Mercy Mains | 10 Hard To Swallow Pills 💊

This is fine but when you say something like:
“Mass rez was underpowered! let’s return to that!!”
We all can see that you are either ignoring a huge chunk of facts or well, you want her to be OP because saying that mass rez was underpowered is a huge omission of a bunch of factors which in turn makes it a lie, if you are willing to lie to get what you want… boy… however, I don’t think you actually want her to be OP but you can’t see how mass rez would make her OP and I get it, you felt like it was super fun because it was in fact impactful, too impactful someone would say and sadly you don’t make the connection between impact and power and your omission leads to this statement

When you guys resort to trolling and attacking everyone who disagrees with you and feel like you deserve no punishment only because you get attacked all the time, that’s entitlement. Naturally not all Mercy players are like this but when there’s a thread about someone being contempt with Mercy y’all go ahead and bully all night long thinking you’ll get no consequences and/or that you’ll be treated with respect

This is thrown around because you say your life is miserable because of a videogame, if that were to be true the best course of action for you is to stop playing, literally, now if you stop using hyperboles to comunicate, perhaps advice would come in a more suitable fashion

As long as it goes in favor of balance, Mercy will be tweaked accordingly, however it has been proven that without Mass rez she can be incredibly powerful and incredibly weak as well so there must be a sweet spot that’s balanced, you however want mass rez at all costs even though it’s not necessary, you don’t care about balance all you care about is this so called revert and saying it over and over again makes people tired


just below the section on spam and trolling

Creating Duplicate Threads
This category includes:

  • Creating threads about existing topics
  • Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum


Joined in “August”…:joy:

  1. Fun is a matter of opinion; it does not matter how you look at it. You can’t speak for every, or even most, Mercy mains either. Especially since most Mercy complaining happens here on the forums. It doesn’t happen much anywhere else on other Social Media. Even more so because this forum does not even represent 1% of the OW playerbase.

  1. Happiness may be subjective, but so is “fun”.

  1. “Mercy mains are not in a cult” may be a true statement. But I could argue and state that Mercy mains that want Mass Rez back are the ones that ARE in a cult; that is what I would call the Mass Rez Mercy Cult. And this way, it doesn’t bind every Mercy main into the same basket for the wrong reasons.

  1. An ‘all Mercy mains’ generalization is indeed wrongful, for similar reasons as above. It binds too many people for the wrong reasons. The ones who want their version of Mercy, balanced be damned, are the ones who are indeed acting entitled. You can’t deny that it’s there, especially since that entitlement acting takes many forms. I could go so far as to say the ones that repetitively keep crying “Revert Mercy!” are also being entitled.

  1. If you don’t like Mercy’s current state, maybe you should try learning and playing other heroes. If you’re playing this game to play one, and only one hero, then you’re playing it wrong. Especially since there’s 27 (and soon to be 28) other heroes that you can easily get attached to and love.

  1. There are more Mercy threads on this forum in the past 24 hours than there are most other heroes combined. And I should mention that a lot of said Mercy threads say very similar things, only worded slightly differently. What’s your answer to this?

  1. Yeah, I can kind of agree with you on this one. If gender generalization is being done for one hero’s player-base, then that’s not right.

  1. One thing does seem to be true regarding in a lot of cases on this forum though. They don’t like talking about any hero that isn’t Mercy.

  1. See numbers 1 and 2. Fun is subjective and a matter of opinion, no matter which way you look at it. And unlike some heroes (cough cough Bastion), Mercy threads HAVE gotten responses from the development team, and even on more than 1 occasion. Like it or not, this game does not revolve solely around Mercy and Mercy play.

  1. You’re welcome to have your own opinion of course; nobody should be attacking you for that alone. But you guys need to understand that Mass Rez is not coming back; they’ve already stated this exact thing. And before you try to mince my words and tell me “but they didn’t state that; they only stated that they have no plans to!”: let me give you the words, “don’t bother”. Because that also implies that they’re not reverting Mercy.

My TL;DR of this

But in seriousness: Mass Rez isn’t coming back, and fun is subjective.



I feel like the most fair thing would either be a form of revert that includes a form of Mercy 1.0 and 2.0 or an increasingly more fair thing, rework her that doesn’t really involve either Valk or Mass Res. :stuck_out_tongue: I personally despise Valkyrie, but don’t need Mass Res back. I would just personally like to see Valkyrie never return to OW. But your opinion is just as valid as the revert crowd! Don’t let it go.

Oh dear, that is a lot of misconceptions on Number 10… Interesting. :thinking:

Apologies, but allow me to ask, where in the OP did I specifically refer to Mass Res as you all have claimed? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Like I said, you can feign ignorance all you want.

Just makes you look desperate.


Thanks for projecting your opinion, but I’m afraid that doesn’t answer the question. Can you please quote where I refer specifically to Mass rez in my OP as was claimed? I’d love to see the proof! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

It’s exactly in the ‘hard to swallow pill’ itself there that you so claim. Because ‘Revert Mercy’ is exactly that; reverting to Mass Rez.


You’re literally just playing dumb because you know I can’t technically prove anything.

Literally everyone knows what everyone means when the words “they’re not reverting Mercy”.

Like I said, just because you choose to manipulate words doesn’t magically change the context that everyone already knows.


I’m afraid that hasn’t answered my question. I’m asking where in the OP was I referring specifically to mass rez? This is a thread about Mercy mains and the common misconception, not about concepts about Mercy changes. Allow me to ask. How does saying “mass rez won’t come back” relate to the OP? Is there a Mention of mass rez anywhere in that post? Or were you just posting an offtopic picture in hopes to derail it? Do elaborate! :blush:

I’m sorry, but without proof to back up your claim, I’m afraid that you aren’t proving your case. Where is the exact quote in the OP that refers to Mass Rez specifically in the OP? Can you please send me the link where I am referring to Mass Rez in the post? Or are you making implications and assumptions on what you “think” was said? :blush:

You aren’t giving a strong argument there I’m afraid. Do you have proof of what I’ve said in the OP? If you don’t, I’m going to have to disagree with you. Just saying “You’re playing dumb, everyone knows, etc.” doesn’t prove your case here does it? And I’m not sure being hostile towards me with insults for asking for proof helps your case all that much either. I’ve given you respect and haven’t called you any names in this discussion, so I believe I at least deserve that same respect in turn. If you don’t mind. Thanks!

So you made the claim that I was referring to mass rez in my OP. I want you to back up your statements with actual fact and not your own bias, or assumptions. Where have I made that statement in the OP? Can you please point it out? Yes or No? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Their trolling, just leave them be guys/girls. I was their the day they added that tag at the end of their posts, you’ll never guess what it was about.

Last I checked, the title says Mercy mains, hard to swallow pills.

Aka, difficult truths that people refuse to accept.

How is it off-topic to discuss what I perceive as a difficult truth for Mercy mains to accept :slight_smile:


See, I’m personally fine with any changes that doesn’t include Valkyrie. A revert or rework is perfectly fine to me. I would even get rid of Res if that meant that Valkyrie left the build forever also. I just hate that ultimate with a mad passion and want nothing more than to see it added to the “removed” section of the Wiki.

I’m sorry, are you generalizing all Mercy mains? I’m pretty sure what you believe is a “hard truth” in terms of mass rez, doesn’t apply to Mercy mains as a whole, since Mercy mains don’t all share the same views.

Once again, I believe you are avoiding the question. Where does the OP refer specifically to Mass Rez? Can you please point it out? Yes or No? I’d love to see the quote! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Literally everyone knows what’s implied when “they’re not reverting Mercy” is said, xavvy. And you don’t need me, or anyone else, to tell you that. You’re just feigning ignorance and trying to mince our words to say something else.

And you really shouldn’t be dodging GreyFalcon’s question either. I haven’t seen one post from you giving a Mercy suggestion that doesn’t involve Multi-Rez returning either. But by all means, do try to prove me wrong. Show us one single concept post that YOU’VE posted which doesn’t include Mass Rez in some form.

You can either open your eyes and see the harsh truth that is the case for you, or you can choose to live in bliss and stay ignorant. If you’re just gonna dodge everything that we’ve been overall stating to you for months, then you should honestly go somewhere else. The hard to swallow pill for you is your self-righteousness, causing you to dodge everything that we’ve stated.

This. Exactly this.


You repeat this damn argument every single mercy thread i find you in.
Evryone told you that some numerical reverts and a voiceline are not equal to a full on kit revert.
But you are so convinced of your righteousness (down to the signature, claiming you hold the “true, fair and fun” mercy experience, while saying that “you respect other’s opinions”) that you won’t see that and keep repeating the same three arguments about numbers and voicelines.
You are being condescending and you won’t realize that.

i counted. There are only FOUR non-mercy threads among the hot topics. FOUR, out of NINETEEN.

well you do generalize every single comment that doesn’t want mass rez back, so…


It doesn’t, but I figure I would contribute to the discussion with what I perceive as a “hard pill to swallow” for Mercy mains.

Or are we not allowed to contribute and discuss closely related topics relative to the original discussion post?

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I mean sure, go ahead and apply your personal biases to the post all you want. No one is gonna try and stop you. They might, however, try and talk some sense into you.

My bias is to make as many heroes viable as possible.

Must-pick heroes conflict with that.