at this point, so we’re left with terrible feeling still broken Rez and Mercy and a complete all consuming lack of desire for the community to try to address this very complicated issue in any manner beyond burn the witch and antagonize anyone who disagrees.

She used to require decision making. To rez 1 crucial tank/dps with an ult or or to not do so but instead wait for another enemy ult you suspect is coming and will be game-ruining. Now she doesnt have those decisions. Her entire game is just line-of-sight checks… and LOS checks are part of every character’s game.

Blizz Please Revert Mercy But With Rez Which Requires Line Of Sight. THX


your name is what i want

That’s a lot of effort to go though to type that all out. Is your keyboard okay?

Whatever your definition of ‘counter’ is, bottom line is Rez was a terrible mechanic and should be taken away. Until Mercy has no Rez ability, this will never end.

You all say she is ‘not fun to play’ yet she continues to be the most picked support. Maybe you should all stop playing Mercy and show Blizz you won’t play heroes with busted abilities. It’s the only way at this point. Sure, it will cause riots, but it will be worth it in a year.

I have lots of fun playing Mercy.
I just miss having some playmaking potential, now even if I’m doing very good at healing everyone and staying alive through and through, it doesn’t feel impactful and when my team loses I’m like… well… I gave it everything. Didn’t matter.

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I have no idea why I even considered for a second that you might say anything else.